A long time ago, in April, when I was eight, Dad took me fishing. And it was fine to me if it was cold, or if there was still snow on the road.
“Help me find my warm shoes?” I asked. And he did. Then I helped Dad make my favorite food. “Wheres my bag?” I asked. He found it for me.
“This is how Im going to get a fish,” I said. I showed my birthday gift—a new fishing rod1, swung2 it around, and broke3 the water glass from the kitchen table. Then he helped me clean up the kitchen.
Mom just stood. I dont think she was sad. Just happy her boys were going fishing together, anywhere out of the house.
We put many things in our pickup truck4. First my fishing rod was too long in the front. So I put it in the back. Then I put our bags with sandwiches and water right beside it. I forgot our fishing box with some lures5, but Dad didnt. He gave the green box to me.
The road was full of stones6. And they flew behind us. But I couldnt see much. Then we hit a huge stone. “My fishing rod!” I shouted, as I saw it jump from the truck. Dad stopped the car and I flew across the seat.
“I saw it fly across that ditch7,” I said. Dad went down and went on some ice. “Dont get wet8!” I shouted. But he did.
Soon dad came back with my gift. It was broken and was shorter than before. After starting on our way, I could now keep my fishing rod in my lap9. And I stopped crying.
Its hard to try and be a man when your birthday gift tries to fly then gets broken. At least it fit inside the front of the truck. “Does that mean I cant go fishing?” I asked.
“No,” Dad answered. “Im going to show you another way to fish,” he said. “Just like my own dad showed me.”
“At least were still going fishing!” I shouted. After a while, my hat flew with the wind. Dad stopped the truck and this time I went along to help him find it. I tried not to see him talking to himself.
“Keep it in your lap,” he said. “This is where we begin,” Dad said when we finally stopped. There are many icy ditches on the road. He said, “Try not to get wet.” But I did.
It was fun jumping on the ice, except10 when I broke through. Good thing is he brought a pair of trousers for me. He must know me really well by now.
Finally we go to the lake. It seems like we walked half way around the world. Most of the ice is gone. The waters too cold for me though. I just want to fish.
I watch dad show me my grandfathers way to fish, without a fishing rod.
He finds a heavy stone, wraps11 some line12 around it then ties a knot13. After that he makes a little circle14 with the rest15 of the line, beside his foot. And ties a silver spinner16 to the very end. Then he makes another knot keeping it fast to the strong black line.
Then he begins to twirl17 the line. He does that many times and sends it flying over the water. I cant wait for me to try.
“Do you want some help?” Dad asked.
“No, I want to do it all by myself.”
“Did you watch everything I did?” he asked.
“Yes,” I answer. “And Im going to throw18 it farther than you!” I take my line and wrap it around another stone. Then I make a circle with the rest beside my feet. And tie my special gold spoon19 to the end I am going to throw.
My first throw goes backwards and ends on a tree. But Dad gets it down for me. I think he breaks his trousers. Now Im ready to start twirling again. First, I do one big circle, then two, then three. And at last let go. My spoon goes up and up.
A lucky crow20 gets out of the way. The crow might think its a truck...no, maybe a plane that flies. My line flies through the air just like a plane.
It goes and goes and...Oh, oh. “Dad, I forgot to make a knot when I wrapped the line around my stone!”
I remember long ago how he shook21 his head. And smiled22. Now I do too. I think hes still out there on the lake. And hes looking for a lost gold spoon for his little boy.