生 物 安 全 学 报Shengwu Anquan Xuebao
◎ 短评
1:1 Thoughts of a travelling ecologist 17.One biosecurity
◎ 论坛
1:3 涉及基因操作的前沿生物技术风险及其法律法规应对
何蕊, 曹芹, 陈洁君, 田金强
3:157 全球外来入侵生物与植物有害生物数据库的比较评价
徐钦望, 任利利, 骆有庆
3:166 影响河北省外来物种入侵的社会经济因素分析
陈凤新, 刘丛楠, 张风娟
◎ 综述论文
1:11 昆虫普通气味结合蛋白研究进展
张雪, 黄聪, 武强, 杨念婉, 钱万强, 万方浩
1:20 七星瓢虫基础研究现状
段宇杰, 何恒果, 蒲德强, 杨慧, 陈琪, 陆秋成
2:79 染色质重塑调控生物温度适应性的研究进展
2:89 象甲科昆虫转录组研究进展
杨红军, 徐丹萍, 胡佳萌, 卓志航, 陈彧
2:97 口岸植物检疫脱毒处理技术研究进展
3:172 生物条形码检测技术及其研究进展
3:178 我国福寿螺入侵现状和防控研究进展
王蝉娟, 宋增福, 鲁仙, 王玲, 骆楠, 姚立农, 张饮江
◎ 生物入侵
1:29 基于转录组的葡萄花翅小卷蛾三类解毒酶基因家族分析
白姣洋, 赵俊凝, 王康, 陈茂华
1:36 杏褪绿卷叶植原体新疆分离物核糖体蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析
韩剑, 陈杭, 艾克热木·买买提, 罗明, 唐章虎
2:102 番茄潜叶蛾幼虫和卵在新疆大棚番茄的空间分布型及理论抽样数
阿米热·牙生江, 付开赟 , 阿地力·沙塔尔, 丁新华, 何江, 吐尔逊·阿合买提, 王俊, 李晓维, 郭文超
2:110 薇甘菊化感物质对土壤氮素矿化的影响及其化感利己作用
3:183 草地贪夜蛾成虫触角感器超微结构观察
…雷婷, 郭峰, 陈思蓉, 李明超, 严乃胜, 陈斌, 杜广祖, 唐国文
3:189 寄主植物对扶桑绵粉蚧体型及体内能源物质含量的影响
覃武, 胡雍, 桂富荣, 覃江梅, 蔡晓燕, 陈红松
3:195 我国首次截获有害生物小楔双棘长蠹
李天宝, 黄萍, 张录璐, 孙小冰
3:200 赤霉素对入侵植物凤眼莲营养生长和克隆繁殖的调控
4:235 入侵地加拿大一枝黄花根际和非根际土壤微生物群落结构及多样性
杨海君, 王巧, 万自学, 张正云, 陈丹丹, 谭菊
4:244 进境德国云杉原木中夹带栎树猝死病菌的检疫鉴定
李雪莲, 吕燕, 刘芳, 张慧丽, 段维军
4:250 江西省外来植物现状
吴雪惠, 高丽琴, 毛丽云, 姜轶涵, 杨光耀, 唐明
4:256 内蒙古外来入侵植物种类调查及相关分析
王宜凡, 贺俊英
◎ 转基因生物评价
1:43 转基因玉米双抗12-5-21的抗虫性及对草甘膦的耐受性
孙红炜, 徐晓辉, 李凡, 杨淑珂, 路兴波
◎ 农用化学品
1:50 丁氟螨酯对二斑叶螨生长发育的影响
谭德龙, 廖伟涛, 郑苑, 郑锦荣, 张长远, 张宝鑫, 李敦松
1:56 甲酸乙酯与异硫氰酸甲酯混用熏蒸菜豆象的最优配方
杨璐, 戴仁怀, 杨洪, 江兆春
2:120 烟田中静电喷雾和电动喷雾下噻虫嗪的防效及对昆虫群落的影响
何明川, 敖仕元, 王志江, 詹莜国, 柯昌磊, 李微杰, 高熹, 吴国星, 谢永辉
2:126 普通豚草防控药剂筛选
……丁世强, 付开赟, 丁新华, 何江, 吐尔逊·阿合买提, 张国良, 付卫东, 文俊, 加马力丁·吾拉扎汗, 郭文超
2:132 66.5%霜霉威盐酸盐水剂在黄瓜中的残留趋势
3:206 5种杀虫剂对西花蓟马和花蓟马的毒力及其生理酶活性的影响
樊宗芳, 宋洁蕾, 桂富荣, 和淑琪
◎ 风险评估
1:61 椰子叶螨Aceria(Eriophyes)guerreronis对我国椰子产业风险性分析……吕朝军, 钟宝珠, 韩超文, 李朝绪
1:65 基于集合模型的草地贪夜蛾的潜在分布预测
韩欣娆, 朱耿平, 门永亮, 杨琢
2:137 栎方翅网蝽Corythuchaarcuata(Say)在中国的潜在适生区预测
谭谋, 汪洋
3:213 基于 MaxEnt 模型的菜豆象全球潜在适生区预测
3:220 基于环境DNA宏条形码技术的北京地区鱼类多样性调查和外来鱼种入侵风险评估
4:263 入侵植物三裂叶豚草在中国的潜在适生区预测…李佳慧, 叶兴状, 张明珠, 赖文峰, 刘益鹏, 张天宇, 张国防, 刘宝
4:275 中国外来动物物种组成及跨境风险
彭硕, 李志红, 赵紫华
◎ 生态安全
2:143 外来树种日本落叶松和日本花柏对鄂西北森林群落的影响……庞宏东, 王晓荣, 杨佳伟, 胡文杰, 刘学全
2:150 阔叶丰花草对荔枝园杂草群落特征及物种多样性的影响
纪红, 尹爱国, 岳茂峰, 周天
◎ 生物防治
4:282 蠋蝽成虫对马铃薯甲虫卵和低龄幼虫的捕食能力…
刘娟, 廖江花, 李超, 胡恒志, 韩露露, 刘霞, 牛平
4:287 黄带犀猎蝽成虫对斜纹夜蛾幼虫的捕食功能反应
杜浩, 只佳增, 周劲松, 刘学敏, 张建春, 岳建伟
◎ 植保聚焦
3:230 蚜虫对设施辣椒产量和品质的影响
金玲, 戴莹, 张海波, 于淦军, 周福才, 周晨, 陈永明, 王风良, 陈华, 朱加萍, 车晋英, 杨荣明
4:292 福建省直播稻根结线虫病的病原种类鉴定
柯叶鑫, 陈晶伟, 肖顺, 杨小龙, 程曦, 刘国坤
4:299 7个香蕉品种的抗枯萎病评价及3种评价方法的对比
◎ 技术前沿
1:72 利用图像识别技术计算薇甘菊锈病的相对病斑面积…任行海, 刘博, 乔曦, 王福宽, 钱万强, 万方浩, 刘怀
4:30460Coγ射线和电子束对红棕象甲雄虫的不育能力测定…李庆, 李朝绪, 吕朝军, 钟宝珠, 黄山春, 高熹, 覃伟权
◎ 简报
4:309 北京发现新外来蚜虫——百合西圆尾蚜Dysaphistulipae(Boyer de Fonscolombe)…虞国跃, 杨帆, 周达康
◎ 简讯
1:78 List of reviewers,2020
