A Legacy of Dramatic Art: the Cao Yu Cultural Festival in Qianjiang

2021-01-09 08:04:36ByHeSaiDuShaohuaXuYiming
Special Focus 2020年6期

By He Sai, Du Shaohua & Xu Yiming

Cao Yu was the most accomplished playwright in the history of modern Chinese drama. His representative works includeThunderstorm, Sunrise,The Wilderness, and Peking Man, all of which have been translated into many languages and gained great fame internationally


November 2020 witnessed a carnival of Chinese Opera in Qianjiang City, Central China’s Hubei Province. Fourteen laureates of the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Opera, together with teachers and students from 8 prestigious universities such as Nankai University, Shanghai Theater Academy, Shaanxi Normal University, and Hubei University of Education, attended the China (Qianjiang) Cao Yu Cultural Festival to perform 21 Chinese opera of various genres for local audiences. Brilliant Peking Opera, Yue Opera, and Sichuan Opera, delicate Huagu Opera, Huangmei Opera, and Shadow Puppet Play, along with melodious Kunqu Opera and Shaanxi Opera, were all performed in the theaters of Qianjiang, instantly bringing the small city into a kaleidoscopic world of Chinese opera. By means of the refined story contents and excellent stage performances, the artists, in the five stylized types of character roles of Sheng (male lead), Dan (female lead), Jing (supporting male lead), Mo (old male role), and Chou (comedy role), vividly displayed the joy of the times and the essence of life.

Love and Revenge in the Wilderness, Huagu Opera 花鼓戏《原野情仇》

The Butterfly Lovers, an opera performed at the opening ceremony of the Cao Yu Cultural Festival曹禺文化周开幕式戏剧演出《梁祝》

11月的潜江,整个儿成了中国戏剧的海洋。14 位中国戏剧梅花奖得主和南开大学、上海戏剧学院、陕西师范大学、湖北第二师范学院等8 所高校的师生,齐聚潜江,为潜江人民献演了21 场各类中国戏剧。京剧、越剧、川剧,剧剧生辉;花鼓戏、黄梅戏、皮影戏,戏戏精彩;昆曲、秦腔,腔腔悦耳。戏剧流彩,演员献技,把潜江各大剧院舞台变成了中国戏剧历史的万花筒;生旦净末丑,把时代欢歌与精神生活展现得淋漓尽致。

中国中部这个不到30 万人的小城,何以受到全中国戏剧界的青睐,何以成为现代中国新兴的戏剧大看台?这要从戏剧大师曹禺说起。

曹禺剧 四海传

曹 禺(1910年9月24日—1996年12月13日),原名万家宝,祖籍湖北潜江。他出生于天津一个没落的官僚家庭,最终成长为中国杰出的现代话剧剧作家。



A Fairy in Human World, Sichuan Opera川剧《别洞观景》

A Family Reunion, Huagu Opera 花鼓戏《认亲记》

Why does this small city with a population of less than 300,000 in Central China draw such popularity among opera circles? And why has it become an emerging grand stage of Chinese opera? All this can be traced back to Cao Yu, the talented playwright of modern Chinese drama.

Cao Yu, China’s Shakespeare

Cao Yu (September 24, 1910-December 13, 1996), pseudonym of Wan Jiabao, was born to a run-down bureaucrat family in Tianjin, north of China, and became an outstanding modern playwright in China.

Legend of Mulan, an opera performed at the opening ceremony of the Cao Yu Cultural Festival曹禺文化周开幕式戏剧演出《木兰传奇》



1996年12月13日,因 长 期疾病,曹禺在北京医院辞世,享年86 岁。

看花鼓 认老乡


Up on the Rooftop, Peking Opera 京剧《上天台》

Cao’s ancestral home was in Qianjiang, Hubei. He lost his mother at an early age. Later, his mother’s twin sister Xue Yongnan was married to his father Wan Dezun and raised Cao Yu. Xue Yongnan was fond of watching plays. Under her influence, Cao Yu began to watch all genres of traditional Chinese opera, ranging from Peking Opera, Hebei Bangzi, and Shanxi Bangzi to Tangshan Laozi and Wenming Opera (early form of modern drama) with his stepmother starting at just 3 years old. This left deep impressions in his mind and laid the foundation for his future career.

