文 David Allen MW 编、译 张恬熙
I’m pleased to say that the first wine my eldest daughter tasted is probably the best she will ever try. When just 9 months old, Lilee accompanied us to the tiny town of Mad, in Hungary’s Tokaj region. Our family were among a group visiting Istvan Sepsy’s cellars. This was an incredible opportunity, Istvan Szepsy snr. is the most brilliant and respected producer in Tokaj and arguably one of the best sweet wine producers in the world.
Tokai Eszcencia(可不要将它与Aszú Eszencia弄混了)会是你遇到的最与众不同的葡萄酒之一,而塞普西就是这一风格的大师。Eszcencia只会用阿苏果实的自流汁酿制,这种腐烂的葡萄是在感染了灰葡萄孢菌后再采摘,每一颗果实中都含有浓缩的糖和酸。在托卡伊,这些浆果会被制成糊状,在发酵前或者发酵过程中浸泡在基酒中。当阿苏果实等待再发酵时,在它们自身重量作用下会释放出极少量令人难以置信的浓缩果汁,Eszencia就是由这种果汁酿制而成。Eszencia会在136升的小木桶中进行发酵,这种小型的木桶叫Gönci。由于果汁中的糖分浓度实际上太高,所以无法发酵。酵母菌只能在木桶的最顶端工作,桶顶凝结的水珠充分稀释了液体的表面。这种葡萄酒已经发酵了8年,但酒精含量不到2%—它太浓了,以致最初的装瓶尝试都失败了,因为葡萄酒太黏稠,无法通过过滤器。
This incredibly modest man embodies much of his region’s history. Descended from Laczkó Máté Szepsy, (who in 1630 is reputedly made the first Aszú wine), Istvan, ran the local co-operative cellars under the communist regime, then with Hugh Johnson and Peter Vinding Dyers, establishing Royal Tokaji, the estate that pioneered Tokaji’s renaissance, he was the first winemaker for Tony Wang’s Királyudvar Estate and now consistently makes Tokaj’s best and most sought-after wines from his own, carefully-managed vineyards.
Descending the steep steps into the cellars to taste was thrilling. These were archetypal Tokaji cellars, low-ceilinged caves hewn from the soft rock, with walls and roof coated in thick, black, velvety mold. We tasted dry Furmints and Harslevelüs, Szamorodni and 6 Puttonyos wines - poured by Szepsy himself, straight from the barrels, using a long glass wine-thief - all were excellent. For most of the group the experience was transfixing, Lilee however was bored… progressively becoming less impressed by sitting on a barrel, playing with a silicone bung. I am cautions of exposing our children to alcohol, which is dangerous to developing young brains, however as our host distributed the final wine - the syrupy, golden nectar that was his 2000 Eszcencia - I realized that, at <2% alcohol, this was something Lilee could try. Dipping a finger into my glass I gave her a drop to taste. The luscious apricot, honey, citrus and candied-peel flavours instantly made her smile!
This wine was phenomenal, having 550 g/ltr of sugar! - extremely sweet, even for an Eszcencia (good Sauternes will have 120-140g/ltr while Pedro Ximénez might reach 400g/ltr). Equally impressive was that this phenomenally sweetness was perfectly balanced by 15.5g/ltr of acidity!
Tokai Eszcencia (not to be confused with Aszú Eszencia) is one of the most phenomenal wines you will ever encounter and Szepsy is the master of the style. Eszencia is made only from the free-run, juice of Aszú berries which are the rotten grapes, picked after botrytis cinerea fungus has concentrated sugars and acids within each grape. In Tokaj these berries are made into a paste and macerated in base wines either before or during fermentation. As aszú berries await refermentation, their own weight releases miniscule amounts of incredibly concentrated juice, from which Eszencia is made. Eszencia ferments in small 136 ltr barrels called Gönci. The sugar concentration in the juice is actually too high to allow fermentation. Yeasts can only operate at the very top of the barrel, where condensation dilutes the liquid’s surface sufficiently. This wine had fermented for 8 years and produced less than 2% alcohol - it was so dense that initial attempts at bottling had failed as the wine was too viscous to pass through the filter.
Eszencias are rare, expensive wines, made in minute quantities. Most of us will encounter mostly 5 and 6 Puttonyos Tokajis, but the opportunity to taste Eszencia, especially from a top producer, is truly the chance to taste one of the wine world’s extremes.