2:156 《生物安全学报》入编《中文核心期刊要目总览》
General Contents of Vol.30
(Figures before title are No.and page respectively)
1:1 Thoughts of a travelling ecologist 17.One biosecurity
1:3 Risks of gene manipulation in frontier biotechnology and response of laws and regulations
HE Rui,CAO Qin ,CHEN Jiejun,TIAN Jinqiang
3:157 Comparative evaluation of databases of invasive alien species and plant pests in the world
XU Qinwang,REN Lili,LUO Youqing
3:166 Analysis of socio-economic factors that affected the invasion of alien species in Hebei Province
CHEN Fengxin,LIU Congnan,ZHANG Fengjuan
1:11 Advances in the study of general odorant binding proteins in insects
ZHANG Xue,HUANG Cong,WU Qiang,YANG Nianwan,QIAN Wanqiang,WAN Fanghao
1:20 Basic research status ofCoccinellaseptempunctata
DUAN Yujie, HE Hengguo, PU Deqiang, YANG Hui, CHEN Qi, LU Qiucheng
2:79 Research advance of chromatin remodeling in regulating biological temperature adaptability
JI Shunxia,WANG Xiaodi,SHEN Xiaona,LIU Wanxue,WAN Fanghao,LÜ Zhichuang
2:89 Superficial analysis of the transcriptome in Curculionidae
YANG Hongjun, XU Danping, HU Jiameng, ZHUO Zhihang, CHEN Yu
2:97 Advances on plant quarantine virus elimination research at port
ZHANG Lijie,LIU Juan,ZHENG Chunsheng,WANG Weichen,JIANG Tao,WEI Yadong
3:172 Detection technology and research progress of biological barcode
LIU Pei,YIN Huimin,MU Wenjing,LI Hui,WU Erbin,WEI Dong
3:178 The invasion and control ofPomaceacanaliculatain China
WANG Chanjuan,SONG Zengfu,LU Xian,WANG Ling,LUO Nan,YAO Linong,ZHANG Yinjiang
1:29 Tanscriptomic analysis of three detoxification enzyme families inLobesiabotrana
BAI Jiaoyang,ZHAO Junning,WANG Kang,CHEN Maohua
1:36 Cloning and sequencing of the ribosomal protein gene of the phytoplasma of apricot chlorotic leaf roll in Xinjiang
HAN Jian,CHEN Hang,AIKEREMU·Maimaiti,LUO Ming,TANG Zhanghu
2:102 Spatial distribution patterns and theoretical sampling ofTutaabsoluta(Meyrick) of larvae and eggs in a tomato-producing greenhouse in Xinjiang,China
Amire,FU Kaiyun,SHATAER·Adili,DING Xinhua,HE Jiang,AHMAT·Tursum,WANG Jun,LI Xiaowei,GUO Wenchao
2:110 Effects of allelochemicals ofMikaniamicranthaH.B.K.on soil nitrogen mineralization and its self-interested allelopathy
ZHENG Yaping,YU Hanxia,ZHANG Xinyu,OU Qiaojing,YUE Maofeng,LI Weihua
3:183 Ultrastructure of antennae sensilla ofSpodopterafrugiperda
LEI Ting,GUO Feng,CHEN Sirong,LI Mingchao,YAN Naisheng,CHEN Bin,DU Guangzu,TANG Guowen
3:189 Effects of host plants on body size and energy substances contents ofPhenacoccussolenopsisTinsley…
