
2021-05-08 01:08李明杨文牛彻杜威杨静
装备环境工程 2021年4期




(1.中国石化大连石油化工研究院,辽宁 大连 116045;2.国家管网华南分公司,广州 100083;3.国家管网华东分公司,上海 200050)

建立成品油管道基于内检测的适用性评价及维修决策方法。针对某成品油管道内检测数据中的管道缺陷,进行缺陷尺寸特征与环焊缝关系等统计分析。考虑缺陷形态对管道安全运行的影响,结合国内外相关标准,制定成品油管道缺陷维修判定准则。结合缺陷强度评价、腐蚀速率计算以及剩余寿命预测,确定缺陷维修计划和再检测周期。该管道内外腐蚀较突出,管道外部腐蚀缺陷分布相对较为均匀,而内部腐蚀缺陷分布较为集中。通过腐蚀缺陷点与最近环焊缝距离分析,发现疑似焊缝处防腐层补口失效3处。经评价分析,该管道建议无立即修复缺陷,所有93处腐蚀类金属损失缺陷计划响应时间都在5年内。通过管道适用性评价、腐蚀缺陷剩余寿命预测,确定管道再检测时间间隔为5年。采用ASME B31G、分段腐蚀速率预测等方法实施管道完整性评价,并以此确定缺陷维修响应等级和时间具有较好的实施效果。当现场开展开挖修复工作后,应根据开挖测量结果修正管道缺陷维修计划。




1 管道概况

国内某成品油管道于2015年投产使用。管道全长180.4 km,管径为355.6 mm×7.1 mm。管道采用三层PE外防腐层,同时采用强制电流为主、牺牲阳极为辅的方法实施管道阴极保护。管道输送介质为成品汽油和柴油,工作温度为常温,管输最大允许运行压力(MAOP)为9.5 MPa。管道运营方委托第三方检测公司对该成品油管道分次进行了几何变形检测和漏磁内检测工作。

2 管道缺陷数据统计分析

2.1 腐蚀类缺陷统计

本次管道实施内检测后,共发现腐蚀类缺陷93处,其中内部腐蚀缺陷30处,外部腐蚀缺陷63处。缺陷腐蚀金属损失深度≥0.1(为管道公称壁厚)的有92处,深度≥0.2的有13处。缺陷平均腐蚀深度为正常壁厚的14%,缺陷最深腐蚀深度为正常壁厚的28%,是一处内部腐蚀,所在管段壁厚为8.7 mm。


表1 腐蚀缺陷金属损失深度统计

Tab.1 Corrosion defect metal loss depth statistics


通过分析管道环焊缝临近区域(两侧各200 mm范围内)外部腐蚀情况,可判断管道补口失效问题[14]。管道内检测发现深度≥0.1的外部腐蚀距最近环焊缝的分布如图2所示。环焊缝两侧200 mm范围内仅有3处腐蚀,其中2处金属损失深度为0.15,1处为0.14,而且外部腐蚀无明显环焊缝聚集趋势。可以看出,检测管道补口区域整体情况较好,个别管道补口处存在外部金属损失,建议确定缺陷点位置,并进行缺陷及补口的检验修复。

图1 腐蚀缺陷金属损失腐蚀深度沿里程分布

图2 管道内检测深度≥0.1T外部腐蚀距最近环焊缝的分布情况

2.2 制造缺陷统计

制造缺陷信息统计见表2。本次内检测发现制造缺陷3处,其中内部制造缺陷1处,深度为0.19,外部制造缺陷2处,深度分别为0.20和0.15。所有制造缺陷所在管段壁厚均为7.1 mm。

表2 制造缺陷统计

Tab.2 Manufacturing defect statistics

2.3 管体变形缺陷统计


表3 变形缺陷统计

Tab.3 Deformation defect statistics

图3 管道内检测管体变形缺陷里程分布统计

3 缺陷当前适用性评价

3.1 缺陷维修响应准则

按照GB 32167油气输送管道完整性管理规范,管道缺陷应开展完整性评价,以明确管道缺陷严重程度,进而制定缺陷维修响应计划。目前,可根据缺陷预估维修比,或根据相关标准确定缺陷维修响应级别。考虑组合缺陷、特殊形态缺陷等对管道安全运行的影响,根据国内外完整性评价相关标准,制定该管道缺陷维修判定准则[15-16]。

3.2 腐蚀类金属损失剩余强度评价

对腐蚀类缺陷剩余强度评估,SY/T 6597和GB 27699均推荐以预估维修比(Estimated Repair Factor,ERF)进行度量并实现维修决策。其定义为:






研究表明,ASME B31G对短缺陷适用性评价的保守性更高[17],因此采用ASME B31G开展本管道剩余强度评价。评价管道的MAOP为9.5 MPa,评价安全系数取为管段设计系数的倒数。


