
2020-12-25 00:55:28王吉奎唐永飞罗勇军
农业工程学报 2020年19期

王 征,王吉奎,2,唐永飞,罗勇军


王 征1,王吉奎1,2※,唐永飞1,罗勇军1

(1. 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832003; 2. 农业农村部西北农业装备重点实验室,石河子 832003)

针对国内现有残膜回收机械作业时不能打包,回收的残膜松散,导致残膜转运和存放不方便、易随风飘散造成二次污染等问题,研究设计了一种带式残膜揉搓打包机。该打包机主要由揉搓机构、浮动式喂入机构、传动系统和液压系统等部分组成。该揉搓机构是带式残膜揉搓打包机的核心部件,在张紧机构和浮动式喂入机构辅助下,将回收的残膜揉搓打包。通过对主要工作部件的设计,确定了揉搓机构和浮动式喂入机构的结构尺寸参数,并对残膜包的形成过程进行分析,确定了影响打包质量的主要因素为打包室方位角和打包带表面形态。田间试验表明:在打包带适度张紧的条件下,打包室方位角为-5.0°~2.5°,打包带表面为波纹面,打包带线速度为2.0 m/s时,残膜成包率为100%,残膜包密度在88.5~92.1 kg/m3之间;在回收残膜含杂相同的情况下,残膜包密度与打包带线速度有关,打包带线速度越大,残膜包密度越大,但打包带线速度超过2.5 m/s以后,残膜包密度增加趋势减缓。带式残膜揉搓打包机结构简单、使用方便、满足残膜打包技术的要求,研究结果对新型残膜打包机的研制提供参考。


0 引 言

中国使用铺膜种植技术已有近40 a时间,铺膜种植面积和地膜使用量均居世界第一,但使用后的地膜一直没能及时有效回收,常年在田间积累,给农业生态环境造成严重的“白色污染”[1-5]。机械化回收地膜是解决农田地膜污染的有效手段,目前已有多种类型残膜回收机,部分残膜回收机已达到较高的残膜回收率[6-10]。然而,现有机型回收的残膜堆集松散、占用空间大、给后续残膜装卸、拉运和存放造成不便,且松散的残膜易随风飘散,造成二次污染[11-15]。若将残膜及时打包,则回收的残膜包裹密实、体积小、且不易松散,可为回收残膜的后续处理带来较大便利[16-21]。因此,在作业过程中对残膜边回收边打包,有助于残膜污染的综合治理,是机械化回收残膜的发展方向。



1 整机结构与工作原理

1.1 整机结构


1.拉杆 2.前打包带 3.上支撑辊 4.传动系统 5.连接板 6.喂入辊 7.U型支撑架 8.压板 9.螺杆 10.压紧弹簧 11.带滑槽座轴承 12.后打包带 13.液压油缸 14.张紧辊 15.张紧支架 16.张紧装置 17.侧板 18.打包室 19.下支撑辊 20.支撑杆 21.挡板

1.2 工作原理


1.3 主要技术参数


表1 带式残膜揉搓打包机主要技术参数

2 主要部件设计

2.1 揉搓机构

揉搓机构是带式残膜揉搓打包机的核心部件,作业时,进入打包室的残膜在揉搓机构作用下形成残膜包。该机构由前打包带、后打包带、上支撑辊、下支撑辊、侧板和张紧机构组成,张紧机构上有张紧辊。为方便与现有残膜回收机配套和残膜包的搬运,打包机形成的最大残膜包直径=0.5 m。

2.1.1 打包室结构参数的确定










1.前打包带 2.上支撑辊 3.张紧辊 4.后打包带 5.下支撑辊 6.残膜


1.Front balling belt 2.Upper supporting roller 3. Tensioning roller 4.Back balling belt 5. Lower supporting roller 6.Residual film

Note:is the horizontal direction;is the vertical direction;1is the supporting force of the front balling belt to the residual film, N;2is the supporting force of the back balling belt to the residual film, N;1is the friction force between the front balling belt and the residual film, N;2is the friction force between the back balling belt and the residual film, N;is the azimuth of the balling room, (°);is the angle of the balling room, (°);is the gravity of the residual film, N;1is the gap between the front and back of the upper end of the balling room;2is the gap between the front and back of the bottom of the balling room r;is the angle between the back balling belt and the horizontal direction, (°) ;is the linear speed of the balling belt, m∙s-1.

