路易斯·恩里克·隆吉·特拉韦尔索Luis Enrique Longhi Traverso

2021-01-14 07:54:02
世界建筑导报 2021年4期

简介 Biography

秘鲁建筑师路易斯·隆吉曾在利马就读于里卡多·帕尔马大学,在Juvenal Baracco 设计工作室工作两年,然后去了美国攻读研究生。他在费城的宾夕法尼亚大学获设计学院建筑设计硕士学位和美术(雕塑)硕士学位,并在波士顿的哈佛大学设计研究生院获建筑、艺术和景观设计计算机动画应用专业硕士学位。在费城,他曾与巴克里希纳·多西、安得勒·桑托斯等诸多世界知名建筑师共事,其中还有路易斯· 康的学生,例如:马歇尔· 迈尔斯和大卫· 斯洛维奇。隆吉曾在母校里卡多· 帕尔马大学任教,现任教于利马UPC 应用技术大学。他在全球众多大学中担任客座教授。

在外(美国和印度)学习生活15 年,路易斯·隆吉决心返回故土完成使命——恢复秘鲁建筑精髓,建造当代印加建筑。2003 年,路易斯·隆吉首次代表秘鲁参加捷克共和国在布拉格举行的著名PQ-2003 第十届舞台设计和剧场建筑四年展。

2004 年,路易斯·隆吉代表国家参加第四届伊比利亚美洲建筑双年展,其纪念博物馆设计作品Yuyanapaq-to Remember 实现了物体的建筑特征。

2007 年,路易斯·隆吉再次代表秘鲁在布拉格的PQ-2007 中出版了其第一本书《场景建筑》,获得了专家的一致认可。

2008 年,路易斯·隆吉代表国家参加威尼斯建筑双年展和西班牙马德里伊比利亚美洲设计双年展。

2010 年,路易斯·隆吉的作品入围第七届伊比利亚美洲建筑双年展,凭借Pachacamac Hill House 项目获得第二十四届秘鲁建筑双年展建筑金奖。

2012 年,路易斯· 隆吉获得安第斯胡里亚卡Néstor Cáceres Velásquez 大学荣誉博士称号。

2013 年, 路易斯· 隆吉获得世界建筑新闻英文平台WAN21FOR21 国际大奖,作为21 个专业机构之一,旨在创造21 世纪世界建筑创造新趋势。

2014 年,路易斯·隆吉获芝加哥伊利诺伊理工学院密斯皇冠美洲奖提名。


Peruvian architect Luis Longhi studied in Ricardo Palma University in Lima,in the design studio of Juvenal Baracco,with whom he worked for 2 years,before leaving to the United States for his post-graduate studies.He made his Master in Architectural design and Master in Fine Arts (sculpture) in Penn Design (University of Pennsylvania) in Philadelphia and Computer Animation applied to Architecture,Arts and Landscape Architecture in GSD Harvard University in Boston.He worked with recognized world architects like B.V.Doshi,Adele Santos,and some of Louis Kahn disciples in Philadelphia such as:Marshall Meyers and David Slovic.He taught in his Alma mater,Ricardo Palma University,now teaches at UPC University of Applied Sciences,in Lima.He also is Visiting Professor at many Universities around the world.

After studying and living for 15 years outside of Peru (United States and India),he felt the call of the ancestors and the need to return to his homeland in order to fulfill a mission,to recover the essence of an architecture from these lands,and be able to build what could be a contemporary Inca architecture.In 2003 represent his country for the first time at the prestigious PQ-2003 Tenth Quadrennial of Stage Design and Theatre Architecture in Prague,Czech Republic.

In 2004 represents his country at the Fourth Ibero American Biennial of architecture with his work“Yuyanapaq-To Remember” memory museum design on reaching architectural features of object.

In 2007 again it represents Peru in the PQ-2007 in Prague where he presents his first book entitled“Scene Architecture” received unanimous acceptance by specialists.

