Weakly I-semiregular Rings and I-semiregular Rings

2021-03-01 07:43:58ZhanminZhu
Journal of Mathematical Study 2021年4期

Zhanmin Zhu

Department of Mathematics,Jiaxing University,Jiaxing 314001,China.

Abstract.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.We call R weakly I-semiregular if R/I is a von Neumann regular ring.This definition generalizes I-semiregular rings.We give a series of characterizations and properties of this class of rings.Moreover,we also give some properties of I-semiregular rings.

Key words:Weakly I-semiregular rings,I-semiregular rings,n-injective modules,n-flat modules,(m,n)-injective modules.

1 Introduction

Throughout this paper,m,n are positive integers,R is an associative ring with identity,I is an ideal of R,J=J(R)is the Jacobson radical of R and all modules considered are unitary.

Recall that a ring R is called semiregular[11],if for any a∈R,there exists e2=e∈aR such that(1−e)a∈J.By[11,Theorem 2.9],a ring R is semiregular if and only if R/J is von Neumann regular and idempotents can be lifted modulo J.In[12],Nicholson and Yousif extend the concept of semiregular rings to I-semiregular rings.Let I be an ideal of R.Then following[12],an element a∈R is called left I-semiregular if there exists e2=e∈Ra such that a(1−e)∈I,equivalentely if there exists f2=f∈aR such that(1−f)a∈I;a ring R is called left I-semiregular if every element of R is I-semiregular.It is easy to see that I-semiregular rings are left-right symmetric.I-semiregular rings have been studied by many authors(see,for example[2,12,13,16,17,20]).By[12,Theorem 1.2]or[13,Theorem 28],we see that if R is left I-semiregular,then R/I is regular and idempotents can be lifted modulo I.

In this article,we extend the concept of I-semiregular rings to weakly I-semiregular rings.Let I be an ideal of R.We will call R weakly I-semiregular if R/I is regular.A series of characterizations and properties of this class of rings will be given,and some properties of I-semiregular rings will be given too.

For any module M,M+denotes HomZ(M,Q/Z),where Q is the set of rational numbers,and Z is the set of integers.In general,for a set S,we write Sm×nfor the set of all formal m×n matrices whose entries are elements of S,and Sn(resp.,Sn)for the set of all formal n×1(resp.,1×n)matrices whose entries are elements of S.Let M be a left R-module,X⊆Mnand A⊆Rm×n.Then we define rMn(A)={u∈Mn:au=0,∀a∈A},and lRm×n(X)={a∈Rm×n:ax=0,∀x∈X}.

2 Weakly I-semiregular rings

At the begin of this section,we introduce the concept of weakly I-semiregular rings as following.

Definition 2.1.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.Then R is said to be weakly I-semiregular if R/I is a von Neumann regular ring.

Let T be an ideal of a ring R.Then following[13],we say that idempotents lift strongly modulo T,if a2−a∈T,then there exists e2=e∈aRa such that e−a∈T.

Example 2.1.(1)By[13,Theorem 28],a ring R is I-semiregular if and only if it is weakly I-semiregular and idempotents lift strongly modulo I.In particular,a ring R is a semiregular ring and only if it is a weakly J(R)-semiregular and idempotents lift strongly modulo J(R).

(2)By[17,Theorem 1.6],a ring R is Sr-semiregular if and only if it is weakly Srsemiregular,where Sr=Soc(RR).

(3)By[13,Example 24],there exists a commutative ring R which contains an ideal I such that R/I~=Z6,but idempotents do not all lift modulo I.Note that the ring Z6is von Neumann regular,so R is weakly I-semiregular but it is not I-semiregular.Also,Z is weakly I-semiregular for each non-zero semiprimitive ideal I,but not I-semiregular.

Let M be an R-module and N a submodule of M.According to[25],N is said to have a weak supplement L in M if N+L=M and N∩L≪M,and M is called weakly supplemented if every submodule N of M has a weak supplement.It is easy to see thatRR is weakly supplemented if and only if for any left ideal L of R,there is a left ideal K such that L+K=R and L∩K⊆J(R).Inspired by this result,we have the following definition.