QIN Wu,HU Yong,GUI Furong,QIN Jiangmei,CAI Xiaoyan,CHEN Hongsong
3:195 A first interception of the borerSixnoxyloncuneolusLesne (Coleoptera:Bostrichidae) in China
LI Tianbao,HUANG Ping,ZHANG Lulu,SUN Xiaobing
3:200 The regulation of gibberellins on the vegetative growth and clonal propagation of the invasive plantEichhorniacrassipes
XU Jing,LI Jing,TAO Guirong
4:235 Structure and diversity of microbial communities in the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil in areas with invasiveSolidagocanadensisL.
YANG Haijun,WANG Qiao,WAN Zixue,ZHANG Zhengyun,CHEN Dandan,TAN Ju
4:244 Quarantine identification ofPhytophthoraramorumcarried onPiceaasperataimported from Germany…
LI Xuelian, LÜ Yan, LIU Fang, ZHANG Huili, DUAN Weijun
4:250 Study on the alien plants in Jiangxi Province,China
WU Xuehui,GAO Liqin,MAO Liyun,JIANG Yihan,YANG Guangyao,TANG Ming
4:256 Species investigation and related analysis of the alien invasive plants in Inner Mongolia
WANG Yifan, HE Junying
1:43 Insect resistance and tolerance to the target herbicide of the transgenic maize cultivar Shuangkang 12-5-21
SUN Hongwei,XU Xiaohui,LI Fan,YANG Shuke,LU Xingbo
1:50 Effects of the insecticide cyflumetofen on the growth and development of the spider mite,TetranychusurticaeKoch…TAN Delong,LIAO Weitao,ZHENG Yuan,ZHENG Jinrong,ZHANG Changyuan,ZHANG Baoxin,LI Dunsong
1:56 The optimal formula of the ethyl formate plus methyl isothiocyanate for fumigatingAcanthoscelidesobtectus(Say)
YANG Lu,DAI Renhuai,YANG Hong,JIANG Zhaochun
2:120 Effects of electrostatic spraying and electric spraying on thiamethoxam control and insect community in tobacco fields
HE Mingchuan,AO Shiyuan,WANG Zhijiang,ZHAN Youguo,KE Changlei,LI Weijie,GAO Xi,WU Guoxing,XIE Yonghui
2:126 Screeing of herbicides for controllingAmbrosiaartemisiifoliaL.in Xinjiang,China
DING Shiqiang,FU Kaiyun,DING Xinhua,
HE Jiang,AHMAT·Tuerxun,ZHANG Guoliang,FU Weidong,WEN Jun,WULAZAHAN·Jiamaliding,GUO Wenchao
2:132 Residual trend of 66.5% propamocarb hydrochloride aqueous solutions in cucumber
LI Rong,ZHAO Jia,WU Yihong,HU Fangfan
3:206 Effect of five insecticides on toxicity and physiological enzyme activities ofFrankliniellaoccidentalisandF.intonsa
FAN Zongfang,SONG Jielei,GUI Furong, HE Shuqi
1:61 Risk analysis ofAceria(Eriophyes)guerreronison coconut industry in China
LÜ Chaojun,ZHONG Baozhu,HAN Chaowen,LI Chaoxu
1:65 Ensemble predicting ofSpodopterafrugiperdapotential distribution
HAN Xinrao,ZHU Gengping,MEN Yongliang,YANG Zhuo
2:137 Potential geographical distribution areas ofCorythuchaarcuata(Say) in China……TAN Mou,WANG Yang
