Ancient Chinese Costumes Fluttering in the Courtyard of the Yellow Crane Tower

2021-01-09 08:04:48ByBaiNingQinGong
Special Focus 2020年6期

By Bai Ning & Qin Gong

November 7, Wuhan.

Outside the Yellow Crane Tower Park, the city is dynamic and crowded, full of vehicles and visitors. Inside, however, the courtyard is thronged with men and women wearing colorful ancient Chinese costumes characteristic of different dynasties. Chinese costume lovers from all over the world are gathered here, dressed in varied and exquisite costumes and posing before the cameras, their beautiful images and best memories preserved in photos. The artful reconciliation of the classic style and modern elements produce an air of striking contrast, as if all the participants have walked back to the past dynasties in a time machine.

Here, the first World Chinese Costume Festival was held and flowered, attracting nearly 30,000 men and women, old and young to the site, and more than 30 million hits online.

As an ancient saying goes, “The beauty of garments is called Hua, and the greatness of etiquette is called Xia.” Hua Xia, the ancient name for China, demonstrates that the civilization of this nation, with some five thousand years of history, is seen in the pieces of Chinese garments. As time goes on, the functions of garments have gone far beyond satisfying the basic human needs of covering the body and have become a carrier of cultures, aesthetics, and philosophy. Nowadays, when fashion designers draw inspiration from traditional culture, the beauty of ancient Chinese garments becomes known and loved by more and more.





An international student dressed in traditional Chinese costume is putting on make-up in front of the mirror, getting ready to take part in a flash mob for the World Chinese Costume Festival (Photo by Chen Jie) 留学生身着华服,对镜化妆,准备参加快闪活动(陈洁 摄)

With artists dancing gracefully with long sleeves, a Tang style dance marks the launch of the World Chinese Costume Festival (Photo by Ji Fei) 长袖善舞,风姿绰约,一曲《大唐飞歌》拉开世界华服大会帷幕(季飞 摄)

In the evening show of the festival, Chinese ethnic costumes dazzle on the stage (Photo by Wang Yuansong)大会“风雅颂”秀典上,56 个民族的典型服饰闪亮T 台(王远松 摄)

With exquisite embroideries on the brocade clothing, this woman embodies grace and poise (Photo by Song Zhanglin)锦衣华服,气度雍容(宋璋林 摄)

Beautiful colors and complex patterns—the beauty of traditional Chinese garments lies in the artistic conceptions they create (Photo by Ye Ping) 配色清丽,纹饰繁复,华服之美,美在气韵(叶萍 摄)

Typical costumes of ancient swordsmen in China (Photo by Wang Yanbin)一曲《侠客行》展示出古代侠士的典型装扮(王彦斌 摄)

A loving couple meeting at a fair (Photo by Li Huiming)《江南伉俪》,原来情侣衫古已有之(李惠明 摄)

Pre-Qin costumes (Photo by Wang Yanbin)诗经《兼葭》吟颂,展示先秦文化与服饰魅力(王彦斌 摄)

A Spring Outing in the Tang Dynasty painted by Sun Endao displayed at the Exhibition of Chinese Paintings on Cultural Allusions is screened as one of the backgrounds of the evening show中华典故美术展孙恩道作品《唐人游春图》为秀典晚会背景图之一

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