Definition 2.2.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.Then a left ideal L of R is said to be I-weak supplemented inRR if there exists a left ideal K such that L+K=R and L∩K⊆I.In this case,we call K an I-weak supplement of L in R.

Similarly,we can define the concept of I-weak supplement of a right ideal.

Example 2.2.Let L be a left ideal of R.Then a left ideal K is a J(R)-weak supplement of L in R if and only if K is a weak supplement of L in R.

Theorem 2.1.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1)R is a weakly I-semiregular ring.

(2)Every finitely generated left ideal of R has an I-weak supplement inRR.

(3)Every principal left ideal of R has an I-weak supplement inRR.

(4)Every finitely generated right ideal of R has an I-weak supplement in RR.

(5)Every principal right ideal of R has an I-weak supplement in RR.

Proof.(1)⇒(2).Let L be a finitely generated left ideal of R.For any X⊆R,set X={x+I:x∈X}.Since R is regular,we have R=L⊕H,where H is a left ideal of R.Let K=H+I.Then it is easy to see that K is a left ideal,R=L+K,and L∩K⊆I,i.e.,K is an I-weak supplement of L.

(2)⇒(3).It is obvious.

(3)⇒(1).Let a∈ R.By assumption there exists an I-weak supplement K of Ra.Let 1=ba+k,where b∈R,k∈K.Then k=1−ba,and so,by[9,Lemma 3.4],Rak=Ra∩Rk⊆Ra∩K⊆I.It follows that a−aba=ak∈I,and thus R/I is von Neumann regular.


Corollary 2.2.([9,Proposition 3.18]and[14,Proposition 2.3]).The following statements are equivalent for a ring R:

(1)R/J(R)is von Neumann regular.

(2)Every finitely generated left ideal of R has a weak supplement inRR.

(3)Every principal left ideal of R has a weak supplement inRR.

(4)Every finitely generated right ideal of R has a weak supplement in RR.

(5)Every principal right ideal of R has a weak supplement in RR.

Recall that an element a∈R is called regular if a=aba for some b∈R,and we call an ideal I of R regular if every element in I is regular.The following proposition improves[23,Theorem 6.3].

Proposition 2.1.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.Then R is von Neumann regular if and only if R is weakly I-semiregular and I is regular.

Proof.We need only to prove the sufficiency.For any a∈R,since R is weakly I-semiregular,there exists b∈R such that a−aba∈I.But I is regular,a−aba=(a−aba)c(a−aba)for some c∈R,so a=a(b+c−cab−bac+bacab)a.And hence R is von Neumann regular.

Recall that a left R-module M is called n-injective[1,10],if every R-homomorphism from an n-generated left ideal to M extends to a homomorphism of R to M;a left R-module M is called F-injective[7]if M is n-injective for every positive integer n;a left R-module M is called P-injective[10]if it is 1-injective.In[23],the three concepts are extended to I-n-injective modules,I-F-injective modules and I-P-injective modules respectively.Following[23],a left R-module M is called I-n-injective,if every R-homomorphism from an n-generated left ideal in I to M extends to a homomorphism of R to M;a left R-module M is called I-F-injective if M is I-n-injective for every positive integer n;a left R-module M is called I-P-injective if it is I-1-injective.We recall also that a right R-module M is said to be n-flat[1,6],if for every n-generated left ideal T,the canonical map M⊗T→M⊗R is monic;MRis said to be P-flat[4]if it is 1-flat.It is easy to see that MRis flat if and only if it is n-flat for every positive integer n.In[23],the three concepts are extended to I-n-flat modules,I-P-flat modules and I-flat modules respectively.Following[23],a right R-module M is said to be I-n-flat,if for every n-generated left ideal T in I,the canonical map M⊗T→M⊗R is monic;MRis said to be I-P-flat if it is I-1-flat;MRis said to be I-flat if it is I-n-flat for every positive integer n.We note that there is another definition of I-flat modules in[24],we don’t know whether the two definitions coincide.In this paper,we will always use the definition in[23].The following theorem improves[14,Theorem 2.11],[19,Theorem 2.11(2)]and[23,Theorem 2.2,Corollary 3.2(1)].

