特别是2020年,面对突如其来的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,济南市继续以建设更高水平的全国文明城市为总抓手,加快推进城市治理体系和治理能力现代化,全面启动“深化文明城市创建 加快打造魅力泉城”十大专项行动,大力弘扬万众一心、众志成城、团结协作、无私奉献、不畏艰险、敢打必胜、挑战极限、争创一流的济南创城精神,扎实推进城乡环境美化、公共服务改善、交通秩序畅通、生态环境提升、文明行为培育等具体任务落实落地,为夺取疫情防控和经济社会发展“双胜利”贡献了文明力量。
On November 10, 2020, the Office of the Central Spiritual Civilization Development Steering Commission published the list of cities selected in the sixth national civilized city construction and the list of cities that retained the honorary title for the five former national civilized city construction, and it gave commendation for the 33 cities (districts) which were in the front rank of the assessment review. Jinan has passed inspection and been recognized as a National Civilized City, ranking first among the countrys provincial capitals and sub-provincial cities, winning this title for the third time in a row since 2018.