
2021-01-31 06:33:26

2021年总目次第42卷 1~6期

特定树和单圈图下的增强型萨格勒布指数 …………………………………甘 露,杜 颖,曹晓丽 (1) (1)

基于Python的SQL注入攻击分析与实施 ………………………………………………………贺军忠 (1) (5)

玻色子体系的Bogoliubov变换 …………………………………………………………白伊秀,胡 洁 (1) (10)

LiMn2O4的高压结构相变和状态方程研究 …………………………………熊 伦,张新欣,禹国梁 (1) (14)

拓扑超导体与量子点结构中非简并能级的全计数统计 ……………………………王 静,郭健宏 (1) (20)

无自旋费米气体中一维自旋轨道耦合杂质诱导的极化子研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………谢天扬,尹洪浩,王伊凡,杨明月,孙 青 (1) (25)

羟基自由基与典型苯系物的后续反应机理研究 ……………………………陈笑笑,刘 琳,孙延慧 (1) (31)

乡村旅游者个性对出游前准备行为的影响研究 ……………………………梁逍遥,王怡人,文 谨 (1) (40)

乌兰布和沙漠东北缘绿洲防护林体系防风阻沙能力研究 ………………………………………………………………………………………… 边 凯,高君亮,辛智鸣,罗凤敏,郝玉光,李新乐,谭立海,安志山 (1) (48)

清水河流域崇礼区河段沉积物重金属污染特征及风险评价 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………李馨竹,张玉虎,侯丽丽,李叙勇,刘玉洁 (1) (54)

疫情防控背景下高校数学类公共课程线上教学的现状与启示 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 孙小军,徐云程,陈建明,张 婷 (1) (62)

以教学分析促进新工科物联网专业《模拟电子技术》教材更新 …………李峻灵,李世明,倪蕴涛 (1) (70)

古诗文中化学教学资源的开发与利用 ………………………………………吴晗清,孙梦婷,唐 波 (1) (74)

乙酰苯胺重结晶实验的教学反思与创新改进探索 …………………………龙 威,邱贵福,连 结 (1) (80)

水文地质学实验教学探索与实践 ………………孙文洁,杨文凯,董东林,林 刚,旷 达,李 军 (1) (86)

纳米纤维素杂化和复合材料研究进展 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………郎金燕,鲁俊良,杨靖雪,吴逊谦,王鸣宇,王 铱,薛雨欣,张 恒 (1) (89)

期权定价的波动率模型比较与探索 ……………………………………………………王胜安,周 清 (2) (1)

广义τ-奇异模和τ-非奇异模 ……………………………………………………………………李煜彦 (2) (7)

基于Bind与PAT实现校园网域名的智能解析 ………………………………………孙光懿,宋立巍 (2) (10)

基于3D-CNN和时空注意力-卷积LSTM的抑郁症识别研究 …………………………………何 浪 (2) (17)

74LS00与非门芯片输入钳位二极管的属性探究 ……………………………………刘晓东,何松亚 (2) (26)

光场深度估计方法分类及性能比较研究 …………………………………………………………苏博妮 (2) (32)

基于生态模型的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情分析 …………………………………………杨安吉,颜忠诚 (2) (42)

研究方案设计影响区域水环境库兹涅茨曲线形状 …………………………………………………………………………………………………丁 月,王伟民,田琳静,王子康,高 静,许新瑶,董 雪,蒲 晓 (2) (50)

流动人口住房自有率及购房意愿率的空间格局及影响因素 ………………………于 颖,刘 冉 (2) (57)

沂河临沂段表层沉积物重金属污染特征与生态风险评价 ………………陈亦妍,郭媛媛,吕政霖 (2) (66)

环境空气中烷烃的光催化氧化实验改进研究 ……………………陈薇薇,杨 平,田 涛,康春莉 (2) (73)

人体及动物生理学课程教学改革探究 ……………………………………………………………张 成 (2) (78)

3S集成背景下全球导航卫星系统与地图学教学探索 ………………………………常占强,刘晓萌 (2) (83)