Theorem 2.3.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.If R is weakly I-semiregular and n is a positive integer.Then:

(1)A left R-module M is n-injective if and only if M is I-n-injective.

(2)A right R-module M is n-flat if and only if M is I-n-flat.

Proof.(1)We need only to prove the sufficiency.Let L=Ra1+Ra2+···+Ranbe an ngenerated left ideal of R and f a homomorphism from L to M.Since R is weakly I-semiregular,by Theorem 2.1,L has an I-weak supplement in R.That is,there exists a left ideal K of R such that L+K=R and L∩K ⊆ I.And so,there exist r1,r2,···,rn∈ R and k∈K such that r1a1+r2a2+···+rnan+k=1 and L∩Rk⊆ L∩K⊆ I.By Lemma 2.1,is an n-generated left ideal in I.Since M is I-n-injective,there exists a homomorphism g ofRR to M such that g|L∩Rk=f|L∩Rk.Note that L+Rk=R.So,for any x∈R,there exist x1∈L and x2∈Rk such that x=x1+x2.Now we define φ :RR →RR by φ(x)=f(x1)+g(x2),then it is easy to check that φ is well-defined and φ extends f.

(2)By[21,Theorem 4.3]and[23,Theorem 3.1]and(1),we have that M is n-flat⇔M+is n-injective⇔M+is I-n-injective⇔M is I-n-flat.

Corollary 2.4.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.If R is weakly I-semiregular,then:

(1)A left R-module M is P-injective if and only if M is I-P-injective.

(2)A left R-module M is F-injective if and only if M is I-F-injective.

(3)a right R-module M is P-flat if and only if M is I-P-flat.

(4)a right R-module M is flat if and only if M is I-flat.

Recall that a left R-module M is called JP-injective[18],if every R-homomorphism from a principal left ideal in J(R)to M extends to a homomorphism of R to M;a left R-module M is called J-injective[5],if every R-homomorphism from a finitely generated left ideal in J(R)to M extends to a homomorphism of R to M;The following corollary improves[14,Corollary 2.12]and[23,Corollary 2.3].

Corollary 2.5.Let R be a ring.If R/J(R)is regular,then:

(1)A left R-module M is P-injective if and only if M is JP-injective.

(2)A left R-module M is F-injective if and only if M is J-injective.

Corollary 2.6.If R/J(R)is regular,Then R is left F-injective if and only if R is left J-injective.

Recall that R is called left coherent[15]if every finitely generated left ideal is finitely presented;R is called left n-coherent[1]if every n-generated left ideal is finitely presented;R is called left semihereditary if every finitely generated left ideal is projective;R is called left n-semihereditary[22]if every n-generated left ideal is projective.Let R be a ring and I be an ideal of R.R is called left I-n-coherent[23]if every n-generated left ideal in I is finitely presented;R is called left I-n-semihereditary[23]if every n-generated left ideal in I is projective.

Theorem 2.7.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.If R is weakly I-semiregular,then:

(1)R is left n-coherent if and only if it is left I-n-coherent.

(2)R is left n-semihereditary if and only if it is left I-n-semihereditary.

Proof.(1)It follows from Theorem 2.3(2)and[23,Theorem 4.2(4),Corollary 4.1(4)].

(2)It follows from Theorem 2.3(1)and[23,Theorem 5.1(6),Corollary 5.1(6)].

Recall that R is called left I-coherent[24]if every finitely generated left ideal in I is finitely presented;R is called left I-P-coherent[23]if it is left I-1-coherent;R is called left I-semihereditary[23]if every finitely generated left ideal in I is projective;R is called left PP[8]if every principal left ideal is projective;R is called left I-PP[23]if every principal left ideal in I is projective.

Corollary 2.8.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.If R is weakly I-semiregular,then:

(1)R is left coherent if and only if it is left I-coherent.

(2)R is left P-coherent if and only if it is left I-P-coherent.