In 2008 he represents his country at the Venice Biennale of Architecture and the Design Ibero American Biennial in Madrid,Spain.

In 2010 he was finalist at the Seventh Ibero American Biennial of Architecture and won the Gold Medal for Architecture in the XXIV Peruvian Biennale with the “Pachacamac Hill House”.

In 2012 he received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa by the University Néstor Cáceres Velásquez Andean Juliaca.

In 2013 won the WAN 21 FOR 21 International Award from the English Platform:World Architecture News,in recognition of the prfessional practice as one of the 21 offices intended to set new trends in world architecture in the XXI century.

In 2014 he was nominated to the Mies Crown Hall of the Americas Award from the Illinois Institute of Technology,Chicago.

His work has been widely recognized emphasizing its quest for a Contemporary Inca Architecture reflected in his work as Lecturer and International Professor highlighting its participation in recent publications as:Atlas of World Architecture of the century,Architecture Now 8 and Detail Magazine.He currently serves as CEO of Longhi Architects in Lima,is senior lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences in Lima and visiting professor at various universities among which are:the PhD in architecture from the University of Hawaii Manoa,the Chair for distinguished professors from the Faculty of Architecture at Montana State University in Bozeman and advanced Workshops of the Faculty of Architecture of the University Federico Santa María de Valparaiso in Chile.

隆吉建筑师事务所 Longhi Architects

隆吉建筑师事务所成立于1996 年,事务所旨在通过严谨的设计和研究实现跨学科实践,提供创新的解决方案。事务所由创始人路易斯·隆吉担任负责人和设计总监。作为一个协作型企业,事务所团队专业成员不超过10 人,均致力于建筑实践。


Founded in 1996,Longhi Architects is an interdisciplinary practice involved in rigorous design and research that yields innovative solutions.With founder Luis Longhi serving as principal and design director,the firm consists of a small group of never more than 10 professionals,who remain committed to the practice of architecture as a collaborative enterprise.

The firm specializes in the artistic side of the profession having design and executed world recognized Theater Stages,Public Installations and small size architectural projects where the integration with nature is fundamental.

教学兴趣与理念的陈述 Statement of Teaching Interest and Philosophy









Few years had passed since the first invitation to lecture internationally.At that moment,I experienced the need to understand and /or to find out “that” rational process to produce architecture.

After several intents to find some logic to my process as a professor and as an architect,the conclusion was to title “Living by Instinct” to that first lecture.Facts as not being able to read in my childhood have had pushed me to compensate that disability with the development of other skills.Sensibility,instinct and intuition dominated my process both in my architecture as well as in my teaching.

Teaching architecture as I see it is an act of “transmitting” not that of showing how to do things.Students go to the university with the aim of becoming architects; of finding out if,they have what it takes.What is the first thing we should teach them? First,we must explain that the person standing in front of them is only someone with more experience in the field,someone that will appreciate questions for which he or she have or not have an answer,someone who will transmit his/her inner self with not limitations.

In my case,I have learned few statements that help me transmit:

First,the understanding that nature is divine creation therefore it is perfect.The direct consequence to this statement is that any kind of intervention in nature becomes an attempt to transform perfection.Second,the understanding that the tool that humanity has to transform nature is “design”.Etymologically design is defined as the corollary of two words:divine and sign,therefore one could define design as “the act of making divine decisions”.Third,the understanding that nature and design have been together since mankind creation,therefore the world was,is and will be designer’s responsibility.Fourth,the understanding that architects great responsibility is that of transforming nature,this means transforming perfection with and to perfection.In other words,the understanding of architecture as the nature of nature.

These four statements have become the fundaments to consider each time I have to either propose new architecture or understand existing architecture.

It is fundamental to listen to the environment and to establish a relationship with it,this relationship will be similar to any other type of relationships that humans have,and it can be direct,sophisticated,romantic,respectful,sane or insane.