图2 残膜在打包室底部的受力示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of residual film force at the bottom of the baling room

由于残膜包芯的密实度与打包带对包芯的压力有关。由式(2)可知,打包带对残膜的压力随打包室方位角、打包室夹角的减小而增大。因此,为增大残膜包芯的密实度,打包室方位角和打包室夹角的取值应较小。在打包室方位角确定的情况下,打包室夹角的取值与打包机进料口宽度大小有关。为防止残膜在喂入过程中堵塞打包机进料口,结合残膜物料层的厚度,取进料口宽度1=150 mm(打包室上端前、后打包带间隙),则打包室夹角=15°。为防止残膜从打包室底部掉落和前后打包带磨损,作业状态下打包机出料口宽度2=2 mm(打包室底部前、后打包带间隙)。


2.1.2 张紧机构


1.销子 2.挡板 3.导杆 4.张紧弹簧 5.张紧螺母 6.耳板 7.张紧辊 8.张紧支架 9.销轴

打包带在上支撑辊与打包带间的摩擦力作用下转动,该摩擦力大小与打包带的张紧度有关,因此,作业前张紧弹簧应有一定的预压缩量,使打包带适度张紧,确保上支撑辊能带动打包带转动。随着打包作业的进行,残膜包直径逐渐增大,打包带受残膜包的挤压而变形,导致打包带对残膜包的包角增大,打包室两侧的打包带长度增加,从而使张紧辊向打包室靠拢,随之带动张紧支架压缩弹簧。经试验分析,形成直径=500 mm的圆柱形残膜包,打包室内前、后打包带的长度变形量各约为200 mm,张紧弹簧的长度依据打包前、后张紧支架的摆动量和弹簧的安装位置确定。弹簧的弹簧系数越大,打包带的张紧度越大,打包带作用于残膜包的压力就越大,形成的残膜包越密实。但打包带受到的张紧力越大,作业中打包带受到的磨损越大,影响打包带的使用寿命。根据打包机整体结构尺寸和田间试验效果,本文设计选用碳素弹簧钢丝Ⅰ类C级弹簧[28],自由长度为250 mm,中径为25 mm,线直径为5 mm,弹簧总圈数为25圈,有效圈数为20圈,当弹簧压缩量为20~35 mm时,作业过程中打包带未出现打滑现象,机具作业效果较好。

2.2 浮动式喂入机构



1.喂入辊 2.U型支撑架 3.螺杆 4.压板 5.压紧弹簧 6.带滑槽座轴承

残膜夹在打包带与喂入辊之间进入打包室,故残膜喂入速度与打包带线速度相等。因回收的残膜下落位置不确定,残膜可能掉落在进料口前打包带上,随着前打包带的转动,残膜夹在前打包带与挡板之间,导致残膜不能顺利喂入打包室,造成堵塞。为此,可增大喂入辊的直径,使其在竖直方向遮住打包室入口,掉落在进料口处的残膜落在喂入辊上,并随着喂入辊的转动及时进入打包室。参照打包机进料口宽度和打包带宽度,取喂入辊直径=330 mm,喂入辊长度=2 000 mm。

3 残膜包形成过程分析

残膜包芯形成后,包芯只有在打包带的揉搓作用下转动时,喂入打包室的残膜才能不断缠绕在残膜包芯上,最终形成残膜包。通过残膜包形成过程分析,确定影响残膜包转动的条件。开始作业时,残膜包芯从打包室底部开始形成,初始直径小,残膜包芯的回转中心靠近打包室下侧,随着残膜包芯直径逐渐增大,残膜包芯回转中心由打包室底部向上移动,当包芯的中心与打包室中心重合时,残膜包直径达到最大值。若打包带匀速运动(一般情况下,配套残膜回收机的作业速度为6.0 km/h,考虑到残膜有一定弹性,确定打包带线速度为残膜回收机作业速度的1.2倍),打包室方位角=0°,残膜包为圆柱形且不考虑打包带变形时,残膜包芯的受力分析如图5所示。