图4 腐蚀缺陷计算ERF沿管道里程分布

经计算,在最大允许操作压力9.5 MPa下,所有缺陷的ERF均不超过0.8。93处腐蚀缺陷计算得到的最小SWP为12.49 MPa,对应缺陷点金属损失深度为0.2,长度为51 mm,宽度为16 mm,满足安全工作要求。结合金属损失深度评价准则及基于ERF的剩余强度评价结果,没有需要立即响应的腐蚀缺陷。

3.3 制造缺陷适用性评价

采用shannon方法进行制造缺陷剩余强度评价[18]。利用shannon方法绘制管道最大允许操作压力9.5 MPa下的ERF=1曲线图,并将缺陷点按照长度和深度在图中进行显示,如图5所示。可以看出,管道最大允许操作压力9.5 MPa条件下,所有制造缺陷都是安全的,不需要进行维修。

图5 壁厚7.1 mm对应制造缺陷尺寸关系图

3.4 变形缺陷适用性评价


4 管道缺陷未来完整性评价

4.1 管道腐蚀速率计算



表4 缺陷维修响应判定准则

Tab.4 Defect Repair Response Judgment Criteria

图6 腐蚀缺陷腐蚀速率沿里程分布

4.2 计划响应时间预测


图7 腐蚀缺陷计算维修响应时间沿里程分布

4.3 再检测时间

GB 32167—2015《油气输送管道完整性管理规范》与SY/T 6597—2014《油气管道内检测技术规范》规定,管道再检测时间间隔不应超过8 a。经评价,该成品油管道完整性状态有较明显的损伤,较突出的损伤类型为管道外腐蚀和管体变形。考虑管道周边自然环境及社会环境等综合因素,结合管道缺陷适用性评价及剩余寿命预测结果,建议该管道检测周期不超过5 a。若现场开挖表明该管道完整性状况较好,或采取防护措施并通过评价证明能够改善管道完整性状况,可适当延长检测时间1~2 a。

5 结论


2)考虑缺陷形态对管道安全运行的影响,结合国内外相关标准,制定成品油管道缺陷维修判定准则。通过适用性评价、剩余寿命预测等完整性评价分析,该管道无立即修复缺陷,所有93处腐蚀类金属损失缺陷计划响应时间都在5 a内,建议再次检测周期不超过5 a。


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The Fitness-for-service Assessment and Maintenance Decision-making of a Refined Oil Pipeline

LI Ming1, YANG Wen2, NIU Che3, DU Wei3, YANG Jing1

(1. Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals SINOPEC, Dalian 116045, China; 2. Pipe China South China Branch, Guangzhou 100083, China; 3. Pipe China East China Branch, Shanghai 200050, China)

A method for applicability evaluation and maintenance decision-making based on in-line inspection for refined oil pipelines is established. According to the pipeline defects in the inspection data of a product oil pipeline, statistical analysis of the relationship between the defect size characteristics and the girth weld is carried out. Considering factors such as the influence of combined defects and girth welds, and the characteristics of defects, the criteria for determining the defect maintenance of refined oil pipelines are formulated. Combined with defect residual strength evaluation, residual life prediction and comprehensive factor analysis, the defect maintenance decision is determined, and the next pipeline inspection time proposal is proposed. According to the statistics on the characteristics of pipeline defects, it is found that the internal and external corrosion of the pipeline is relatively prominent; the external corrosion defects of the pipeline are relatively uniform, while the internal corrosion defects are more concentrated. The analysis on the relationship between corrosion defects and girth welds reveals that there are three suspected welds with anti-corrosion coatings for the failure of the repair, and further excavation and verification shall be conducted. After evaluation and analysis, it is recommended that the pipeline does not need an immediate repair of the defects, and the planned response time for all 93 corrosive metal loss defects is within 5 years; considering the integrity of the pipeline, combined with the remaining life prediction results, the next inspection interval of 5a is suggested. The method of ASME B31G, segmented corrosion rate prediction and other methods are adopted to carry out pipeline applicability evaluation, and a better defect repair response level and repair time are determined with this. Furthermore, taking into account the complexity of the pipeline service environment and the limitation of detection accuracy, the defect repair plan should be revised based on the actual pipeline operation and the results of the excavation verification.

refined oil pipeline; in-line inspection; applicability evaluation; remaining life prediction; maintenance decision



LI Ming (1982—), Male, Doctor, Researcher, Research focus: integrity inspection and evaluation of storage and transportation facilities.

李明, 杨文, 牛彻, 等. 成品油管道基于内检测的适用性评价与维修决策[J]. 装备环境工程, 2021, 18(4): 043-049.




10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2021.04.006




Fund:Supported by National Key R&D Project of China(2017YFF0210404) and China Petrochemical Corporation Funded Project (320034)


LI Ming, YANG Wen, NIU Che, et al. The fitness-for-service assessment and maintenance decision-making of a refined oil pipeline[J]. Equipment environmental engineering, 2021, 18(4): 043-049.