In my case it is very direct,meaning intuitive and sensitive with not major analysis and/or rationality.Therefore when I teach,I tend to transmit and establish a relationship with the students similar to the relationship I have already established with the environment,then it is easy to appreciate communication between professors students and nature.

人物访谈 Interview























WARA:Do you think architecture is related to sculpture? How to understand the relationship between them?

Longhi:To me they both are very related but I have it clear that architecture has to function while sculpture is there more to move feelings,when you use the best of both of them you will have architecture with soul,spiritual architecture.

WARA:Do you think architecture is related to sculpture? How to understand the relationship between them? Through the ingenious use of building materials,your works are more humanized.What kind of feelings do you expect users to have in your architectural works?

Longhi:One of the few things if not the only one that gives soul to the materials is art.Every piece of architecture,I mean even every Lille piece shod be touch by art,by beauty,by the spirit of wellness.

When I visit my work years after I turned them to my clients I can feel every piece of them as a memory of the future,I understand this feeling as inspiration for what is next to do.I am very sure that visitor feel things like that.

WARA:What do you think of modern reinforced concrete and other materials?

Longhi:Modern cast in place reinforced concrete is my favorite material because its flexibility with forms,I think it is the most appropriate material for a sculptor-architect,it ‘structural capabilities can be calculated therefore an architect is able to perform as a sculptor.

Stone from the site not from other place is the perfect associate for artificial interventions in that specific site,ideal to transform the place in architecture.

Cast stone (mix of marble dust,marble chips and cement) is the ideal material to stucco complicated volumes given them unity.

WARA:In your architectural works,circles,broken lines and other forms often appear.What is the deeper meaning of these abstract symbols?

Longhi:I want to believe that they are symbols of my culturebut I have to admit that they just come from my intuitive memory; nevertheless being born in the Andes of Peru it is logic to think that they are symbols that I saw in textiles,ceramics and architecture of the incas and pre incas.

WARA:What do you think of the relationship between architecture and nature?

Longhi:For me Architecture should be an extension of Nature,ifnature is divine creation,then architecture should get the same condition.Perfection should bring toperfection; if I follow nature,my architecture should be as good as nature.

Architecture and nature should be synonymous never the less our cities which areorganize by many pieces of architecture are taking away nature from nature,while the destiny of new cities should be to keep the nature of nature.

WARA:What role do you think traditional Peruvian construction and handwork techniques played in your design process?

Longhi:Tradition in construction is one of the most important gifts from Inca culture,in Peru,it is impossible not to use thisbenefit in contemporary construction; in our case,it is essential the design build processwith the intention to reach artistic construction.

WARA:In your buildings,the architectural form often interacts with the light.How did you grasp the light as a part of your design process?

Longhi:I see the Sun as the most important ingredient of architecture,the intention to reach natural light in every room of a building gives the chance to speculate in how to bring light to them through the roofs,floors and/or any or all traditional or not traditional parts of the building.It helps to think that sunlight not only comes from above but also from below.The search for light by drawing as many sections of the building as possible is also of great help in our design process.

WARA:What do you think is the direction forward for contemporary Inca architecture?

Longhi:It is important to respect both,tradition and globalization in order to reach a new order.The perfect balance ofregionalism given by Peruvian traditions and technology given by globalization should take us towards contemporary Inca architecture.

WARA:The interior of your buildings often directly reveals the texture of building materials themselves.What do you want to express through this design?

Longhi:The practice of artistic architecture demands to call for the nature of each material to be used,I see nature coming from inside to express itself in the outside therefore when possible my buildings try to show the nature of materials as well as the nature of the site.

WARA:In the interior of your building,the superposition of geometric elements makes the space present a surreal feeling like Lego.How do you control the application of geometric elements?

Longhi:My training as a sculptor helps me a lot in the composition of buildings especially in the perception of the inside spaces.

In addition,the many years working with important modern masters of architecture gave me the discipline to understand balance and proportions.

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