双黄连色谱指纹图谱和谱效关系研究进展 ………………………李 楠,杜怡婷,马 鑫,李冬梅 (2) (88)

定义在锥KK上的张量互补问题解集的性质研究 ………………………………………郑红茹,谷伟哲 (3) (1)

Fresnel型高阶积分的统一表达式 ………………………………………………………黄 炜,段旭朝 (3) (7)

一种基于Context Graph主题爬行算法的改进 ………………………………高庆芳,蒲宝卿,包 蕾 (3) (12)

对羟基苯甲酸酯类物质的太赫兹光谱特性研究 …………………孙 然,赵国忠,郭姣艳,李文宇 (3) (17)

频率与极化方式对室内太赫兹信道参数的影响 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………武晓磊,赵忠鑫,韩九州,何敬锁,苏 波,张存林 (3) (24)

氧化石墨烯对银白杨扦插苗生长的影响 ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……曹慧芬,张 晓,赵建国,王海雁,贾海宽,姚建忠,石源睿,边 涛,张颖颖,刘 霞 (3) (31)

基于地名体系的区域空间格局研究:以北京房山区为例 ……………………………史 晴,赵寰熹 (3) (37)

基于Gaussian和Multiwfn软件的喹啉和异喹啉的可视化教学研究初探 李 琳,杨宝华,张爱华 (3) (44)

茶叶中含Fe量检测的实验教学改革探索 ………………龙 威,陈曼玲,康新平,江伊依,金 烈 (3) (52)

基于问题指向型的土壤地理课例研修初探 ……………………………………………宋 颢,孔令惠 (3) (58)

兰科植物与菌根真菌专一性研究进展 ………………………………………唐燕静,郭顺星,陈 娟 (3) (63)

基于CiteSpace信息可视化分析光催化技术治理水污染领域的研究进展韩嵩琳,朱正如,姜俊超 (3) (75)

全域旅游背景下旅游季节性的再思考 ……………………………楚恩惠,刘爱利,王端军,程 雯 (3) (84)

民国时期(1918—1940年)高等教育中量子理论教学的发展:以北京大学、清华大学和燕京大学为例……………………………………………………………………………………………………曹丽欣,朱慧涓 (3) (91)

一类特殊二阶锥绝对值方程问题解的区间估计 ………………………………………赵敬云,苗新河 (4) (1)

基于Arduino技术的光电搬运机器人设计与编程(一):循线技术与线路控制 …… ………李振宇 (4) (8)

一类二阶立方变系数微分算子的不变子空间 …………………………………………………屈改珠 (4) (12)

《数书九章》方程章及其算筹思想:以“遥度圆城”为例 ……………………刘 蓓,赵世恩,殷明娥 (4) (16)

表面等离子体激元在圆筒形金属波导中的角动量特性 …………………王 鑫,高 琪,郭健宏 (4) (21)

水溶性海藻酸盐对液滴中胶体沉积的影响 …………………………………冯才鑫,王 海,李 英 (4) (27)

高压下碳化锆的状态方程和结构相变研究 …………………………………贾 淇,熊 伦,张俊然 (4) (33)

西南林业大学校园植物构成与分析 ………………………………肖明昆,王 娟,晓 红,谢凤瑞 (4) (40)

全球变暖背景下中国近地表无风日数的时空演变特征(1961—2018年)…………孔 锋,张钢锋 (4) (47)

基于顾客价值理论的海岛游客满意度影响因素评价:以大连市王家岛、石城岛为例 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………王 辉,宋欣哲 (4) (56)

确定性系数法的海城市地质灾害易发性评价 ………………………………李剑锋,芦艳丽,邹治亮 (4) (62)

仪器分析课程思政建设的探索与实践:以色谱教学为例 …………………宗 蕊,胡晓雨,叶能胜 (4) (69)

生物类专业生理学课程融入思政教育的实施路径探讨 …… ……王 丹,代 琦,陈贵钱,聂作明 (4) (75)

