
2021-06-30 01:26:08孔凡婷陈长林孙勇飞
农业工程学报 2021年7期

孔凡婷,吴 腾,陈长林,孙勇飞,谢 庆,石 磊


孔凡婷,吴 腾,陈长林,孙勇飞,谢 庆,石 磊※

(农业农村部南京农业机械化研究所,南京 210014)



0 引 言



籽棉压缩过程的力学特性是籽棉收获、打包等装备优化设计的基础,尤其是打包机研发过程中,籽棉压缩力学特性对打包机预压过程中预压辊的结构及工艺参数、打包过程中喂入量与打包带转速优化匹配、打包辊结构、布置与工作参数及包装过程中包膜机构的结构与工艺参数、打包膜物理特性要求等影响较大。但目前关于农业物料压缩力学特性的研究多集中于玉米、小麦或牧草秸秆等物料。Sun等[4]、邢献军等[5]、马彦华等[6]、Huang等[7]分别对玉米秸秆进行了不同的力学特性试验研究;马瑞峻等[8]、Nona等[9]、 Zhang等[10]、吴敏等[11]、房佳佳等[12]学者分别对小麦、水稻秸秆及苜蓿类牧草等物料进行了压缩力学试验及分析;朱凯等[13]进行了粉体棉花秸秆应力松弛特性试验并将所得数据拟合分析;Yang等[14]、刘庆庭等[15]学者对竹子、甘蔗等硬质秸秆物料的压缩力学特性展开研究与分析;部分学者对去籽皮棉压缩特性[16-18]进行研究,Hardin等[19-20]对籽棉压缩和蠕变开展研究,其主要研究打垛过程中籽棉力学特性,压缩密度范围较小(64~128 kg/m3),不能为打包装备研发提供理论参考。目前,各种物料压缩或成型的建模以及对成型块质量的影响因素分析已取得一定进展,霍丽丽等[21]、陈啸等[22]、马方等[23]、Kaliyan等[24]进行了生物质物料的本构模型构建研究及分析,并为生产实践提供了良好的理论支撑。


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料与设备

1.1.1 试验材料


1.1.2 试验设备

试验使用的主要设备为WDW-10 微机控制电子万能试验机及自制压缩模具,如图1所示。万能试验机试验力示值精度在±1%内,最大试验力为10 kN;压缩模具主要包括压缩腔及压缩杆:压缩腔由PVC管制作与底板螺纹连接,便于拆卸;压缩杆与压缩端销轴连接。其他辅助仪器包括南京试验仪器厂生产的DGH30-1A型电热鼓风干燥箱;中国上海立晨仪器技术有限公司生产的YP300001D电子秤(量程0~30kg,精度0.1 g);游标卡尺、直尺和秒表等。

1.2 试验方法

本文对籽棉进行单向施力挤压,以籽棉在受压状态下的应力应变变化作为表征籽棉压缩性能的重点指标。预试验结果显示,籽棉的棉纤维属于应变敏感材料,静态压缩条件下加载速度对籽棉压缩应力无明显影响;而喂入量及含水率对压缩及应力松弛力学特性值具有较大影响,因此选择喂入量及含水率作为籽棉压缩及应力松弛力学特性试验的因素。收获时因采棉机采摘原理不同及季节气候影响,收获籽棉含水率范围在10%~30%,因此将试样进行预调湿处理,将每组试样放置在温度为50 ℃、湿度为10%的环境下预调湿2h,然后在温度20 ℃、相对湿度6%的恒温恒湿条件下调湿24h后进行测试[25]。

籽棉压缩及应力松弛试验均在万能试验机上进行,为减少误差,基于试验条件将0.1、0.15、0.2 kg不同喂入量籽棉自由堆放至压缩腔,为保证籽棉压缩效果并兼顾效率,以30 mm/min压缩速度分别对10%、20%、30%含水率的籽棉进行试验。每组试验重复3次。对不同含水率的籽棉试验数据,分别以喂入量-序号进行重复性试验编号。

1.2.1 压缩试验

约翰迪尔打包采棉一体机打包密度为220 kg/m3,预试验将不同含水率的籽棉压缩至约400 kg/m3时棉籽产生破坏。因此,设定压缩杆从籽棉自由堆积密度87.73 kg/m3压缩至指定密度250 kg/m3后停止加载,由万能试验机记录加载过程的负荷值,由此表征籽棉在整个压缩过程中的受力情况。压缩过程中将籽棉视为一个集合体,在万能试验机输入压缩截面积及压缩位移量,试验软件将测得负荷值及形变量自动将坐标变换可得到应力及应变值。

1.2.2 应力松弛试验


1.3 试验结果

1.3.1 压缩试验数值


注:图中0.1kg-、0.15 kg-、0.2 kg-(=1,2,3)分别代表0.1 kg、0.15 kg、0.2 kg喂入量的3组重复试验编号,下同。

Note: The 0.1 kg-, 0.15 kg-, 0.2 kg-(=1,2,3) stand for test No. were repeated in three groups of 0.1 kg, 0.15 kg, 0.2 kg feeding quantity, The same below.

