
2021-06-30 06:11:04张展羽曹德君
农业工程学报 2021年7期

王 策,张展羽,,曹德君,陈 于,齐 伟,马 靓


王 策1,张展羽1,2※,曹德君3,陈 于4,齐 伟2,马 靓1

(1. 河海大学农业科学与工程学院,南京 211100; 2. 河海大学水利水电学院,南京 210098;3. 南京市长江河道管理处,南京 210011; 4. 江苏省农村水利科技发展中心,南京 210029)



0 引 言



目前常用土壤物理方法(收缩特征曲线)、断裂力学理论方法和裂隙网络随机法3种途径进行裂隙模拟,例如,Vogel 等[16]将土壤间黏聚力简化为弹性弹簧系统断裂问题,提出了基于胡克弹簧系统的裂隙延展模型;Chertkov[17]在细观尺度下对黏性颗粒和团聚体的收缩特征进行模拟,可预测细观尺度有限尺寸条件下的裂隙率随含水率变化;在数值模拟和计算机技术大背景下,研究者也尝试采用LEFM、离散元和有限元方法,对裂隙发育演化问题进行模拟研究[18-22]。基于土壤收缩特征曲线,Stewart等[23]提出了团聚体、沉降域和裂隙域的孔隙随含水率变化物理控制方程,然而未引入土壤收缩各向异性特征。Neely等[24]采用线胀率(Coefficient of Linear Extensibility,COLE)对Bronswijk裂隙体积预测模型进行了改进,合理地预测了田间原位裂隙体积,然而同样忽略了收缩各向异性问题。在土壤裂隙开闭及其优先流研究中,通常过于关注裂隙本身而忽略变形各向异性问题,例如Coppola等[25]构建的裂隙流双渗透模型中,仅考虑裂隙优先通道随含水率的动态愈合过程而忽略了土壤纵向膨缩。土壤膨缩各向异性或裂隙发育程度不均匀性关系到裂隙率预测及其优先流模拟精度,是值得关注的问题。


1 裂隙率预测模型理论


1.1 模型假设和物理描述

1.1.1 裂隙率预测模型假设


1.1.2 收缩(或开裂)物理描述






Note:is volume, cm3, and the subscript ‘total, crack, sub, v,agg, a, s and w’ denote ‘total volume, crack volume, subsidence volume, porosity volume of aggregated matrix, air phase volume, soil particles volume and water volume’, respectively.

图1 土壤收缩过程中基质域、裂隙域和沉降域随含水率变化

Fig.1 Variations in matrix, crack and subsidence domain with varying water content during soil shrinkage



1.2 裂隙率预测模型

1.2.1 基质域孔隙率模型——土壤收缩VG-PENG曲线


1.2.2 沉降域孔隙率模型




Note:, Δ,0and Δare total soil volume before shrinkage (cm3), change in soil volume (cm3), initial height of soil layer (cm) and vertical subsidence of soil layer (cm), respectively.

图2 干燥过程中土壤纵向沉降和横向收缩(或开裂)示意图

Fig.2 Sketch of soil vertical subsidence and horizontal shrinkage (cracking) during soil drying






