经过专家评审、网络投票和PBM 编辑部评选,最终在PBM 2019—2020 年刊发的论文中评出8 篇优秀论文,获得“PBM Best Paper Award 2019—2020”的文章为:
东北林业大学沈静团队Coaxing Polysaccharide Granules into Supramolecular Biocolloidal Additives for Papermaking;大连工业大学王海松团队Facile Fabrication of Cellulosic Paperbased Composites with Temperature-controlled Hydrophobicity and Excellent Mechanical Strength;法国格勒诺布尔-阿尔卑斯大学Alain Dufresne Preparation and Properties of Cellulose Nanomaterials;华南理工大学任俊莉团队Triethylaminecatalyzed Isomerization of Glucose to Fructose under Low Temperature Conditions in Aqueous Phase;东北林业大学钱学仁团队Nano-Cu2O-loaded Paper: Green Preparation and High Visible Light Photocatalytic Performance for Formaldehyde Removal; 陕西科技大学张素风团队 Preparation of Polysulfonamide Porous Paper and Its Adsorption Properties;加拿大新不伦瑞克大学倪永浩团队Cellulose Paper-based Strapping Products for Green/Sustainable Packaging Needs;广西大学闵斗勇团队 Lignin Interaction with Cellulase during Enzymatic Hydrolysis(排名不分先后)。