A Chinese Myth BehindNaming Chinese LunarExploration Program 中国探月工程命名的由来

2021-01-19 17:04:51Juno
疯狂英语·初中版 2021年9期



China's Lunar Exploration Program(CLEP), also known as the Chang'e Program,is a program undertaken by the China National Space Administration(CNSA). As earlyas in 1991, Chinese space scientists proposed the project of lunar exploration. Theyput together the three-stage plan of "Orbiting, Landing and Returning" in 2004.

The first is orbital mission, simply reaching lunar orbit, a task completed byChang'e 1 on October 24, 2007. The second is soft lander, landing and 3)roving onthe Moon, as Chang'e 3, the spacecraft was successfully launched on December 2,2013. The third is return mission, collecting lunar samples from the near-side andsending them to Earth. The return capsule of China's Chang'e-5 probe touched downon Earth on December 17th 2020, bringing back the country's first samples collectedfrom the moon.

It seems that for thousands of years, Chinese people had longed to go to the moon,and the dream are coming true.

For Chinese people, "Chang'e" the name of Chinese lunar probe is a householdname and easy to 5)resonate with. It all because that this name came from a famousChinese myth and later have been written in ancient classic and poems often times. Themyth has many versions and now we are going to share the most popular one with you.

It is said that long ago there used to be 10 suns shining in the sky. The crop wasdrying and people 6)suffered a lot. There was a powerful 7narcher named Hou Yi, whohad great sympathy for people's sufferings from the 8)blistering weather and decided tohelp them out. Hou Yi climbed up to the summit of Kunlun Mountains, and shot down ninesuns, leaving only one to benefit people. After he shot down the suns, Hou Yi became ahero who was 9)revered by local people.

Hou Yi was so famous for his perfect archery skills, so many people became followersof him and learned from him. A man named Pang Meng who was 10)treacherous andgreedy was among them.

Later, Hou Yi married a beautiful girl—Chang'e. The young couple lived a happy andsweet life. One day, the Queen Mother of the West gave Hou Yi an 1Ielixir. This elixircould help people who drank it ascend to heaven and become immortal. However, Hou Yiwas not willing to leave his wife Chang'e alone on the earth, so he gave her the elixir forsafekeeping.

Unfortunately, Pang Meng found this secret and made a plan to steal it. On themorning of a 15th day of an 8th lunar month, when Hou Yi and other 12)apprentices wentout for hunting, Pang pretended to fall ill and stayed at home. After they left, Pangforced Chang'e to give him the elixir. Chang'e, knowing that she could not defeat Pang,13)swallowed the elixir herself, and immediately she felt herself floating up and flied tothe sky.

Hou Yi came back and didn't see Chang'e. He went outside and found that themoon was extremely clean and bright that night, and that there was a moving figurelike Chang'e in the moon. Hou Yi 14)desperately tried to catch up with the moon, butonce he chased forward, the moon went back, so he could never catch up. Hou Yi thenasked servants to set a table in his back garden and with his wife's favorite snacks andfruits on it, looking forward to meet and reunite with Chang'e. From then on, the customof worshipping the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival began to spread in China.

The Chinese nation has always attached great significance to the inheritance anddevelopment of its own fine traditional culture, like name China's Lunar ExplorationProgram as the Chang'e Program, a fusion ofChina's past and future in thescientific community.Outstanding Chinese scientists in the long sweepof history not only show their scientific spirit ofexploration, adventure and pursuing the truth butalso share profound humanistic care and historicalvision.











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