In 1922, Cao Yu was transferred to the Nankai Middle School, where his love for plays brought him into the Nankai Modern Opera Troupe. The name 曹禺 (Cao Yu) originated from his surname 萬 (wan). He dismantled the character down to two structures 艹 (cao; grass) and 禺 (yu). Since the character 艹 could not be used traditionally as a surname, he chose the homophonic character 曹 (cao) instead. He then combined the two characters to form a new name 曹禺.


An actor performing face change of Sichuan Opera 一位川剧演员在表演变脸




2006年潜江花鼓剧团走出国门,赴德国演出成功。为潜江与德国海登海姆市结为友好城市构建了桥梁。2013年,团长吴培义携移植传统剧目《赵氏孤儿》应邀赴英国参加“寰球舞台演出中国”国际学术交流会。近30年来,剧团共有30 余台戏(次)和100 余人(次)分获国家、省、市各级艺术奖励。

Female Consort Prince, Huangmei Opera 黄梅戏《女驸马》

Cao Yu, Lu Xun, Guo Moruo, Mao Dun, Ba Jin, and Lao She are all ranked as the forerunners of the Chinese New Cultural Movement. Cao Yu is credited as a renowned scholar of modern Chinese drama as well as a famous educator in drama. He ever served as the Executive Chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles; the Standing Director and Vice Chairman of the Chinese Association of Theater Artists; the Director of the Chinese Writers Association and Chairman of the Beijing Federation of Literary and Art Circles; the Vice President and Honorary Dean of the Central Academy of Drama; and the Dean of Beijing People’s Art Theater. Every role he portrayed in his plays has left an unforgettable impression upon the audiences.

In 1934, Cao Yu’s first play,Thunderstorm, came into existence. It is recognized as a highlight of modern Chinese drama, for which Cao Yu was honored the title of “China’s Shakespeare.” He would go on to later become the most accomplished playwright in the history of modern Chinese drama. In addition toThunderstorm, his representative works include Sunrise, The Wilderness, and Peking Man, all of which have been translated into many languages and gained great fame internationally.



Ambush on All Sides, an opera performed at the opening ceremony of the Cao Yu Cultural Festival 曹禺文化周开幕式戏剧演出《十面埋伏》

Fire breathing in Sichuan Opera 川剧


Qianjiang locals dancing the straw-made dragon 潜江人表演非遗文化草把龙

Qianjiang artists performing a shadow play 潜江艺人表演皮影戏

On December 13, 1996, Cao Yu passed away in Beijing Hospital at the age of 86.

“I Am a Qianjiang Native”

The Qianjiang Huagu Opera Troupe was founded in 1956. Adhering to the traditions of Chinese opera, the troupe is committed to innovation and achieving outstanding achievements. At the beginning of its founding, the troupe performed a modern dramaRefusing to Ferry the Palanquinfor Zhu De and other national leaders. After that, the troupe successively presented on stageFighting on the Plains,A Family Case,The Wilderness,Love and Revenge in the Wilderness, and other performances in Beijing and received high praise.


每一届文化周的举办,都是潜江打造“戏剧之都”征程上的动人乐章。今年11月7日晚,为表达对戏剧大师曹禺先生最好的敬意,14 位中国戏剧“梅花奖”获得者,200 余位各剧种戏曲演员,为观众带来一场“国色天香梅韵芬芳”的艺术盛宴。柳萍、韩再芬、陈巧茹、翁国生、谢群英、胡新中、王振义、李雪飞等优秀演员,一招一式,一颦一笑赢得满堂喝彩。





Concert “Echoes of the Yellow River” performed by the Tianjin Symphony Orchestra, part of the Cao Yu Cultural Festival文化周活动之天津交响乐团《黄河回响》音乐会

