Differential Puankre’s Model of Sentence Lengths Clock Rhythms in Religious Texts

2021-03-03 18:18:09AminevE.G.,WANGQing,GUOHui
Journal of Literature and Art Studies 2021年11期

Aminev E.G.,WANG Qing,GUO Hui

The mechanism of language’s impact on people’s mind is a black box problem in psycholinguistics. In the 21st century it crossed the field of psychology and became an urgent problem in artificial intelligence and neuroscience. Religious language has a highly effective role amongst all human linguistic materials on psychological behavior. What is the mechanism of religious language impacts on the brain? This study examined the relationship between religious linguistic rhythms and brain wave rhythms. We chose 36 Koran’s sur as language material and counted the length of every sentence for definition its’ rhythm. And using the same method we compared with other religious and political linguistic material. The data shows the common rhythmic structure among all those language materials. Therefore, we consider that clock rhythms display of bilateral regulation, psychotherapeutic impact of the canonic texts is based on harmonization inter-hemisphere attitudes and other rhythms.

Keywords: clock rhythms, religious text, psycholinguistics


The summary. 36 Koran’s surs which are most frequently being used in medical purposes was investigated. Length of each sentence was counted; the received line was subjected to high-frequency filter. Is shown, that dynamics of sentence lengths is simulated on the basis of the Puankre’s parabolic equation, Lebedev-Lutskoy’s differential equation with delay. The similar rhythms were counted for the Gospel, Bible, writers’ speeches and state importance figures. A good rhythmic structure was found out in encyclics of pope Ioann Paul II, Lion XIII, B.N. Yeltsin’s speeches in the period of 1991. On the basis of experiences with dichotic stimulus presentation the hypothesis was offered, that clock rhythms—display of bilateral regulation, psychotherapeutic action of the canonic texts is based on harmonization inter-hemisphere attitudes and other rhythms.

Actuality. Psycholinguistic is one of psychology’s key directions (Chomsky, 1968; Tulasiewicz, 1993). In Russia speech research also was given special attention (Balonov, Delegin, 1976). The efficiency of speech and mnemic processes parallel examination is shown, applying them to analysis of various mathematical models(Aminev, 1974; Frumkina, R. M.1974). From power positions, the memory and attention can not have constant capacity and are subjected to fluctuations. In such case, the text with resonant rhythmic will be acquired better. From these positions it is possible to assume the expressed rhythmic organization of canonic religious texts. Thus two types of rhythms can be examined: clock, dependent on a sequence in actions series, and temporary, coordinated to biorhythms. The clock rhythms nicely come to light during the use of high frequencies filters equivalent to the first derivative capture. It allows to confirm harmonic figure of the Christian sermons and encyclics.

The practical importance of these works for psychotherapy and education is caused by requirement for scientifically proved criteria in quality rating of suggestive and educational texts, their greatest adequacy to features of human perception and memory, account of brain activity deficiency problems (Baru, A. V. 1971; Bechtereva, N. P., Bundzen, P. V., Gogolitsin, IU. L., Malyshev, V. N., & Perepelkin, P. D. 1979; Ivanov, V. V. 1979; Sechenov, I. M. 1956, Anokhin, P. K. 1974). The purpose of the given report is to share the experience of Koran rhythms research.


The famous 36 sur, which is used most frequently, including in the medical purposes was investigated(Krachkovskiy I.U.). The length of each sentence was counted, measured the amount of words (word is called a letters sequence from a blank up to a blank): у1, у2…, уn. Further this line subjected to high-frequency filter.

An operation of sequence reception was named the filter of k-go order: х1 (к), х2 (к)…, хn (к)—from a sequence: х1 (к-1), х2 (к-1)…, хn (к-1)—under the formulas: хi (к) = х (i+1) (к-1)—хi (к-1). For clock rhythm power research the absolute values was also taken х1 (к), х2 (к)…, хn (к). For comparison to other products the absolute values dynamics’ correlation-factor analysis was used. For clock rhythm values modeling from х1 (к),х2 (к)…, хn (к) went to х’i (к) = (хi (к)—х min) / (хmax—х min). The processing was made on IBM PC 166.


For clock rhythm allocation three-five filtrations was enough. Thus clock rhythm dynamics of 36 Sur gets well expressed conus-look-alike structure. As it was already marked similar rhythms which were designed for the Gospel, Bible, writer’s speeches and important state figures. The good rhythmic structure was found in encyclic of Pope Ioann Paul II, Lion XIII, B.N. Yaltsin speeches in the period of 1991. Hence, rhythmic organization is a prerogative not only of Korans, but also others good texts. A question was raised about an opportunity of Koran rhythmic description on the basis of nonlinear dynamics methods. An elementary case was taken: Puankre’s parabolic equation: xi+1 = xi (1-xi). For this purpose, the dependence of each following curve value from previous is build.

A straight line equation was received: x’i+1 = 1—x’i. On this basis the curve forecast of Koran’s clock rhythms was carried out: the concurrence has appeared satisfactory. The opportunity of modeling on differential equation basis with delay was also checked.


On the basis of experiences with dichotic stimulus presentation a hypothesis, that clock rhythms is the bilateral regulation display, was put forward. It is possible to assume, that psychotherapeutic Koran’s effect is based on harmonization of inter-hemisphere relations and other rhythms. Revealed disrythmia of educational texts (Russian, algebra and others) testifies about necessity of psycho engineering projects.


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