研究生国家奖学金评选中思想价值引领及其路径重构:地理学研究生获奖者调查 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………万 圆,尹 刚,丁梦娇 (4) (81)

湿敏功能材料的制备及应用研究进展 …………………王艺历,梁 晨,刘欣悦,纪文璇,张 恒 (4) (88)

带跳模型下提前违约的贷款保险定价研究 ……………………………………………雷子琦,周 清 (5) (1)

用于深度学习的一种改进L-BFGS算法 …………………………………………………………赵睿颖 (5) (8)

基于Arduino技术的光电搬运机器人设计与编程(二):颜色识别与物块捕获 ……………李振宇 (5) (15)

L2空间至L2空间的算子刻画 ……………………………………………………………汪成咏,王序岩 (5) (19)

Bogoliubov谱的微扰法 …………………………………………………………………张 颖,胡 洁 (5) (23)

基于微分变换法的变截面压杆临界载荷分析 …………………………………………杨文秀,滕兆春 (5) (27)

弹簧质量对振动及波动特性的影响 ………………………………杨晶然,赵丽明,周云松,隗功民 (5) (32)

AgI/GdFeO3/g-C3N4纳米光催化剂的制备及对诺氟沙星的降解研究 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………李 红,朱正如,张竣蛟,韩嵩琳 (5) (37)

环境和生物样品中14C的分析方法初探 ………王智慧,陈 飞,张 震,李玉文,王延飞,王雪涛 (5) (45)

北京中山公园二维码植物解说的应用效果研究 …………………张明庆,付 华,王江珊,唐 硕 (5) (53)

近30年来我国河口海岸线变迁及驱动因素分析 …………………邢 婧,孟 丹,白沁灵,李雨露 (5) (58)

符号学视角下的洪崖洞旅游吸引物研究 ………………………………………………宋书楠,常改欣 (5) (66)

醇主题在高中化学教学中的多维价值分析 ……………………………………………吴晗清,田晓雨 (5) (72)

思维导图在水文地球化学教学中的应用 …………………………颜瑞雯,孙红福,杨 柳,林 刚 (5) (80)

二维材料电催化还原CO2的研究进展 ……………………………陈泰国,高 非,王 强,郭效军 (5) (86)

基于Mask RCNN改进的全自动脑肿瘤分割 …………………………………………赵 旭,王 宏 (6) (1)

形如kφ(n)=φ2(n)+S(nm)的两个方程的可解性 …………………………姜莲霞,张四保,傅 湧 (6) (8)

M-矩阵线性方程组的一类非定常迭代法 ………………………………………………关晋瑞,温瑞萍 (6) (12)

太阳能和风能互补供电装置及其控制方法 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………范媛媛,彭 槺,安述祥,张 硕,程大剑,丁梓振,桑英军 (6) (16)

力-热-磁耦合场中碳纳米管振动问题研究 …………………………………贺 璞,邓庆田,李新波 (6) (23)

利用NICER卫星数据探测与研究低质量X射线双星4U 1608-52中的mHz QPO信号 …费珍燕 (6) (29)

GdVO4/g-C3N4复合材料的制备及对盐酸四环素的降解研究……韩嵩琳,朱正如,姬建堂,李 红 (6) (33)

中国工业集聚对能源生态效率的门槛效应 ……………………………………………关 伟,李丹阳 (6) (40)

基于不同光谱匹配算法的无人机高光谱遥感影像建筑垃圾分类研究 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 徐隆鑫,孙永华,何仕俊,赵元铭,叶 淼 (6) (50)

基于生态位理论的吉林省城市旅游竞合研究 ………………………………邵志颖,张 梅,冯志佰 (6) (57)

工程图学翻转课堂教学实践:以“组合体的画图方法”为例 ………………卢继霞,张运九,迟金玲 (6) (64)

原始物理问题测验工具的编制研究 ………………………………邢红军,臧富华,石 尧,赵玉萍 (6) (71)

基于企业微信和师星学堂的无机化学网课教学实践及思考……金琼花,王志强,孙振洲,潘 迅 (6) (79)