图2 不同含水率籽棉压缩应力应变曲线

Fig.2 Compression stress-strain curve of seed cotton with different moisture content

棉籽上均布棉纤维的籽棉与其他农业物料相比,压缩过程中的力学变化比较复杂,主要表现为粘弹特性。刚开始压缩时,籽棉纤维间的间隙逐渐减小,主要为棉纤维内部纤维束发生弯折弹性变形及纤维间内摩擦的粘性,此阶段应力近似线性缓慢增加以排除纤维间空隙为主,定义为排空阶段;该阶段曲线表现为近似线性,此过程物料松散变形虽大,但应力变化很小。随着压缩空间减小,单向压力从纤维传递至棉籽,棉籽在力的作用下产生滑移及变形,因棉籽排列方式的随机性,此阶段应力变化加速且可能有阶跃式变化,内部纤维体受压穿插、滑移,进行内部调整,定义为滑移变形阶段,应力应变曲线呈逐渐上升趋势。当籽棉压缩密度达到约150 kg/m3后继续压缩,此阶段内部应力随应变增加而急剧上升,集合体内部纤维排列紧密,主要以棉纤维自身受压发生部分塑性变形、物料间内摩擦的粘性及棉籽受压的弹性变形为主,该阶段定义为非线性粘弹塑性变形阶段;此阶段曲线表现为快速上升,即压缩应变较小时应力快速上升。

1.3.2 应力松弛试验数值

以30mm/min压缩速度分别对10%、20%、30%含水率;0.1、0.15、0.2 kg不同喂入量的籽棉压缩停止加载后,压缩杆保持90 s变形得到的应力松弛曲线,每组试验重复3次。由图3可知,各组重复试验得到的曲线特征基本一致,即应力随时间呈先快后慢的非线性减少,最后曲线趋于恒定值,这与秸秆、草料等农业物料应力松弛取得结果一致[8,12]。

2 模型构建


2.1 压缩本构模型




Note:is total stress, MPa;0is viscosity modulus of tandem Newtonian body, MPa·s;1is elasticity modulus of tandem Hookean body, MPa;2is elasticity modulus ofHookean body in Kelvin body, MPa;2is viscosity modulus of Newtonian body in Kelvin body, MPa·s;σis initialstress of Cullen body, MPa;3is viscosity modulus of Newtonian body in Viscoplastic body, MPa·s.

图4 压缩力学模型

Fig.4 Compression mechanical model
























2.2 应力松弛本构模型







Note:Eis elasticity modulus of Hookean body, MPa;is viscosity modulus of Newtonian body in Maxwell body, MPa·s;Eis elasticity modulus ofHookean body inMaxwell body, MPa;is viscosity modulus of Newtonian body in parallel Maxwell body, MPa·s;Eis elasticity modulus ofHookean body in parallel Maxwell body, MPa.

图6 应力松弛力学模型

Fig.6 Stress relaxation mechanical model


3 参数确定与分析

3.1 参数确定

基于籽棉在压缩过程中经历的弹性变形和塑性变形及籽棉纤维间固有的粘阻性和受压后表现出的粘结性,将籽棉压缩应力应变曲线分为近似线性、逐渐上升和快速上升3个阶段。为较好的拟合籽棉压缩力学特性曲线采用改进西原模型进行建模,将应力应变试验数据导入Origin Pro 8软件并输入籽棉本构模型,以曲线拟合法求解压缩本构模型的参数值;将求解的模型参数值输入SPSS 22软件进行数据处理得到不同因素水平下籽棉压缩的模型参数,利用Duncan均值多重比较法对结果进行对比分析,结果如表1所示。

表1 含水率和喂入量对籽棉压缩本构模型参数的影响


Note: The results are compared by Duncan’s multiple comparisons, different letters on shoulder indicate significant difference among difference moisture content groups (lowercase letters) and difference feeding quantity groups (uppercase letter) (<0.05). The same below.