(3)R is left semihereditary if and only if it is left I-semihereditary.

(4)R is left PP if and only if it is left I-PP.

Definition 2.3.Let n be a positive integer and I be an ideal of R.A left R-module M is called simple I-n-injective if,for every n-generated left ideal L⊆I,every R-linear map γ:L→M with γ(L)simple extends to a homomorphism of R to M.A left R-module M is called simple n-injective if it is simple R-n-injective.

Theorem 2.9.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.If R is weakly I-semiregular and n is a positive integer.Then a left R-module M is simple n-injective if and only if M is simple I-n-injective.

Proof.It is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.3.

About I-n-injective rings,we have the following result.

Theorem 2.10.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1)R is left I-n-injective.

(2)Every homomorphism from an n-generated left ideal contained in I to R with principal image can be extended to a homomorphism from R to R.

Proof.(1)⇒(2).It is clear.

(2)⇒(1).Assume(2).Then it is clear that R is left I-P-injective.Now let K=Rb be a cyclic left ideal in I and L an(n−1)-generated left ideal in I.Let a∈rR(K∩L)and define f:K+L→R by f(k+l)=ka for all k∈K and l∈L.Then it is easy to see that R is a left R-homomorphism and Im(f)=Rba is principal.By hypothesis,f can be extended to a homomorphism from R to R,and so f= ·c for some c∈ R.Thus,(k+l)c=ka for all k∈K and l∈L.Let l=0.Then a−c∈rR(K).Let k=0.Then c∈rR(L).Therefore,a=(a−c)+c∈rR(K)+rR(L),it follows that rR(K∩L)⊆rR(K)+rR(L).The inverse inclusion is clear.So rR(K∩L)=rR(K)+rR(L).By[23,Theorem 2.1(6)],R is left I−n-injective.

Corollary 2.11.The following statements are equivalent for a ring R:

(1)R is left n-injective.

(2)Every homomorphism from an n-generated left ideal to R with principal image can be extended to a homomorphism from R to R.

Theorem 2.12.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.If R is weakly I-semiregular and n is a positive integer,then the full matrix ring Mn(R)is weakly Mn(I)-semiregular.

Proof.It is easy to see that Mn(R)/Mn(I)~=Mn(R/I).Since R/I is von Neumann regular and the full matrix ring of a von Neumann regular ring is von Neumann regular,so Mn(R)/Mn(I)is von Neumann regular,as required.

3 I-semiregular rings

Following[2],an element m of a module M is called I-semiregular if there is a decomposition M=P⊕Q,where P is projective,P⊆Rm and Rm∩Q⊆IM,and M is called I-semiregular if every element of M is I-semiregular.By[2,Theorem 2.2],a module M is I-semiregular if and only if for every finitely generated submodule N of M,there exists a decomposition M=P⊕Q,where P is projective,P⊆N and N∩Q⊆IM.And by[2,Theorem 2.6],direct sums and direct summands of I-semiregular modules are I-semiregular.By[12,Lemma 1.1],it is easy to see that a ring R is I-semiregular if and only ifRR is I-semiregular.We recall also that a left R-module M is called(m,n)-injective[3]if every R-homomorphism from an n-generated submodule T of Rmto M extends to a homomorphism of Rmto M;a left R-module M is called FP-injective[15]if M is(m,n)-injective for every pair of positive integers m,n;a left R-module M is called I-(m,n)-injective[24]if every R-homomorphism from an n-generated submodule T of Imto M extends to a homomorphism of Rmto M;a left R-module M is called I-FP-injective[24]if M is I-(m,n)-injective for every pair of positive integers m,n;a right R-module B is said to be(m,n)-flat[21]if for every n-generated submodule T in Rm,the canonical map B⊗T→B⊗Rmis monic;a right R-module B is said to be I-(m,n)-flat if for every n-generated submodule T in Im,the canonical map B⊗T→B⊗Rmis monic.

Lemma 3.1.[24,Lemma 2.9].For a right R-module B,the following statements are equivalent:

(1)B is I-(m,n)-flat.