1.2.3 裂隙率预测模型



1.3 收缩几何因子模型








1.4 模型验证与评估




2 材料与方法


2.1 供试土样及其裂隙演化试验

土壤试样取自河海大学江宁节水园区试验场稻麦轮作大田(31°86′N,118°60′E),该地区位于长江中下游,年均降雨量1 106 mm,年均蒸发量900 mm,土壤试样为黏棕壤,隶属于棕色石灰土亚类灰泥土属,总孔隙度为53.5%,年平均日照总时间为2 017.2 h,≥10 ℃积温为4 838.2 ℃。在表层0~40 cm取样过筛后自然风干,将其按田间原表层容重1.30 g/cm3回填至尺寸为22.0 cm(长)× 22.0 cm(宽)×10 cm(高)的有机玻璃容器内,回填土壤质量为699.6 g,试样回填高度精准控制在10 mm,试样厚度采用容器四侧内壁刻度测定,试样初始含水率为4.8%。预湿润过程采用模拟喷灌将400 g蒸馏水均匀喷洒至土壤表面,达到饱和且有1 mm左右微薄层水,放置于室内自然干燥(温度(25±2)℃,相对湿度45%±10%)。脱湿过程中,每8 h拍摄记录裂隙形态以及土壤层厚度(分别测定四边土层厚度求平均),保证相机固定(Canon 60D,18~135 mm镜头)和光源均衡,设置2组重复。同时,采用相同试样在同等环境中测定土壤收缩特征,按原容重将风干土回填至200 cm3的环刀中(直径70 mm,高度52 mm),将试样自下而上饱和处理。脱湿过程中称质量测定试样质量变化,采用游标卡尺(精度0.02 mm)测定试样的直径和高度(各方向测5次求平均值),脱湿结束后置于105 ℃烘箱内烘干,并测定土颗粒质量和干容重,后期推算孔隙率和体积含水比,并绘制其关系曲线。

2.2 图像处理与参数提取

采用图像批量处理与形态学算法,基于MATLAB R2018a自编Script脚本提取裂隙面积率。截取裂隙图像中心20 cm×20 cm作为研究区域(像素尺寸为2 400×2 400),消除容器边界效应。图像中裂隙区域颜色深度高于基质域,可根据图像灰度直方图分布,采用自适应阈值分割方法优选临界灰度值(),将大于该值的基质域和小于该值的裂隙域区分,分别赋值1和0,输出裂隙二值图像(见图3),统计裂隙像素数量比例,计算裂隙域面积率(cr)[12,38]。试样为薄层土壤,裂隙在发育过程中存在贯穿现象,可近似地将假设中“裂隙剖面呈现出倒三角形或楔形”进一步简化为裂隙矩形剖面,根据土壤层厚度和表面裂隙面积率估算裂隙率,即:




2.3 文献数据提取

表1 土壤试样物理参数

注:为直径;为高度;RH为相对湿度,NA表示暂无数据。粒径<0.002、0.002~<0.02、0.02~2.0 mm分别为黏粒、粉粒和砂粒。土壤质地以ISSS标准划分。SD,取样深度; SVR,饱和孔隙比;PD,颗粒密度;RVD,残余孔隙比。

Note:is diameter;is height; RH is relative humidity; NA means not available. Particle size <0.002, 0.002-0.02 and 0.02-2.0 mm are clay, silt and sand. Soil texture is classified by ISSS standard. SD, sampling depth; SVR, saturated void ratio; PD, particle density; RVD, residual void ratio.

2.4 统计分析及模型评价指标

拟采用决定系数(Coefficient of determination,2)、均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE)和平均绝对误差(Mean Absolute Error,MAE),评估模型预测优度,检验模拟值与实测值之间的差异[39]。

3 结果与分析

3.1 收缩几何因子模型

表2 收缩几何因子模型拟合参数及拟合优度


Note:s,maxands,minare maximum and minimum shrinkage geometry factor fitted from Logistic model, respectively;andare the fitted translation coefficient and growing velocity factor, respectively.


3.2 收缩特征曲线VG-PENG模型

本文基于第1~2组CW1和CW2收缩和开裂试验,以及已发表文献中第5组和第18组实测数据,对式(9)VG-PENG收缩模型进行了验证,评估了模拟值和实测值之间拟合优度,结果详见表3及图5。结果表明,VG-PENG收缩特征模型较好地描述基质域孔隙率随含水率变化过程,各组2>0.98, RMSE<0.04,拟合效果显著,其结果与文献[10]相一致。此外,基于和两参数的Stewart收缩模型同样具有高预测精度,与VG-PENG模型均为连续可导的“S”型函数,为后续裂隙率预测提供了可靠的曲线模型基础。相比之下,VG-PENG收缩模型源起于VG持水曲线模型,具有一定的应用基础。

表3 收缩特征曲线VG-PENG模型和Stewart模型拟合参数及其优度


Note:maxandminare the maximum and minimum porosity of matrix domain, respectively;,andare the fitted parameters in VG-PENG model, respectively;andare the fitted parameters in Stewart model.