师范院校高分子化学课程思政的教学探索 ………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………………………黄潇楠,常 华,刘婧媛,张婷旖,吉 琳,李 伟,牛焕双 (6) (84)

师范院校结构化学课程思政建设探索 …… ……耿 华,魏留芳,周 晶,段雨爱,廖 奕,常 华 (6) (89)

地理师范类专业课程的思政探索与实践:以水文学课程为例 ………………………胡珊珊,李 秦 (6) (93)


(Natural Science Edition)

Index of Summary Contents(2021) Vol.42 No.1~6

Certain trees and unicyclic graphs for AZI index ……………………GAN Lu,DU Ying,CAO Xiaoli (1) (1)

Analysis and implementation of SQL injection attack based on Python …………………HE Junzhong (1) (5)

Bogoliubov transformation in Boson System …………………………………………BAI Yixiu,HU Jie (1) (10)

Study of structure phase transition and equation of state of LiMn2O4at high pressure ……………………………………………………………………………………………XIONG Lun,ZHANG Xinxin,YU Guoliang (1) (14)

Full counting statistics of non-degenerate energy levels in topological superconductor coupled to a quantum dot……………………………………………………………………………WANG Jing,GUO Jianhong (1) (20)

Study on the impurity induced polaron of one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled in spinless Fermi gas ……………………………………XIE Tianyang,YIN Honghao,WANG Yifan,YANG Mingyue,SUN Qing (1) (25)

Study on the subsequent reaction mechanism of hydroxyl radical and typical benzene series ……………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Xiaoxiao,LIU Lin,SUN Yanhui(1) (31)

A study on the influence of rural tourists’personality on the pre-travel preparation behavior ……………………………………………………………………………… LIANG Xiaoyao,WANG Yiren,WEN Jin (1) (40)

Study on wind prevention and sand resistance ability of oasis shelterbelt system in the northeast of Ulan Buh Desert ……………………BIAN Kai,GAO Junliang,XIN Zhiming,LUO Fengmin,HAO Yuguang,LI Xinle,TAN Lihai,AN Zhishan (1) (48)

Characteristics and risk assessment of heavy metals pollution in sediments of Chongli District reaches of Qingshui River Basin …………………LI Xinzhu,ZHANG Yuhu,HOU Lili,LI Xuyong,LIU Yujie (1) (54)

Current situation and enlightenment of online teaching of mathematics public courses in colleges under the background of epidemic prevention and control… …………………SUN Xiaojun,XU Yuncheng,CHEN Jianming,ZHANG Ting (1) (62)

The teaching material update on“analog electronic technology”in a way of the teaching analysis to promote professional internet of things under new engineering …………LI Junling,LI Shiming,NI Yuntao (1) (70)

Development and utilization of ancient poetry resources in chemistry teaching ……………………………………………………………………………………………… WU Hanqing,SUN Mengting,TANG Bo (1) (74)

Teaching suggestion and innovate exploring of recrystallization experiment of acetanilide ………………………………………………………………………………………………LONG Wei,QIU Guifu,LIAN Jie (1) (80)

Explorations and practices of experiment teaching in hydrogeology ……………………………………………………………………… SUN Wenjie,YANG Wenkai,DONG Donglin,LIN Gang,KUANG Da,LI Jun (1) (86)

Recent research progress of cellulose nanofiber hybrid and composite materials … LANG Jingyan,LU Junliang,YANG Jingxue,WU Xunqian,WANG Mingyu,WANG Yi,XUE Yuxing,ZHANG Heng (1) (89)

Comparison and exploration of different volatility models’forecasting performance …………………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Sheng’an,ZHOU Qing (2) (1)

Generalizedτ-singular andτ-nonsingular modules ……………………………………………LI Yuyan (2) (7)

Intelligent resolution of campus network domain name based on Bind and PAT ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Guangyi,SONG Liwei (2) (10)

Automatic depression estimation using 3D-CNN and STA-ConvLSTM from videos………HE Lang (2) (17)