(2)B+is I-(m,n)-injective.

Theorem 3.1.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.If R is I-semiregular and m,n are two positive integers,then:

(1)A left R-module M is(m,n)-injective if and only if M is I-(m,n)-injective.

(2)A right R-module M is(m,n)-flat if and only if M is I-(m,n)-flat.

Proof.(1)Necessity is clear.To prove sufficiency,let N be an n-generated submodule of the left R-module Imand f:N→M be a left R-homomorphism.Since R is I-semiregular,by[2,Theorem 2.6],Rmis I-semiregular.So,by[2,Theorem 2.2],Rm=P⊕K,where P is projective,P⊆N and N∩K⊆IRm⊆Im.Hence Rm=N+K,N=P⊕(N∩K),and so N∩K is n-generated.Since M is I-(m,n)-injective,there exists a homomorphism g:Rm→M such that g(x)=f(x)for all x∈N∩K.Now let h:,where x=n+k,n∈N,k∈K.Then h is a well-defined left R-homomorphism and h extends f.

(2)We need only to prove the sufficiency.Let M be I-(m,n)-flat.Then by Lemma 3.1,M+is I-(m,n)-injective.So,by(1),M+is(m,n)-injective,and hence M is(m,n)-flat by[21,Theorem 4.3].

Corollary 3.2.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.If R is I-semiregular,then a left R-module M is FP-injective if and only if M is I-FP-injective.In particular,if R is semiregular,then a left R-module M is FP-injective if and only if M is J-FP-injective.

Lemma 3.2.[24,Theorem 3.2].Let M be a left R-module.Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1)M is I-(m,n)-injective.

(2)If x=(m1,m2,...,mn)′∈Mnand A∈In×msatisfy lRn(A)⊆lRn(x),then x=Ay for some y∈Mm.

Theorem 3.3.Let I be an ideal of a ring R and n a positive integer.Then a left R-module M is I-(n,n)-injective if and only if the Mn(R)-module Mn×ndefined by M is Mn(I)-P-injective.

Proof. ⇒.Let X∈Mn×n,A∈Mn(I)with lMn(R)(A)⊆lMn(R)(X).Write X=(X1,X2,···,Xn),where each Xi∈Mn.Then lMn(R)(A)⊆lMn(R)(Xi),i=1,2,···,n.If b∈lRn(A),then by taking B∈Mn(R)such that its first row is b and the other rows are 0’s,we have B∈lMn(R)(A),so BX=0,and thus b∈ lRn(Xi).It shows that lRn(A)⊆ lRn(Xi),i=1,2,···,n.Since M is I-(n,n)-injective,by Lemma 3.2,we have Xi=AYi,where Yi∈ Mn,i=1,2,···,n.Now let Y=(Y1,Y2,···Yn).Then Y ∈ Mn×nand X=AY.Therefore the Mn(R)-module Mn×ndefined by M is Mn(I)-P-injective by[23,Theorem 6.1(4)].

⇐.Let x∈Mnand A∈Mn(I)with lRn(A)⊆lRn(x).Take C∈Mn×nsuch that its first column is x and the other columns are 0’s.If D ∈ lMn(R)(A),write the ith row vectors of D by di,then di∈ lRn(A),and so dix=0,i=1,2,···,n.Thus,DC=0,and then lMn(R)(A)⊆lMn(R)(C).Since the left Mn(R)-module Mn×nis Mn(I)-P-injective,by[23,Theorem 6.1(4)],C=AZ for some Z∈Mn×n.Let z1be the first column of Z.Then x=Az1.So,by Lemma 3.2,M is I-(n,n)-injective.

Corollary 3.4.Let I be an ideal of a ring R.Then a left R-module M is I-FP-injective if and only if the Mn(R)-module Mn×ndefined by M is Mn(I)-P-injective for each positive integer n.In particular,a left R-module M is FP-injective if and only if the Mn(R)-module Mn×ndefined by M is P-injective for each positive integer n.


The author would like to thank the referees for their useful comments.This research is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province,China(Grant No.LY18A010018).