The troupe attracted Cao Yu’s attention because of its impressive performances in Beijing time and again. WhenA Family Casecame onto the stage, Cao Yu sat among the audience and watched attentively, clapping and cheering from time to time. At the end of the performance, Cao Yu strode to the podium excitedly, shook hands with the actors, and said, “I’m so happy to see my hometown folks that I could cry.” He praised the performance and invited everyone to visit his home. Cao Yu was very pleased that Qianjiang, his ancestral home, could have such an excellent drama troupe. Although he never lived in Qianjiang in person, Cao Yu was impressed by Qianjiang’s love of the opera culture. During his hospitalization, he wrote the article “I Am a Qianjiang Native,” two paragraphs of which went like this:

For many years, I have been like an isolated bird without a habitat. I traveled to many places, and nowhere feels like my hometown, the birthplace of my parents. I have been like a bird flying north and south, over mountains, rivers, and plains... I’ve seen many people and heard many accents, familiar and unfamiliar, yet none of which sounds so cordial and endearinglike the words “Qianjiang man,” which warmed and lighted my heart. When someone asked me: “Where are you from?” I replied instantly: “Qianjiang.” I have never been to Qianjiang, but for nearly 80 years, I have been considering myself a Qianjiang native. I can’t tell where exactly this bond comes from. The words “I love Qianjiang” are not something vague for me, it’s as real as flesh and blood. It’s probably because of my parents’ voice and laughter, the style of the food I ate, and the Qianjiang atmosphere in my family when I was a baby, all of which made me feel like a Qianjiang native since I was young. As a saying goes, “The moon of one’s hometown is always the brightest.” I do think the moon in Qianjiang is better than that of anywhere else, which might sound a bit silly, but I guess hometown and homesickness are the reasons why we nurture our patriotism. When I was abroad and asked where I come from, I always proudly answered: “I’m from China!”

Having been ill for more than a year, I cannot leave the hospital even for one day. I regret missing such a grand meeting in Qianjiang this time. I feel that I don’t have many achievements in my life, not enough satisfactory works either; it’s the affection of my folk people in Qianjiang that has made my drama so wonderful. As a literary and artistic worker, I am not worthy of so much love by my country fellows and friends. I want to thank my folk people, as well as the leaders, experts and scholars of Qianjiang.

From his letter we can see Cao Yu’s true love for Qianjiang, whose people came into his life and performed his works, and reminded him of his parents’ local accent in his childhood and made him feel a strong sense of love.

In 2006, the Qianjiang Huagu Opera Troupe went abroad and had a successful performance in Germany and led to the establishment of a sister city relationship between Qianjiang and Heidenheim, Germany. In 2013, Wu Peiyi, head of the troupe, reimagined the traditional playThe Orphan of Zhaoand participated in an international academic exchange conference entitled Performing China on the Global Stage. In the past 30 years, more than 30 operas and more than 100 actors of the troupe have been awarded national, provincial, and municipal art awards.

Foundation stone laying ceremony of the Drama Town 戏剧小镇奠基仪式

Shanghai Theater Academy and Qianjiang Municipal People’s Government signing a strategic agreement during the Cao Yu Cultural Festival曹禺文化周期间上海戏剧学院与潜江市人民政府签署战略协议

Qianjiang, the Capital of Opera

With its historical legacy of Huagu Opera and Cao Yu’s modern dramatic works, plus the local residents’ cultural awareness and inborn love for opera, Qianjiang City boasts a prominent position in the opera industry. Therefore, its reputation as the “Hometown of Chinese Huagu Opera” has been widely acclaimed and paved the way for the title of the “Capital of Opera.”

Locals in Qianjiang are proud of Mr. Cao. Cao Yu Park, Cao Yu Memorial Hall, Cao Yu Ancestral Residence, Cao Yu Grand Theater, Cao Yu Tea House, and Cao Yu Mausoleum were built in honor of him. Mr. Cao’s wife came in person to visit Qianjiang with their children, who have also established a close relationship with Qianjiang.

