
2021-01-08 01:35:52侠,甘权,李冰,刘晓,王
光电工程 2020年12期

刘 侠,甘 权,李 冰,刘 晓,王 波


刘 侠,甘 权,李 冰,刘 晓,王 波*

哈尔滨理工大学自动化学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150080

为了解决CT图像主动轮廓分割方法对初始轮廓的敏感和分割不准确的问题,本文提出一种融合加权随机森林的自动3D椎骨CT主动轮廓分割方法WRF-AC。该方法提出加权随机森林算法和包含边缘能量的主动轮廓能量函数。首先,通过提取椎骨CT的3D Haar-like特征值训练加权随机森林获得的椎骨中心作为分割的初始轮廓,然后,求解包含边缘能量的主动轮廓能量函数最小值完成椎骨CT图像的分割。实验结果表明,本方法在相同数据集上能够更加准确、快速地分割脊柱CT图像提取椎骨部分。


1 引 言



针对上述问题,本文提出加权随机森林算法解决初始轮廓选取的问题;为了能够更好地突出图像的边缘信息,本文提出包含边缘能量的主动轮廓能量函数。通过提取椎骨CT的3D Haar-like特征值训练加权随机森林获得的椎骨中心并作为分割的初始轮廓位置,求解包含边缘能量的主动轮廓能量函数最小值完成椎骨CT图像的三维分割。实验结果与对比表明,本文方法不仅能够快速准确地分割健康椎骨CT图像,并且能够高效地分割患病椎骨CT图像。

2 理论基础

3D Haar-like[16]特征能在完整描述输入数据的同时提供良好的泛化能力,可充分利用椎骨CT图像的三维特征信息。选取合适的分割初始轮廓其本质是椎骨中心点的选取问题,利用提取的图像特征,随机回归森林能在三维区域内定位椎骨中心候选点,并结合随机分类森林去除假椎骨中心候选点,准确地找到椎骨中心。将3D主动轮廓分割的初始轮廓置于椎骨中心,解决了手动选取初始轮廓的问题和初始轮廓选取不佳导致分割效果不佳的问题。通过定义求解联合边缘能量的主动轮廓能量函数最小值完成分割,解决了主动轮廓分割不能准确分割椎骨边缘的问题。本文的流程图如图1所示。

2.1 特征提取

在提取图像3D Haar-like特征时,为加快计算用式(1)计算积分图,用式(2)计算引用位置强度的和差值sum。

图1 本文的流程图

本文除了在原始CT图像中提取特征之外,在横断面、矢状面、冠状面3个方向上提取梯度特征,这样每个体素就得到了4个特征,分别对体素单元使用[2,2,2]、[4,4,4]和[8,8,8]盒过滤器[17],盒过滤器(box filter)的响应作为CT图像中单个体素的3D Haar-like特征值,最终获得一个48维的特征来表示每个体素。

2.2 随机森林

随机决策森林(Random decision forests)是根据决策树算法,由Breiman[18]提出的利用多棵决策树对样本进行训练并预测的一种分类器。根据应用目的的不同,随机森林分为分类森林和回归森林,分类森林与回归森林在决策树每个节点的判别原理上是基本相似的,只是叶子节点的输出原理不同[19]。


2.3 主动轮廓分割



3 分割算法

3.1 问题描述

3.2 算法改进

3.2.1 加权随机森林






3.2.2 3D边缘能量的主动轮廓分割


1) 为加快运算,将权重小于0.005的树权重赋值为0,剩余权重按比例重新赋值,减少决策树数量;

4) 为了能更准确找出中心点位置,选择回归后的距离图谱中值最小的150个点进行Mean-shift聚类得到更准确的椎骨中心点的候选点。







步骤6:使用梯度下降法根据式(12)更新距离符号函数S ;

4 实验结果及分析

4.1 实验环境与数据集

本文分割方法在公开的CT数据集上进行评估,本文数据来源于Forsberg[24]与Hammernik[25]实验所用数据集,CSI(Collaborative Platform for Research on Spine Imaging and Image Analysis)挑战提供发布于Spine Web网站(http://spineweb.digitalimaginggroup.ca /spineweb/index.php?n=Main.Datasets)上,该数据共20组CT图像(包括健康椎骨和患病椎骨),总计10991张切片图像,数据集覆盖整个胸椎和腰椎,没有静脉对比。本文椎骨分割算法实验环境为Intel(R) Core(TM) 3.4 GHz CPU,32 GB RAM,4 GHz GPU,Caffe,Matlab R2016b。我们用ITK和VTK工具包结合Python语言编程实现分割结果可视化。为使图像强度大致在相同的范围之内,通过调整窗宽/窗位对图像进行归一化处理。

4.2 分割结果

本文从分割常用指标DC(Dice coeffcient,用DC表示)、ASD(absolute surface distance,用ASD表示)、正确分类率(CCR,简写为CCR)和Jaccard[26]对本文提出的方法进行评估和对比,其定义如下:

