1. feel like a million dollars
After breathing fresh air, I felt like a million dollars. 呼吸新鲜空气之后,我感觉状态特别棒。
2. have a whale of a time
We had a whale of a time at your party. 我們在你的聚会上玩得很尽兴。
3. on cloud nine
大家看到这个词可能会联想到“九霄云外”,其实on cloud nine的意思是“欣喜若狂,乐得找不着北”。如:
She was on cloud nine when she heard the good news. 她听到那个好消息时非常高兴。
4. in a good mood
He is clearly in a good mood today. 很明显,他今天心情不错。
5. walk on air
字面上,walk on air有点像“在空气上行走”,但它的意思是“兴高采烈,得意洋洋”。如:
Jack seemed to be walking on air after hearing the news. 杰克听到这个消息后,似乎很高兴。