
2020-12-25 01:22:12廖宜涛张青松王宝山廖庆喜
农业工程学报 2020年19期

王 磊,廖宜涛,张青松,刘 海,王宝山,廖庆喜




(1. 华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070;2. 农业农村部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070)

针对油菜机械化播种中地表不平引起集排器供种装置倾斜,导致排种稳定性不足的问题,该研究以油菜集排器供种装置为对象,构建排种过程中侧向倾斜时种子与供种装置型孔间的力学模型,应用EDEM仿真开展供种装置侧向倾斜角度和供种装置转速对排种过程中型孔中的种子种量及种子运移轨迹影响的双因素试验。仿真结果表明:在0°~5°范围内,沿播种机作业方向侧向倾斜角度逐渐增大时,充种、携种过程中倾斜一侧型孔中的种子数量相对无倾斜状态时的平均增加量在0~36.55%内逐渐增加,另一侧型孔中的种子数量相对无倾斜状态时的平均减少量在0~26.68%内逐渐增加。利用智能种植机械测试平台开展供种装置转速为20~40 r/min时不同侧向倾斜和摆动对供种装置排种性能影响的试验。结果表明:投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种量与仿真试验中投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种量比值的平均误差为3.86%;随侧向倾斜、侧向摆动、侧向往复摆动角度的增加,总排种速率相对无倾斜状态时的增加量在0~9.02%内逐渐增大;通过提高供种装置转速,可减少侧向倾斜和摆动对排种性能的影响。研究结果可为供种装置的结构改进和性能提升提供参考。


0 引 言




1 供种装置总体结构及排种过程分析

1.1 总体结构


表1 供种装置主要技术参数

1.播量调控轮 2.隔板 3.左1型孔 4.左2型孔 5.右1型孔 6.右2型孔 7.外切圆弧型孔轮 8.传动轴 9.种箱 10.壳体 11.种量调节板 12.充种室 13.卸种板 14.硅胶刮种板 15.投种口 Ⅰ.供种装置左侧 Ⅱ.供种装置右侧 Ⅲ充种区 Ⅳ.携种区 Ⅴ.投种区


1.Seed adjusting wheel 2.Baffle plate 3.1 type hole on left side 4.2 type hole on left side 5.1 type hole on right side 6. 2 type hole on right side 7.Circumscribed arc type hole wheel 8.Transmission shaft 9.Seed box 10.Shell 11.Seed regulating board 12.Seed filling room 13.Seed unloading plate 14.Silica gel seed scraping plate 15.Seed dropping port Ⅰ.Left side of seed feeding device Ⅱ.Right side of seed feeding device Ⅲ.Seed filling area Ⅳ.Seed carrying area Ⅴ.Seed dropping area

Note:is the dividing line between the tilt side and the other side.

图1 供种装置结构示意图

Fig.1 Structural diagrams of seed feeding device

1.2 地表不平侧向倾斜时的工作过程及原理


1.3 充种及携种过程分析


1.供种装置左侧 2. 供种装置右侧 3.型孔4 4.型孔3 5.型孔2 6.型孔1 Ⅰ.充种区 Ⅱ.携种区


1.Left side of seed feeding device 2.Right side of seed feeding device 3.Type hole 4 4.Type hole 3 5.Type hole 2 6.Type hole 1 Ⅰ.Seed filling area Ⅱ.Seed carrying area

Note:is the lateral tilt angle of seed feeding device, (°)

图2 充种及携种过程示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of seed filling and seed carrying process





1.种量调节板 2.外切圆弧型孔轮

1. Seed regulating board 2. Circumscribed arc type hole wheel


Note:is rotation center of circumscribed arc type hole wheel;andare the coordinates axis;Fis the inertial centrifugal force, N;Fis the support force of the type hole wall to the particle, N;Fis the friction of the type hole wall to the particle, N;Fis the pressure of the remaining seeds in the type hole to the particle, N;Fis the friction of the remaining seeds in the type hole to the particle, N;is the gravity of particle, N;is the angular velocity of type hole wheel, rad·s-1;is the angle betweenaxis and horizontal plane, (°);is the angle betweenFandaxis, (°);is the angle betweenFandaxis, (°).

图3 型孔中质点受力示意图

Fig.3 Sketch of forcing on particle in type hole





1.4 投种过程分析




Note:Ois the seed center;vis the normal velocity of the seed along type hole wheel, m·s-1;vis the tangential velocity of the seed along type hole wheel, m·s-1;vis the linear velocity of the type hole wheel, m·s-1;vis the vertical velocity of the seed, m·s-1.