以曲线拟合法分别求解10%、20%、30%含水率及0.10、0.15、0.20 kg喂入量的试验条件下籽棉应力松弛模型参数值,再利用Duncan均值多重比较法进行对比分析,分析结果见表2。



表2 含水率和喂入量对籽棉应力松弛模型参数的影响

3.2 各因素对压缩力学特性影响

3.2.1 含水率

3.2.2 喂入量


3.3 各因素对应力松弛力学特性影响

3.3.1 含水率


3.3.2 喂入量


4 结 论





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Mechanical properties and construction of constitutive model for compression and stress relaxation of seed cotton

Kong Fanting, Wu Teng, Chen Changlin, Sun Yongfei, Xie Qing, Shi Lei※


Cotton is one of the most important cash crops and textile materials in the world. The cotton production of China is also ranked at the top of the world, in terms of planting area and total yield. Specifically, the growing area of cotton is annually more than 3 million hectares. Packing storage and transportation of seed cotton have become two main determinants of production capacity in the cotton industry. However, the traditional storage and transportation of seed cotton cannot meet the high demand for the machine-picked cotton area in recent years. The packing facilities inevitably need to fit into the specific producing conditions in China, such as local topography, climate, and vegetation. Mechanical properties of seed cotton are thus fundamental, including compression and stress relaxation, to the optimal design of equipment for harvesting, stacking, and packing. Most previous researches were focused mainly on the mechanical properties of corn, wheat, and herbage straw in agricultural materials. Few studies were reported on the mechanical properties of seed cotton, particularly on compression and stress relaxation. Taking the seed cotton as the research object in this study, a systematic test of mechanical properties was performed on the compression and stress relaxation of seed cotton. An improved Nishihara model and a generalized Maxwell 5-element mechanical model were selected to represent the stress-strain curves of compression and stress relaxation. Various level factors were utilized to verify the constitutive models for the compression and stress relaxation of seed cotton. Relevant model parameters were obtained to determine the influence rules with different factors. The results showed that the determination coefficients of parameters in the constitutive model were beyond 0.9 using the curve-fitting in the compression and stress relaxation of seed cotton. An obvious regularity of coefficients indicated that two models were better suitable for the compression and stress relaxation of seed cotton. There was also a significant influence of water content and feeding quantity on the mechanical properties of seed cotton. Furthermore, the compression stress was positively correlated to the water content and feeding quantity. In addition, the viscosity coefficient and elastic modulus increased significantly at a higher level of water content, due mainly to the porosity of cotton fiber. The cell wall of fiber became stronger and tougher, because the hydrophilic groups on the cellulose macromolecule absorbed water from the external environment. The curl of cotton fiber also made the fiber shrink longitudinally and elastic elongation during the compression under the larger amount of feeding quantity, where there was a significant increase in the overall longitudinal deformability of seed cotton and the elastic modulus. The viscosity coefficient and packing height both rose up significantly, while the pressure transmission path was longer for the naturally stacked seed cotton in the same compression chamber, as the feeding quantity was larger. The main reason was that the bending deformation, contact and extrusion were induced to generate the greater local stress between the fiber bodies during the compressing process of seed cotton. Moreover, the water content was positively correlated to the elastic modulus and viscosity coefficient of seed cotton. This positive correlation was possible because the natural twist of cotton made the fibers entangled, linked, and adhered, difficult to disperse during the stress relaxation of seed cotton. Correspondingly, the elastic modulus and viscosity coefficient increased significantly, as the feeding quantity increased. This improvement was due mainly to a non-uniform attenuation rate of pressure during the stress relaxation of seed cotton. There were much more contact points of fiber curl subjected to the greater feeding amount of seed cotton. The elastic modulus increased, while the relaxation pressure was transferred from the bottom to the top of seed cotton. The adhesion force between fibers and the viscosity coefficient rapidly rose with the motion resistance increased. This finding can provide an insightful theoretical basis to simulate the compression of seed cotton in most machine-picked cotton areas.

compression; stress relaxation; constitutive model; experimental study; seed cotton





石磊,研究员,主要研究方向为大田作物机械化收获。 Email:shileijsnj@126.com





孔凡婷,吴腾,陈长林,等. 籽棉压缩与应力松弛力学特性及模型构建[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(7):53-60. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.007 http://www.tcsae.org

Kong Fanting, Wu Teng, Chen Changlin, et al. Mechanical properties and construction of constitutive model for compression and stress relaxation of seed cotton[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(7): 53-60. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.007 http://www.tcsae.org

工程与建设(2019年3期)2019-10-10 01:40:44
中国卫生(2014年8期)2014-11-12 13:00:56