The Publisher would like to point out that there was an error with the original pagination which appeared online, which was:
“One-step Straightfoward Solid Synthesis of High Yield White Fluorescent Carbon Dots for White Light Emitting Diodes” [CCLET,2021;32/2: pages 1–3/5982]
“Free-standing nitrogen doped CLET, 2 graphene/Co(OH)2 composite films with superior catalytic activity for aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries” [CCLET, 2021;32/2: pages 4–7/5987]
“Amorphous silicon from low-temperature reduction of silica in the molten salts and its lithium-storage performance”[CCLET,2021;32/2: pages 8–13/5981]
“Two 2D uranyl coordination complexes showing effective photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B and mechanism study”[CCLET,2021;32/2: pages 14–18/5984]
“Recent advances in electrochemical sensors for antibiotics and their applications”[CCLET,2021;32/2:pages 19–23/5916]
But the correct page numbering is:
“One-step Straightfoward Solid Synthesis of High Yield White Fluorescent Carbon Dots for White Light Emitting Diodes” [CCLET,2021;32/2: pages 591–593/5982]
“Free-standing nitrogen doped CLET, 2 graphene/Co(OH)2 composite films with superior catalytic activity for aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries” [CCLET,2021;32/2: pages 594–597/5987]
“Amorphous silicon from low-temperature reduction of silica in the molten salts and its lithium-storage performance”[CCLET,2021;32/2: pages 598–603/5981]
“Two 2D uranyl coordination complexes showing effective photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B and mechanism study”[CCLET,2021;32/2: pages 604–608/5984]
“Recent advances in electrochemical sensors for antibiotics and their applications”[CCLET,2021;32/2:pages 609–619/5916]
The Publisher apologises for these errors and any inconvenience caused.
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An acknowledgement section may be included.It should be placed after the manuscript text and before the references.
Chinese Chemical Letters2021年2期