1.前打包带 2.后打包带 3.残膜包芯


1. Front balling belt 2. Back balling belt 3. Residual film core

Note:3is the supporting force of the front balling belt to the residual film core, N;4is the supporting force of the back balling belt to the residual film core, N;3is the rolling resistance of the front balling belt to the residual film core, N;4is the rolling resistance of the back balling belt to the residual film core, N;is the rotation center of the residual film core;1′ is the sliding friction force of the front balling belt to the residual film core, N;2′ is the sliding friction force of the back balling belt to the residual film core, N.

图5 残膜包芯受力示意图

Fig. 5 Stress diagram of residual film core







4 田间试验

4.1 试验条件

于2019年10月在新疆石河子市143团收获后的棉田进行带式残膜揉搓打包机田间作业性能试验,该打包机与夹指链式残膜回收机[12]配套使用。试验棉田为机采棉的种植模式(660 mm(宽)+100 mm(窄)),地面较为平整,滴灌带已回收,土壤松软,地表土壤含水率为11.23%,单次作业6行(1膜6行种植模式),地膜的厚度为0.008 mm,幅宽为2 050 mm,秸秆高度在700~900 mm,棉株密度为4.5~5.5万株/hm2。考虑到机具作业效率和实际经济效益,机组的作业速度为6.0 km/h,配套动力由约翰迪尔904拖拉机提供。试验场景如图6所示。

图6 田间试验

4.2 试验方法

受田间试验环境和时间的限制,本试验采用单因素试验方法。根据前文分析和预试验结果,选取打包室方位角、打包带表面形态和打包带线速度为试验因素,残膜成包率和残膜包密度为试验指标。试验过程参考《GB/T 14290-1993 圆草捆打捆机试验方法》进行[30]。

打包带的工作表面分为光面和波纹面,材质为PVC,其与残膜间的摩擦系数分别为0.78和1.1;打包室方位角的取值范围为−5°~5°;打包带线速度取值范围为1.0~3.0 m/s(通过更换传动链轮,改变打包机的传动比实现),适度张紧打包带,使支撑辊能带动打包带转动。依据前期试验结果,试验时固定其中2个因素,改变第3个因素的取值水平,每个水平连续打包5个,采用精密电子秤测其质量,采用米尺测其长度和直径,结果取平均值。






4.3 试验结果与分析

打包带线速度为2 m/s、打包室方位角为0°时,分别采用光面打包带和波纹打包带面,试验得到残膜包10个,散包0个,残膜成包率为100%;更换打包带前后残膜包的密度变化不大,在88.5~91.2 kg/m3之间,残膜包密度试验结果如表2所示。

打包带线速度为2 m/s、分别采用光面打包带和波纹面打包带、改变打包室方位角,当打包室方位角在−5°~2.5°测试时,得到残膜包40个,散包0个,残膜成包率为100%;当打包室方位角大于2.5°时,出现散包以及不打包现象。这是由于打包室方位角增大,残膜所受的转动力矩减小,导致作业时出现散包或者不打包;残膜包的密度变化范围在89.2~92.1 kg/m3之间,残膜成包率及残膜包密度试验结果如表3所示。

打包室方位角为0°、分别采用光面打包带和波纹面打包带、改变打包带线速度,试验得到残膜包50个,散包0个,残膜成包率为100%。在其他因素不变的情况下,残膜包密度随打包带线速度的增大而增大;当线速度大于2.5 m/s后,残膜包密度增加趋势减缓。残膜包密度试验结果如表4所示。