Investigation on the nature of the input clamp diodes in 74LS00 NAND gates chips ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Xiaodong,HE Songya (2) (26)

Classification and performance comparison of light field depth estimation methods… … ……SU Boni (2) (32)

Analysis of COVID-19 epidemic based on ecological model…………YANG Anji,YAN Zhongcheng (2) (42)

Designs of study scheme controlling shapes of environmental Kuznets curve on regional water environmental quality ……………………DING Yue,WANG Weimin,TIAN Linjing,WANG Zikang,GAO Jing,XU Xinyao,DONG Xue,PU Xiao (2) (50)

Spatial variation and its determinants of migrants’homeownership rate and house-purchase intention rate ………………………………………………………………………………………………YU Ying,LIU Ran (2) (57)

Pollution characteristics and potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the surface sediments from the Linyi section of Yi River …………………………………CHEN Yiyan,GUO Yuanyuan,LYU Zhenglin (2) (66)

Improved photocatalytic oxidation experiment of alkane in ambient air ……………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Weiwei,YANG Ping,TIAN Tao,KANG Chunli (2) (73)

Exploration on reform of teaching of Human and Animal Physiology ………………ZHANG Cheng (2) (78)

Teaching exploration of global navigation satellite system and cartography under the circumstances of 3S Integration ……………………………………………………CHANG Zhanqiang,LIU Xiaomeng (2) (83)

Research progress in chromatographic fingerprints and spectrum-effect relationships of Shuanghuanglian ………………………………………………………………………LI Nan,DU Yiting,MA Xin,LI Dongmei (2) (88)

The study on properties of solutions of the tensor complementarity problem defined on the coneK………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Hongru,GU Weizhe (3) (1)

The expression of the higher order Fresnel integration ………………HUANG Wei,DUAN Xuchao (3) (7)

An improvement of topic crawling algorithm based on Context Graph …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………GAO Qingfang,PU Baoqing,BAO Lei (3) (12)

Terahertz spectral characteristics of p-hydroxybenzoate …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Ran,ZHAO Guozhong,GUO Jiaoyan,LI Wenyu (3) (17)

Influence of frequency and polarization mode on indoor terahertz channel parameters ……………………………………………WU Xiaolei,ZHAO Zhongxin,HAN Jiuzhou,HE Jingsuo,SU Bo,ZHANG Cunlin (3) (24)

Effects of graphene oxide on the growth ofPopulus albaL.cutting plantlets…………CAO Huifen,ZHANG Xiao,ZHAO Jianguo,WANG Haiyan,JIA Haikuan,YAO Jianzhong,SHI Yuanrui,BIAN Tao,ZHANG Yingying,LIU Xia (3) (31)

Research on regional spatial pattern based on toponym system:a case study of Fangshan Distrct in Beijing………

……………………………………………………………………………………SHI Qing,ZHAO Huanxi (3) (37)

Research on visual teaching of quinoline and isoquinoline based on Gaussian and Multiwfn software… ……………………………………………………………………………LI Lin,YANG Baohua,ZHANG Aihua (3) (44)

Experimental teaching innovate exploring of quantitative detection about Fe content in the tea ……………………………………………………LONG Wei,CHEN Manling,KANG Xinping,JIANG Yiyi,JIN Lie (3) (52)

Preliminary study on the lesson study of soil geography based on problem orientation ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Hao,KONG Linghui (3) (58)

Advances in the specificity of Orchid-mycorrhizal fungi …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………TANG Yanjing,GUO Shunxing,CHEN Juan (3) (63)

Based on CiteSpace information visualization analysis of research progress in the field of photocatalytic technology for water pollution control………… HAN Songlin,ZHU Zhengru,JIANG Junchao (3) (75)

Rethink of tourism seasonality under the holistic tourism background ………………………………………………………………………………………………CHU Enhui,LIU Aili,WANG Duanjun,CHENG Wen (3) (84)

The development of quantum theory teaching in higher education in the Republic of China era(1918—1940):taking Peking University,Tsinghua University and Yenching University as examples …………………………………………………………………………………………………………CAO Lixin,ZHU Huijuan (3) (91)