3.3 裂隙域孔隙率预测模型验证

4 讨 论

4.1 土壤收缩各向异性及裂隙发育机理


4.2 裂隙率预测模型优度分析


5 结 论


2)VG型式的VG-PENG收缩特征曲线模型包括2个估算参数和3个拟合参数,可精确模拟多种类型土壤收缩特征,拟合效果显著(2>0.98, RMSE<0.04)。



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Crack porosity estimation model based on VG-PENG shrinkage characteristic curve and soil shrinkage anisotropy

Wang Ce1, Zhang Zhanyu1,2※, Cao Dejun3, Chen Yu4, Qi Wei2, Ma Liang1

(1.,,211100,; 2.,,210098,; 3.210011,; 4.,210029,)

Soil shrinkage and cracking are essential behavior during dehydration in the environmental geotechnical engineering of farmland. Their quantification can be necessary to determine the soil physical-hydraulic parameters and crack preferential flow in soils. In the present study, a new predicting model was proposed for the crack ratio with respect to soil water content using a VG-based soil shrinkage characteristic curve and soil shrinkage anisotropy factor. The migration and transition of pores were also considered in the solid-liquid-gas phase system in soil matrix-subsidence-crack domains. This model included a VG-based soil shrinkage characteristic model, a shrinkage anisotropy model using a Logistic curve, and the soil cracking ratio model. An indoor experiment was conducted to investigate the soil shrinkage characteristics and cracking behavior. The crack ratio was determined using image processing techniques and morphological features. The experimental data was used to evaluate the fitting of a model for cracking ratio evolution. The results showed that the VG-based shrinkage model (VG-PENG model),three fitting parameters, and two estimated parameters, well predicted the soil shrinkage characteristics in various types of soils (2>0.97, RMSE<0.04). The Logistic model was first introduced into the expression of soil shrinkage geometry, which was previously used to describe the growth principles under limited resources. Quantification of soil shrinkage anisotropy showed that the soil shrinkage was highly anisotropic. The soil shrinkage exhibited only subsidence with shrinkage geometric factor approximately equivalent to 1 in the early phase of the soil dehydration. The shrinkage showed mainly vertical subsidence with a light horizontal shrinkage (or cracking) in the middle phase, with shrinkage geometric factor varying between 1 and 3. The shrinkage geometry factor tended to be stabilized in the late phase, indicating a residual state of shrinkage. The anisotropic shrinkage with rapid change occurred in the relative water content of 0.3-0.7. The logistic shrinkage anisotropy model well predicted the shrinkage geometric factor with respect to the water content. A new model was also proposed to predict the evolution of crack ratio with respect to water content. The curve of the model showed sigmoid characteristics, depending highly on shrinkage properties and anisotropy. The simulated data showed better agreement with the experimental one, indicating an extremely significant level (2=0.974,<0.001). Since the water content within the soil layer was assumed evenly distributed, this model was considered to be appropriate in a relatively limited height of the soil layer. The evolution of crack ratio was predicted from a perspective view of soil physics rather than a mechanical view. Consequently, the soil shrinkage anisotropy was fully integrated into the modelling of the cracking ratio. A significant innovation was also made to apply the VG-type shrinkage characteristic curve to crack ratio prediction. The crack porosity prediction belonged to the field of soil physics to describe the evolution of cracking ratio using the shrinkage curve and geometry factor. The proposed model well predicted the cracking ratio in surface soils with high accuracy and convenience. A further investigation was also needed to explore the efficacy of the crack ratio model on undisturbed soils, and the effects of substrate properties on cracking behaviors. The research can provide a promising theoretical basis and parameter prediction for soil water-solute movement in soils with variable-solid phase and preferential flow in soil physics and hydrology.

farmlands; soils; cracks; shrinkage characteristic curve; shrinkage geometry factor; Logistic model; crack porosity model










王策,张展羽,曹德君,等. 基于VG-PENG收缩特征曲线与收缩各向异性的裂隙率估算模型[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(7):112-121. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.014 http://www.tcsae.org

Wang Ce, Zhang Zhanyu, Cao Dejun, et al. Crack porosity estimation model based on VG-PENG shrinkage characteristic curve and soil shrinkage anisotropy[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(7): 112-121. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.014 http://www.tcsae.org

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