由试验结果可知,影响残膜成包率的主要因素是打包室方位角,在此试验的条件下,当打包室方位角在−5.0°~2.5°时,成包率为100%。在打包带初始张紧度一定的情况下,残膜包的密度与打包带的线速度有关,线速度越大,残膜包密度越大,但增大到一定值后增幅减小。田间试验表明:当机具作业速度为6.0 km/h、打包室方位角=0°、打包带线速度为2 m/s、采用波纹面打包带时,带式残膜揉搓打包机的残膜成包率为100%,残膜包密度在88.5~92.1 kg/m3之间,满足打包机的田间作业性能要求。机具在田间连续作业过程中性能良好,浮动式喂入机构可确保残膜有序喂入打包室,未出现不打包现象。张紧机构可保证残膜包的密实度,并减少打包带的磨损,各部件功能与作业效果均达到了设计的预期。


5 结 论



3)田间试验表明,当机具作业速度为6.0 km/h、打包室方位角为0°、打包带线速度为2 m/s、采用波纹面打包带时,带式残膜揉搓打包机的残膜成包率为100%,形成的残膜包密度在88.5~92.1 kg/m3之间。


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Design and test of the belt-type residual film rubbing and baling machine

Wang Zheng1, Wang Jikui1,2※, Tang Yongfei1, Luo Yongjun1


There are some problems existing in the domestic residual film recycling machinery, such as unable to bale, recovered film was loose, which leads to inconvenient transportation and storage, and easy to drift with the wind, resulting in secondary pollution and so on. In order to solve these problems, the belt-type residual film rubbing and baling machine was designed. The machine mainly consisted of rubbing mechanism, floating feeding mechanism, transmission system and hydraulic system, etc. The rubbing mechanism mainly consisted of front and back baling belts, support rollers, side plates and tensioning mechanism, etc. The baling belts rotated counterclockwise around the upper and lower support rollers, and the tension roller under the driving of the transmission system. The floating feeding mechanism mainly consisted of feeding roller, U-shaped support frame, bearing with sliding seat, and compression spring, etc. It was fixed to the upper end of the connecting plate, and the feeding roller rotated clockwise under the frictional force of the back baling belt. Through the design of the rubbing mechanism and the force analysis of the residual film, the structural dimension parameters of the baling room were determined, which contained the azimuth of the baling room was 0°, the angle of the baling room was 15°, the gap between the front and back of the upper end of the baling room was 15 mm, the gap between the front and back of the bottom of the baling roomwas 2 mm, the angle between the back baling belt and the horizontal direction was 25°, and the baling belt used PVC conveyor belt. The function of tension mechanism was to make the baling belt keep a certain degree of tension, so as to prevent the belt from slipping, keep the residual film bale baling under continuous pressure, and ensure the compactness of the residual film bale. Through the mechanical analysis of the formation of the residual film bale, the mechanical equation of the residual film core in the baling room was obtained, and then the rotational torque equation of the residual film core was derived. Finally, the field test of the baling machine was carried out. The results showed that the main factors affecting the baling quality were the azimuth of the baling room and the surface morphology of baling belt. The filed test showed that under the conditions of moderate tension of the baling belt, the azimuth angle of the baling room was -5° to 2.5°, the surface of balling belt was corrugated and the linear speed of the baling belt was 2.0 m/s, and the baling rate of the residual film was 100%, the density variation range of the residual film bale was 88.5 to 92.1 kg/m3. When the recovered residual film contained the same impurities, the density of the residual film bale was related to the linear speed of the baling belt, and the higher the linear speed, the higher the density of the residual film bale. However, when the linear speed exceeds 2.5 m/s, the increasing trend of the density slowed down. The research could provide reference for the development of a new type residual film baling machine.

agricultural machinery; design; residual film; baling machine; rubbing mechanism; floating feeding mechanism

王 征,王吉奎,唐永飞,等. 带式残膜揉搓打包机设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(19):11-18.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.19.002 http://www.tcsae.org

Wang Zheng, Wang Jikui, Tang Yongfei, et al. Design and test of the belt-type residual film rubbing and baling machine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(19): 11-18. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.19.002 http://www.tcsae.org










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Design and test of clamping and conveying device for recycling agricultural residual plastic film
家电科技(2015年10期)2015-11-30 06:39:58