图3 椎骨中心及初始轮廓

4.3 随机森林中心点定位

4.3.1 初始轮廓选取



4.3.2 初始轮廓和边缘能量

如图4所示,从左到右、从上到下依次为CT原始图像(a)、无边缘能量主动轮廓分割的任意初始轮廓(b)、边缘能量主动轮廓分割的任意初始轮廓(c)、无边缘能量主动轮廓分割(weighted random forest,WRF)初始轮廓(d)、WRF-EAC(weighted random forest-active contour)分割(e)和通过后操作平滑边界最终分割的结果(f)。初始轮廓分割不能将椎骨区域和目标外部区域正确地分割。随机森林位置的主动轮廓分割产生分割缺陷和过分割。与前三种方法相比,该方法可以提供椎骨的准确分割。

图4 控制变量实验分割结果


表1 定量实验分割结果

图5 分析实验分割结果

4.4 本文分割方法结果比较



图6 DC和ASD统计结果

图7 20例DC系数和ASD系数

表2 分割结果各评价指标

表3 分割结果的DC系数比较

图8 方法分割结果

图9 本文方法与其他方法之间分割效果的比较


图10 椎骨三维重建可视化效果

5 结 论


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Automatic 3D vertebrae CT image active contour segmentation method based on weighted random forest

Liu Xia, Gan Quan, Li Bing, Liu Xiao, Wang Bo*

School of Automation, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150080, China

Random forest center point positioning. (a) 3D distance map; (b) Regression points obtained by regression forest

Overview:Medical image segmentation has been widely used in medical image diagnosis technology and has become one of the indispensable means of clinical treatment. The use of computer processing to analyze spine CT images in modern medicine has become an important research direction, and has very important clinical application values. Due to the complicated structure of the vertebral body and the small difference, it is difficult for people to accurately extract the vertebral body of interest. In previous studies, we tried to manually set the initial contour directly to construct an interactive semi-automatic segmentation scheme. However, due to a large number of vertebrae in the human spine and the similar shape of the vertebrae, the manual setting of initial contour points requires a certain medical foundation and consumes much time. In order to solve the problems of sensitive initial contours and inaccurate segmentation caused by active contour segmentation of CT images, this paper proposes an automatic 3D vertebral CT active contour segmentation method combined weighted random forest called “WRF-AC”. This method proposes a weighted random forest algorithm and an active contour energy function that includes edge energy. First, the weighted random forest is trained by extracting 3D Haar-like feature values of the vertebra CT, and the ‘vertebra center’ obtained is used as the initial contour of the segmentation. Then, the segmentation of the vertebra CT image is completed by solving the active contour energy function minimum containing the edge energy. The experimental results show that this method can segment the spine CT images more accurately and quickly on the same datasets to extract the vertebrae. Experimental results show that the average segmentation accuracy of the active contour segmentation method of 3D vertebra CT image fusion weighted random forest proposed in this paper can reach more than 92%. This method has certain advantages: it can automatically locate the center of the vertebrae and accurately segment the vertebral area; it is easy to obtain CT images of the spine, using the segmentation model proposed in this paper to segment the vertebral area, and combining the subsequent 3D reconstruction and 3D printing can easily help clinical applications and treatment. Due to the difficulty in collecting CT data of vertebrae, it is necessary to add more segmentation data for model training in the subsequent research to improve the segmentation accuracy of the segmentation model and achieve multi-level segmentation of the spine.

Citation: Liu X, Gan Q, Li B,. Automatic 3D vertebrae CT image active contour segmentation method based on weighted random forest[J]., 2020,47(12): 200002

* E-mail: hust_wb@126.com

Automatic 3D vertebrae CT image active contour segmentation method based on weighted random forest

Liu Xia, Gan Quan, Li Bing, Liu Xiao, Wang Bo*

School of Automation, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150080, China

In order to solve the problems of sensitive initial contours and inaccurate segmentation caused by active contour segmentation of CT images, this paper proposes an automatic 3D vertebral CT active contour segmentation method combined weighted random forest called “WRF-AC”. This method proposes a weighted random forest algorithm and an active contour energy function that includes edge energy. First, the weighted random forest is trained by extracting 3D Haar-like feature values of the vertebra CT, and the 'vertebra center' obtained is used as the initial contour of the segmentation. Then, the segmentation of the vertebra CT image is completed by solving the active contour energy function minimum containing the edge energy. The experimental results show that this method can segment the spine CT images more accurately and quickly on the same datasets to extract the vertebrae.

3D segmentation; CT images; weighted random forest; active contour

National Natural Science Foundation of China (61172167) and Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (QC2017076)




刘侠,甘权,李冰,等. 融合加权随机森林的自动3D椎骨CT图像主动轮廓分割方法[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(12): 200002

: Liu X, Gan Q, Li B,Automatic 3D vertebrae CT image active contour segmentation method based on weighted random forest[J]., 2020, 47(12): 200002





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