From a Disabled Goatherd to a “Bellwether” in Alleviating Poverty

2021-01-09 08:04:44TextbyLiaoZhihui
Special Focus 2020年6期

Text by Liao Zhihui

Photos by Cai Jun

“Meh-eh-eh! Meh-eh-eh!” The bleat of goats awakened the tranquil Xiaotang Village of Zougang Town in Xiaochang County on the morning of August 26. A herd of goats flocked towards a small man standing at the gate of a pen, bleating merrily.When the gate swung open, the flock followed the man and ran towards the pasture on the hillside. I was told at an early age that the goats behaved like a marching army. Wherever the bellwether went, the others would follow. However, I didn’t see a bellwether in the goat army here, so I inquired a villager.

“Gengen is the bellwether! Wherever he goes, the goats follow him!” The villager pointed to the man, smiling.

This small man standing in front of us named Tang Gengen was already 28 years old, but he had a baby face and stood 1.4 meters tall. He was a man of few words. When he was born, he suffered from limb disability, so tripping and falling was a routine for him. However, he overcame countless obstacles in his life and finally alleviated himself and his family from poverty.

“I will raise these goats well”

As his father couldn’t do any physical jobs due to illness, the whole family was supported by his mother, who had to raise Tang Gengen and his younger brother Tang Paipai. Gengen had to study harder than others in school because of his disability.

Graduated from Wuhan Business University in 2016, Tang Gengen had planned to find a job in the city and make a good living for the family.

However, he failed during job interviews repeatedly because of his physical condition.

He couldn’t sleep and felt depressed because he couldn’t find a job or do any physical work to help the family.

In order to make a living, he thought about farming or raising pigs, but it was either hard to earn money or required too much investment. With the support of his mother and the Poverty-Alleviating Work Team, Tang Gengen decided to tend to the goats his family owned.

As an old saying goes, “Despite the small investment requirement, it takes a long time to profit from planting ginger or raising goats.” It is not so easy to raise goats. The sudden death of goat kids saddened Gengen. He swore secretly to take good care of the remaining goats.

Tang Gengen and his goats 唐根根和他的羊群




眼前这个1.4 米高、娃娃脸、说话不太伶俐的“小男孩”,叫唐根根,今年28 岁。很不幸,他先天肢体二级残疾,四肢无力,从小到大,走路没少摔跤。然而,历经摔打的他却坚持“奔跑”,拔掉了自家的“穷根”。






After that, he collected various materials on how to raise goats by searching online and consulting the experts at the local animal husbandry bureau. Through continual learning and experimentation, his goats grew big, stout, and strong.

Delivering 60 kids in a day

A doe produces two or three kids a year. During the peak period of births, Tang Gengen and his family would have to help deliver baby goats from early morning till midnight.

“We helped deliver some 60 kids in a day once!” Tang Gengen recalled excitedly.

The goatherd grew from 40 to more than 600 soon. The species had also increased, including local goats, Boer goats, procapra gutturosa, etc. Tang Gengen earned nearly 300, 000 yuan in 2019.

To keep organic goat production, Tang Gengen had to walk thousands of steps, herding his goats every day. It was a great challenge for a disabled person with weak limbs.

“I often fell to the ground at the very beginning. My trousers were scratched here and there and I was covered in bruises. But I had never thought of giving up. Actually, on second thought, why can’t I take this challenge as a kind of exercise? You see, my muscles are much stronger than before.” Tang Geggen bent to touch his leg shyly.

With the help of the work team, Tang Gengen managed to apply for a discount loan and obtained special funds from the government. He then initiated the Zougang Harmonious Family Ecological Farm and Xiaochang Gengen Cultivation and Breeding Cooperative.

Now, Tang Gengen became a leader in helping more villagers out of poverty, and led them on the road to prosperity.

He signed agreements with 17 poverty-stricken families in the neighborhood and agreed to provide pregnant does to each of them. When the kids were born, the family would own the kids for free and return the doe. When the kids grew up, the family could either sell them by themselves or ask Gengen to help with the sale.

Xiong Zhiqiang, a povertystricken villager in Fangji Village, got four kids for free by signing the agreement, and bought another 3 pregnant does later. Now he had 7 goats in total, “These goats are my property and will add value gradually.” Xiong Zhiqiang was now confident about his future, “Gengen knows how to raise goats and sell them. I believe I can succeed with his help.”

Becoming well-off together

The cooperative has attracted a large number of visitors for its organic breeding methods and high-quality meat, and Gengen’s story. His goats sold well.

Gengen built a new house in 2019. The house was not whitewashed on the outside, but it was well designed and tidy inside, with a nice study. Now Tang Gengen was both wealthy materially and rich spiritually.

“What’s your definition of being well-off?” I asked.

“We have great potential in developing rural tourism. Entertaining visitors with indigenous and organic local vegetables and chevon is my dream, which will help more villagers become rich.” This is the well-off life in Tang Gengen’s eyes. (Translation: Li Li)

Looking at a new born kid, Tang Gengen beaming with satisfaction唐根根(右)看着出生不久的小羊羔,开心地笑了





一只母羊一年可以生产2 到3只羊羔。生产高峰期,唐根根和家人常常从一大早接生到晚上十一二点。


很快,羊群从最初的40 多只,壮大到了600 多只。种类也在增加,本地山羊、波尔山羊、黄山羊等都有。2019年唐根根收入近30 万元。





他与附近17 名贫困户签订了协议:给每户提供怀孕母羊,生下的羊羔免费赠送,母羊回收。羊羔养大后,贫困户可以自己销售,也可以委托他来销售。

根据协议,方集村贫困户熊志强靠两只怀孕母羊免费得到了4 只羊羔,又买了3 只怀孕母羊,现在一共有7 只羊。“这7 只羊就是我的不动产,会慢慢增值的。”熊志强很有信心致富,“养羊的技术、销路都有根根管,这么好的条件,能不好好干?”






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