Weddingmoon 婚礼蜜月
Meaning: A vacation that includes both a wedding ceremony and a honeymoon.
“We began the concept of combining wedding and honeymoon in one,” said spokesperson Vanessa Lane, “We coined the term ‘weddingmoonbecause as soon as the wedding is over, honeymoon begins.”
Familymoon 家庭蜜月
Meaning: A honeymoon in which the bride and groom also bring their children from previous marriages.
With three birthdays, a wedding and a “familymoon,” weve had a lot of celebrations in our family lately.
Starter Marriage 起步婚姻/新手婚姻
Meaning: A first marriage that lasts only a short time and that ends in a clean (i.e., no kids, no property, no acrimony) divorce.
现代人生活节奏快,行色匆匆,饮食也追求快速便捷,就连婚姻生活也难以幸免,于是便衍生出了“闪婚”和“闪离”。所谓“闪婚”,就是闪电结婚,指恋人从相识到结婚只经历了很短一段时间,尤指一些忙于事业的大龄青年不愿陷入恋爱的拉锯战而对结婚速战速决。“闪离”则是闪电离婚,维持婚姻状态很短的时间就离婚的行为,80后独生子女是“闪离”的高发人群,造成这一现象的原因是小两口缺乏忍让和宽容。“闪婚”和“闪离”都可以算是“起步婚姻”,又称为“新手婚姻(starter marriage)”,指的是第一段持续时间不长的婚姻,离婚时没有子女抚养权、财产分配等问题,没有相互间的冷嘲热讽。
When I look back on my starter marriage, I realize how important it was; it helped shape me into the better wife that I am today in my second marriage.
Unwedding Ceremony 离婚仪式
Meaning: A formal ceremony held to celebrate a couples divorce and to acknowledge their married life. Also: unwedding.
還记得电影《非诚勿扰2》开始的场景吗?一对身着黑衣的“旧人”在众亲友的见证下换回戒指,虽然带有黑色幽默,但是在现实生活中,离婚仪式(unwedding ceremony)也确实是存在的,指的是正式的庆祝夫妻离婚的仪式,缅怀再也不能继续下去的婚姻生活。此情不在,仅留回忆吧。
I think there should be an unwedding ceremony when you get divorced. Where the woman wears black instead of white, and instead of talking about how much you love each other, you talk about why you dont want to be together anymore.