Product by CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) 美國学校网络联合会
Theres no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has, and continues to have, a profound impact on education and society. The degree of that lasting effect will depend on the education ecosystems level of commitment to, and capacity for, change and transformation. The Driving K-12 Innovation framework helps us make sense of the state of the world, no matter what the current state may be— possibilities, and paths forward. Advisory Board members shared many ways in which our world is changing and in many cases how the current state is amplifying Hurdles, Accelerators, and Tech Enablers.
Top 3 Hurdles
1.Digital Equity
Digital Equity includes three, interrelated components: digital foundations, conditions for learning, and meaningful learning opportunities. This nuanced hurdle encompasses more than just equitable access to quality digital technologies such as high-speed internet and powerful computing devices both inside and outside of school. It also includes ensuring that students have the knowledge and skills to use technology in the service of learning; that they interact with robust and accessible content and programs; that students and their identities are represented with and by the technologies themselves; and that they experience meaningful opportunities that empower them as learners.
2.Scaling and Sustaining Innovation
Whether it be practices for effective teaching and learning, organizational business processes, or technology usage, schools are challenged to engage in and effectively scale innovation. Major challenges include: supporting risk-taking projects and identifying value-adding innovations; building ongoing investment support for integration; adapting what is working well at a small scale and scaling it out across a school, district, or state/country; and embracing the transformation of practices and culture ushered in by innovations.
3.Evolution of Teaching and Learning
The teaching and learning landscape is changing, opening up the opportunity to move toward a better balance of teacher facilitation and student learning. As teaching, learning, and learning outcomes are constantly being redefined, schools are tasked with ensuring that teaching practices and pedagogies intentionally integrate advances in technology and learning sciences. Professional development is essential in this evolution.
Top 3 Accelerators
As the consumer sector has exploded with new ways to customize user experiences and products, schools are also finding ways to provide customized learning and support at the individual level. Personalized learning happens when all aspects of learning are directed by the needs of the learner. This includes teachers shaping the teaching and learners directing the learning in ways that honor the variability of learners needs and strengths including pace, pathways, strategies and demonstrating knowledge/skills.
2.Social and Emotional Learning
A core function of education is building skills and understanding for mental, social, and emotional wellbeing, including empathy, grit, persistence, flexibility, and adaptability. These capabilities shape mindsets and enhance successful learning, collaboration, problem-solving, and civic responsibility. In the face of remote learning and the adaptations necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, many learners, families, and educators are experiencing tremendous anxiety, loneliness, mental stress, trauma, and grief. In this moment educators are challenged to think about how Social Emotional needs are enhanced or diminished with varying uses of technology, and to reimagine school norms to better enable the wellbeing of staff, learners, and parents/guardians.
3.Learner Autonomy
Learner Autonomy is all about student agency, encompassing anything from letting students choose how they access content, to how they organize their learning, to how they exhibit their learning. Productive struggle informed choice, freedom, and flexibility are growing values in K-12, especially as students learn to form decision-making and time management habits that set them up for life success. Schools play a major role in scaffolding learner autonomy and cultivating intentional development of student capacities to make effective use of their autonomy to help them harness the power of their own agency.