【摘 要】小學阶段是学生发展的重要时期。由于小学生缺乏社会经验和自我控制能力,他们只是按照内心的想法行事,把情绪表达得非常清晰。基于小学生的这些特点,我们应该在小学教学中运用正确的心理辅导,为小学心理健康教育打下基础。
中图分类号:G621 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7485(2021)19-0049-02
Analysis on the Mental Health Education of Primary School Students
(Baojiacha Primary School,Weiyang Township,Longxi County,Gansu Province,China) LI Cheng
【Abstract】Primary school stage is an important period of student development. Because primary school students lack social experience and self-control ability, they just act according to their inner thoughts and express their emotions very clearly. Based on these characteristics of primary school students, we should use correct psychological guidance in primary school teaching to lay the foundation for primary school mental health education.
【Keywords】Primary school students;Mental health;Education