The article in Time on Mar 7th, 2021, "What Justin Trudeau Needs from Joe Biden Now" mentions that life for Canada atop its volatile southern neighbor is like bedding down in a nice apartment built above a meth lab, according to a quote often attributed to late American comic Robin Williams. Volatile compounds are still bubbling away in that lab downstairs. Bidens abrupt cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, reversing Trumps reversal of an Obama administration move, was a stinging blow to Canada. And there is concern in Canada that Bidens "buy America" executive orders are rooted in the same protectionism that motivated Trumps trade myopia.
最新一期的美国《时代》周刊题为《贾斯廷?特鲁多要从拜登那得到什么》的文章提到,美国喜剧演员罗宾?威廉姆斯有句名言:因为有个多变的南方邻居(美國,译者注),加拿大就像睡在一个冰毒实验室上方的漂亮公寓里。而挥发性化合物仍然在楼下的实验室里冒泡。拜登突然取消了“拱心石XL”(Keystone XL)美加输油管道项目,此举可视为是对奥巴马政策的延续。该项目曾被奥巴马否决,但在特朗普上任的第三天被重启。项目的取消对加拿大来说无疑是个沉重的打击。加拿大担心,拜登签署的“购买美国货”的行政命令同样植根于特朗普所倡导的贸易保护主义,而正是这种保护主义使特朗普的贸易政策目光短浅。
据国家网信办举报中心,2021 年 2 月,全国各级网络举报部门受理举报 984.5 万件,环比下降 12.1%、同比下降 6.4%。