Interval estimation of solution for a special class of absolute value equation associated with second-order cone ……………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Jingyun,MIAO Xinhe (4) (1)

Design and programming of photoelectric carrying robot based on Arduino technology(Ⅰ):tracking line technology and line control ………………………………………………………………LI Zhenyu (4) (8)

Invariant subspaces of a class of second-order cubic differential operators with variable coefficients ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………QU Gaizhu (4) (12)

The equation chapter ofMathematical Treatise in Nine Sectionsand its thought of calculating and raising funds:based on“Yaodu Yuancheng”… ……………………………LIU Bei,ZHAO Shien,YIN Ming’e (4) (16)

Angular momentum characteristics of surface plasmon polariton in cylindrical metal waveguide ……………………………………………………………………………………WANG Xin,GAO Qi,GUO Jianhong (4) (21)

Effects of water-soluble alginate on colloidal deposition in droplets ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………FENG Caixin,WANG Hai,LI Ying (4) (27)

Equation of state and phase transformation of ZrC under high pressure …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………JIA Qi,XIONG Lun,ZHANG Junran (4) (33)

Composition and analysis of plants on campus of Southwest Forestry University ………………………………………………………………………XIAO Mingkun,WANG Juan,YANG Xiaohong,XIE Fengrui (4) (40)

Spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of near surface windless days in China from 1961 to 2018 under the background of global warming …………………………………KONG Feng,ZHANG Gangfeng (4) (47)

Research on influencing factors of island tourist satisfaction based on customer value theory:a case of Wangjia Island and Shicheng Island of Dalian City ……………………………WANG Hui,SONG Xinzhe (4) (56)

Geological disaster susceptibility evaluation of certainty factor method in Haicheng City ………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Jianfeng,LU Yanli,ZOU Zhiliang (4) (62)

Exploration and practice of ideological and political construction of instrumental analysis course:taking chromatography teaching as an example ………………ZONG Rui,HU Xiaoyu,YE Nengsheng (4) (69)

Discussion on the implementation path of integrating ideological and political education into Physiology of the majors concerning biology ………………WANG Dan,DAI Qi,CHEN Guiqian,NIE Zuoming (4) (75)

Ideological value guidance and path reconstruction of national scholarship selection for graduate students:based on the survey of winners of graduate students in Geography ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………WAN Yuan,YIN Gang,DING Mengjiao (4) (81)

Research progress in the preparation and application of moisture sensitive functional materials …………………………………………………WANG Yili,LIANG Chen,LIU Xinyue,JI Wenxuan,ZHANG Heng (4) (88)

Research on the pricing of loan insurance with early default under the jump model ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LEI Ziqi,ZHOU Qing (5) (1)

An improved L-BFGS algorithm for deep learning ………………………………………ZHAO Ruiying (5) (8)

Design and programming of photoelectric carrying robot based on Arduino technology(Ⅱ):color test and object capture ………………………………………………………………………………………LI Zhenyu (5) (15)

Operator characterization ofL2Space toL2Space ………………WANG Chengyong,WANG Xuyan (5) (19)

Perturbation method of Bogoliubov spectrum ……………………………………ZHANG Ying,HU Jie (5) (23)

Analysis of critical load of variable cross-section compression bars based on differential transformation method…………………………………………………………………………YANG Wenxiu,TENG Zhaochun (5) (27)

Influence of spring mass on vibration and wave characteristics ……………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Jingran,ZHAO Liming,ZHOU Yunsong,WEI Gongmin (5) (32)

Preparation of AgI/GdFeO3/g-C3N4nano photocatalysts and its photodegradation of norfloxacin ………………………………………………………………LI Hong,ZHU Zhengru,ZHANG Junjiao,HAN Songlin (5) (37)

Analysis method of14C in environmental and biological samples …………………………………………………………… ……WANG Zhihui,CHEN Fei,ZHANG Zhen,LI Yuwen,WANG Yanfei,WANG Xuetao (5) (45)

