Theres a light inside of all of us
Its never hiding, you just have to light it
Its the one thing that you gotta trust
Its like a diamond, you just have to find it
So if you ever feel like giving up
Yeah, just remember that
We were all meant to fly
Spread your wings across the universe
Its your time to, its your time to shine
Theres a light inside of all of us
Soon youll find that its your time to fly
Your time to fly
A little help its all it ever takes
Somebody else just tell you its worth fighting
A single step becomes a leap of faith
Thats when you realize that youve started flying
So dont you ever say youre giving up
No, theres no looking back
Cause we were all meant to fly
Spread your wings across the universe
Its your time to, its your time to shine
《翱翔之際》由歌手Avril Lavigne和Chad Kroeger,以及制作人David Hodges共同创作完成,是2015年世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会的宣传曲。该单曲的所有收益都捐给了特奥会,同时也促进艾薇儿慈善基金会的工作,致力于帮助儿童、残障青年,以及患有严重疾病的人士。