3:213 Potential suitable distribution ofAcanthoscelidesobtectus(Say) based on the MaxEnt model
XU Yangcheng,LIU Xiaoxian,WANG Ting,LI Dongyu,GAO Guizhen
3:220 Environmental DNA metabarcoding-based monitoring of fish diversity and screening invasion risk of non-
native fishes in the Beijing area
LIU Bo,WANG Hao,QIN Bin,FAN Zhongru,XIONG Wei, CHEN Yiyong
4:263 Prediction of potential habitat of invasive plantAmbrosiatrifidain China
LI Jiahui,YE Xingzhuang,ZHANG Mingzhu,LAI Wenfeng,LIU Yipeng,ZHANG Tianyu,ZHANG Guofang,LIU Bao
4:275 The species composition of non-native animals and cross-border risk in China
PENG Shuo, LI Zhihong, ZHAO Zihua
2:143 Effects of exotic tree speciesLarixkaempferi(Lamb.) Carr.andChamaecyparispisifera(Sieb.et Zucc.) Endl.on forest communities in northwest Hubei, China
PANG Hongdong,WANG Xiaorong,YANG Jiawei,HU Wenjie,LIU Xuequan
2:150 Effects ofSpermacocealataAublet on the characteristics and species diversity of weed community in the litchi orchards
JI Hong,YIN Aiguo,YUE Maofeng,ZHOU Tian
4:282 Preliminary study on adultArmachinensis(Fallou) preying onLeptinotarsadecemlineata(Say) eggs and young instar larvae
LIU Juan,LIAO Jianghua,LI Chao,HU Hengzhi,HAN Lulu,LIU Xia,NIU Ping
4:287 Predatory functional response ofSycanuscroceovittatus(Hemiptera:Reduviidae) adults onSpodopteralitura(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) larvae
DU Hao,ZHI Jiazeng,ZHOU Jinsong,LIU Xuemin,ZHANG Jianchun,YUE Jianwei
3:230 The influence of aphids on the yield and quality of facility peppers
JIN Ling, DAI Ying, ZHANG Haibo, YU Ganjun,
ZHOU Fucai, ZHOU Chen, CHEN Yongming, WANG Fengliang, CHEN Hua, ZHU Jiaping, CHE Jinying, YANG Rongming
4:292 Identification of pathogen species of rice root-knot nematode disease of direct seeding rice (Oryzasativa) in Fujian Province
KE Yexin,CHEN Jingwei,XIAO Shun,YANG Xiaolong,CHENG Xi,LIU Guokun
4:299 Evaluation ofFusariumwilt resistance in seven banana varieties and comparison of three evaluation methods
DU Hao,LI Zongkai,ZHI Jiazeng,ZHOU Jinsong,ZHANG Jianchun,CHEN Weiqiang,YUE Jianwei
1:72 Calculation of spot area ofMikaniamicrantharust based on image processing technology
REN Xinghai,LIU Bo,QIAO Xi,WANG Fukuan,QIAN Wanqiang,WAN Fanghao,LIU Huai
4:304 Sterile effect on60Coγ-ray and electron beam of red palm weevilRhyncophorusferrugineus
LI Qing,LI Chaoxu,LÜ Chaojun,ZHONG Baozhu,HUANG Shanchun,GAO Xi,QIN Weiquan
4:309 The first detection of the tulip bulb aphid,Dysaphistulipae(Boyer de Fonscolombe) (Hemiptera,Aphididae) in Beijing,China
YU Guoyue,YANG Fan,ZHOU Dakang