Study on the application of QR code system on plant interpretation in Beijing Zhongshan Park …………………………………………………………ZHANG Mingqing,FU Hua,WANG Jiangshan,TANG Shuo (5) (53)

Analysis of coastline changes of Chinese estuaries and its driving factors in the past 30 years ………………………………………………………………………………XING Jing,MENG Dan,BAI Qinling,LI Yulu (5) (58)

Research on Hongyadong tourist attractions from the perspective of semiotics ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………SONG Shunan,CHANG Gaixin (5) (66)

Alcohol theme value in high school chemistry teaching …………………WU Hanqing,TIAN Xiaoyu (5) (72)

Application of mind mapping in teaching of Hydrogeochemistry …………………………………………………………………………………………………………YAN Ruiwen,SUN Hongfu,YANG Liu,LIN Gang (5) (80)

Recent advances of 2D materials for electrochemical CO2reduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Taiguo,GAO Fei,WANG Qiang,GUO Xiaojun (5) (86)

Improved automatic brain tumor segmentation based on Mask RCNN ……ZHAO Xu,WANG Hong (6) (1)

Solvabilities of two equations of the formkφ(n)=φ(2n)+S(nm)…………………………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………JIANG Lianxia,ZHANG Sibao,FU Yong (6) (8)

A class of non-stationary iterative method for M-matrix linear systems GUAN Jinrui,WEN Ruiping (6) (12)

Solar and wind energy complementary power supply devices and control method …………………FAN Yuanyuan,…… PENG Kang,AN Shuxiang,ZHANG Shuo,CHENG Dajian,DING Zizhen,SANG Yingjun (6) (16)

Vibration of carbon nanotubes in stress-thermal-magnetic coupling field ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………HE Pu,DENG Qingtian,LI Xinbo (6) (23)

Study of mHz QPO signal in low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1608-52 ………………………FEI Zhenyan (6) (29)

Preparation of GdVO4/g-C3N4composite material and degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride …………………………………………………………………………HAN Songlin,ZHU Zhengru,JI Jiantang,LI Hong (6) (33)

Threshold effect of industrial agglomeration on energy eco-efficiency in China …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………GUAN Wei,LI Danyang (6) (40)

Study on construction waste classification of unmanned aerial vehicle hyperspectral remote sensing images based on different spectral matching algorithms ……………………………XU Longxin,SUN Yonghua,HE Shijun,………………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Yuanming,YE Miao (6) (50)

Research on urban tourism competition and cooperation relationship of Jilin Province based on Niche theory…………………………………………………………………SHAO Zhiying,ZHANG Mei,FENG Zhibai (6) (57)

Teaching practice of flipped classroom for the course of Engineering Graphics:taking“drawing method of combinations”for example ………………………………LU Jixia,ZHANG Yunjiu,CHI Jinling (6) (64)

Research on the development of testing tools for primitive physics problems ………………………………………………………………………………………XING Hongjun,ZANG Fuhua,SHI Yao,ZHAO Yuping (6) (71)

Teaching practice and thinking of Inorganic Chemistry online course based on WeCom and Shixing online school…………………………………………JIN Qionghua,WANG Zhiqiang,SUN Zhenzhou,PAN Xun (6) (79)

Ideological and political theories teaching in Polymer Chemistry courses of normal university…HUANG Xiaonan,CHANG Hua,LIU Jingyuan,ZHANG Tingyi,JI Lin,LI Wei,NIU Huanshuang (6) (84)

Ideological and political theories teaching in Structural Chemistry course of normal university …………………………………………GENG Hua,WEI Liufang,ZHOU Jing,DUAN Yu’ai,LIAO Yi,CHANG Hua (6) (89)

Ideological and political exploration and practice in the professional courses of Geography teacher education:a case study of Hydrology ………………………………………………………HU Shanshan,LI Qin (6) (93)

科技传播(2019年22期)2020-01-14 03:06:54
电子制作(2018年11期)2018-08-04 03:26:04
电子制作(2017年23期)2017-02-02 07:17:19