Text by Chen Xi Photos by Zhu Xiyong
The tree seeing off the sun over the city 夕阳下
Seemingly overnight,a tree on the bank of the Yangtze River became an internet fad.
Standing quietly near Tieji Road Wharf on the Wuchang Bund and gazing over the flowing Yangtze River,this Italian poplar has been bathing in the spring breeze and the autumn moon over the years,with a large green lawn behind and a bench on its right.
As there’s no other tree within 50 meters,it has become a landmark in the area,which has stirred up a sensation online.
People have been swarming here to meet it with curiosity.They come on sunny days,sitting quietly on the bench.The silhouetted picture from the back,with the tree,bench,and people in the foreground and bustling skyscrapers across the river and the boats on the surging water,forms a natural and meaningful landscape composition.
People come in heavy rains,sitting on the bench with an umbrella in hand and watching the torrential rains over the tumbling river.Sitting here,one can feel their heart and mind become transparent,wishes and worries heard by the nature around,and pressure and anxiety washed away by the water.
People come after the rain.Sitting there gazing into the distance,breathing deep and relaxing one’s mind,one may let go of every worry and care in the world for a moment.
People come at dusk,holding the hands of their love.After a long and tiring day,they can now relax and enjoy the glowing sunset and poetic tranquility.
People come in their wedding dresses,letting the unique and tranquil landscape witness their most sweet and beautiful moment.
以半径50 米环顾一周再无一株树,看似孤独落寞的它,置身此情此景中,就这么自然地擦出了火花,火啦!
这幅“画”是人为设计的?“浑然天成。”周晓煜介绍,原址是一个旧厂区,改造成江滩时,它周边树木大多有病虫害或长势不好,唯保留它这棵独苗,设计大草坪是供游人扎帐篷,那把长椅是供游客休息,每100 米放置一个,恰巧放在那棵树右边,没想到成“点睛之笔”。
The tree waiting for an upcoming storm 暴雨前
The tree on a cloudy day 多云时
People visit and look up to the tree.The tree listens and soothes people’s hearts,greeting them with blessings.
Surrounded by an endless stream of tourists,the tree went viral online.
“We didn’t expect such an ordinary tree to become an internet celebrity,” said Zhou Xiaoyu,who’s in charge of the management of the Wuchang Bund.Maybe part of the reason is that this scene strikes the secret solitary in people’s hearts.There are some other similar trees on the bund,but none of the others seem to have the elegance and charisma this one has.
People wonder if this tree was deliberately designed.“It’s 100% natural,” Zhou Xiaoyu explained.Its location used to be an old factory site before it was transformed into part of the bund.Most of the trees were removed due to pest-related diseases or maldevelopment—except for this one.The large lawn was there for tourists to put up tents and one bench was placed every 100 meters along the bund.This particular bench ended on the right side of the tree and unexpectedly became the “finishing touch” of the scene.
“It’s quiet now.On sunny days it gets too crowded,” commented a tourist the day before yesterday while taking pictures after the rain.According to him,this tree is attractive because of the tranquility,simplicity,and nature it passes to modern urban people.
Perhaps even the prosperous skyscrapers on the other side of the river cast an envious eye upon this poplar tree standing there in peace.
Leading a fast-paced life in a noisy metropolis,we can’t help feeling blessed that there is such a beautiful tree tucked away,where everyone can calm down and enjoy the stillness.
What excitement will the upcoming summer days bring for the tree? What would the tree look like against the crimson clouds in a resplendent sunset? We’ll have to wait for you to unveil the answer when you visit.(Translation:Lu Qiongyao)
The tree bathing in the sunlight 晴天里
The tree bathing in the rain 小雨中