Friends who seem to post a photo of every meal they eat on the Internet may not just be annoying, they may have a problem.
The trend of “foodstagramming” has bothered some restaurants to the point they have prohibited diners from snapping photos of their meals. But Dr Valerie Taylor, chief of psychiatry at Women’s College Hospital at the University of Toronto, argues that obsessively documenting one’s meals could be a signal of a larger dieting problem.
“I see clients for whom food has become problematic, and they struggle to go out and not have food be the key element of all social interaction: what they eat, when they ate, when they are going to eat again,” Taylor told The Huffington Post.
While Taylor argues that producing such images may signal an unhealthy preoccupation with food, others have linked the consumption of food photography to eating issues and weight gain.
A 2013 study carried out by the University of Southern California found that spending a lot of time looking at appetising food online stimulated the brain and causes people to eat too much.