International students in front of Cao Yu Memorial Hall 留学生们在曹禺纪念馆前合影留念

A docent introduces Cao Yu’s life to international students解说员向留学生介绍曹禺生平

An international student shooting a photo of an exhibit in Cao Yu Memorial Hall 留学生用手机拍下曹禺纪念馆馆藏

The China (Qianjiang) Cao Yu Cultural Festival is held once every 4 years to commemorate the great playwright, as well as to promote Chinese opera culture and popularize Qianjiang opera. After the first session was held in November of 2004, this year welcomed the fourth iteration of the event. Wan Gang, Cao Yu’s cousin, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Chairman of China Zhigong Party’s Central Committee, delivered a congratulatory video speech. He said that 2020 is the 110th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Cao Yu, and the China (Qianjiang) Cao Yu Cultural Festival is a meaningful event, which can promote the construction of Qianjiang as “the Capital of Opera” and enrich the cultural life of local people. He hopes the 4th China (Qianjiang) Cao Yu Cultural Festival will promote post-epidemic economic recovery and the development of Hubei Province and Qianjiang City, so that local people can enjoy a better life through economic, social, and cultural prosperity. As a result, Qianjiang can walk proudly towards the world and the world will know Qianjiang better.

Each session of the cultural festival has signaled steady progress in Qianjiang’s journey towards the “Capital of Opera.” On the evening of November 7, 2020, in order to express their respect to Mr. Cao Yu, 14 winners of the Plum Blossom Award, such as Liu Ping, Han Zaifen, Chen Qiaoru, Weng Guosheng, Xie Qunying, Hu Xinzhong, Wang Zhenyi, Li Xuefei, and the like, joined hands with more than 200 opera actors and actresses from various genres to co-perform the grand stage performance named “National Beauty in Full Bloom,” winning the applause of the audience with their delicate stage movement and charming facial expressions.

On November 8, Cao Yu Cultural Tourism City and Cao Yu Drama International Exchange Center was launched. They belong to a tourism route designed and created by the Qianjiang government and Zall, the cultural and tourism group. The center is to engage in academic research, brand promotion, and industrial development of Cao Yu’s drama works, in the hope of achieving the “internationalization” of the “Cao Yu brand” through multiple channels. The Drama Town under construction is an important part of the Cao Yu Cultural Tourism City project. The town will showcase the unique features, styles, and customs of Qianjiang, and will be an ideal place for people to experience Qianjiang.

In the past 6 years, Shanghai Theater Academy, which has made great contributions to the vigorous development of Qianjiang’s culture, art, and education, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Qianjiang Municipal People’s Government. Both sides will conduct in-depth cooperation and exchanges in four areas: promoting the “Cao Yu Brand,” launching good works of art, strengthening the education of artistic talents, and pushing forward the construction of the art major.

Wu Zuyun, Secretary of the CPC Qianjiang Committee, said that the agreement will facilitate mutual strength and mutual benefit and help Qianjiang inherit and promote its opera culture in an innovative pattern, which will greatly improve Qianjiang’s economic, social, and cultural development.

A bird’s view of Cao Yu’s ancestral residence and Cao Yu Grand Theater 俯瞰曹禺祖居和曹禺大剧院

Opera is an outstanding traditional culture and a popular art form among Chinese people. It plays an important part in Chinese people’s identity and well-being. Based on Cao Yu’s drama, Qianjiang has inherited and developed Chinese drama culture, exploring a unique way to build itself. Over the past few years, politicians and leaders from Germany, Britain, the United States, France, and other countries have visited Qianjiang to seek opportunities for cooperation. The local drama culture will serve as a bridge for communication between Hubei Province, China, and other places around the world. Qianjiang hopes to become an international platform for drama and cultural exchanges where drama circles from all over the world can come to take in Chinese Opera and have a taste of local crayfish and rice.

(Translation: Lu Qiongyao)

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