图4 投种过程中种子受力图

Fig.4 Sketch of forcing on seed in seed dropping process

2 侧向倾斜对供种装置排种性能的影响


2.1 模型建立

将仿真模型分为外壳与型孔轮2个模块,外壳材料为铝合金,型孔轮材料为ABS工程树脂,为保证供种装置不同转速时充种室内油菜种量满足在无倾斜及最大倾斜状态的仿真时间段内,种量调节板与外切圆弧型孔轮间充种区种层高度保持稳定的要求,设置油菜种子为60 000粒;为有效统计在排种过程中各排型孔内的种量,设置型孔轮转动时间为8 s,总仿真时间为9 s[30]。仿真模型如图5所示,为便于分析,定义左侧投种口为投种口Ⅰ,右侧投种口为投种口Ⅱ。

1.投种口Ⅰ 2.投种口Ⅱ 3.型孔1 4.型孔2 5.型孔3 6.型孔4

2.2 仿真试验

综合考虑播种机作业效率和排种量需求,设置供种装置转速为20~40 r/min;以播种机作业方向轴为倾斜轴,轴正向为向左侧倾斜方向,基于新疆及长江中下游地区地表特征,油菜种植区耕地坡度为0°~5°,确定侧向倾斜角度为−5°~5°,由于供种装置结构左右对称,左右倾斜对排种过程种子运移轨迹影响规律相同,因此选取倾斜角度为0°~5°开展供种装置的侧向倾斜角度和供种装置转速的双因素试验。供种装置转速每间隔5 r/min为一个水平;倾斜角度每间隔1°为一个水平,每个试验水平重复5次。供种装置转速为30 r/min时的排种过程种子运移轨迹如图6所示。分别统计型孔1、型孔2、型孔3、型孔4充种及携种过程中的种量,投种口Ⅰ和投种口Ⅱ投种过程中的种量,分别计算投种口Ⅰ和投种口Ⅱ种量的比值、型孔1与型孔4、型孔1与型孔2种量、型孔3和型孔4的种量比值,结果如表2所示。




2.3 仿真试验结果分析


图6 不同倾斜角度下排种过程中的种子运移轨迹

由表2可知,充种及携种过程中,供种装置转速固定时,随侧向倾斜角度的增加,型孔1、型孔2内的种量逐渐增加且均高于无倾斜状态时的型孔充种量,型孔3、型孔4内种量逐渐减小且均低于无倾斜状态时的型孔充种量;当倾斜角度在0°~5°内逐渐增大时,倾斜侧型孔中的种子粒数相对无倾斜状态时的平均增加量在0~36.55%内逐渐增加,另一侧型孔中的种子粒数相对无倾斜状态时的平均减少量在0~26.68%内逐渐增加;充种量最高的型孔1与充种量最低的型孔4种量的比值为1.02~2.70。侧向倾斜时,充种过程导致了充种区种层厚度的变化,携种过程中倾斜侧与另一侧型孔中的种量差异是由于充种过程中充种量差异而产生,无重复双因素分析表明,侧向倾斜对由供种装置组成的气送式集排器及上排集排式集排器的充种及携种过程中倾斜侧与另一侧型孔内的种量具有显著影响(<0.05)。充种及携种过程中,侧向倾斜角度一定时,随供种装置转速的增加,倾斜侧型孔与另一侧型孔内的种量比值、型孔1与型孔4内的种量比值总体先减小后趋于稳定,表明转速为20~40 r/min时,提高供种装置转速可降低侧向倾斜对供种装置充种及携种过程种子运移的影响。

投种过程中,供种装置转速一定时,随侧向倾斜角度的增加,投种口Ⅰ种量相对无倾斜状态时的平均增加量在0~86.82%内逐渐增加,投种口Ⅱ种量相对无倾斜状态时的平均减少量在0~75.65%内逐渐增加,无重复双因素分析表明,侧向倾斜对供种装置的投种过程中投种口Ⅰ与投种口Ⅱ的种量具有显著影响(<0.05);侧向倾斜时投种口种量相对无倾斜时的增加量可达到7.4%。投种过程中,侧向倾斜角度一定,随转速的增加,投种口Ⅰ与投种口Ⅱ的种量比值明显减小;倾斜5°、转速为20及40 r/min时,投种口Ⅰ与投种口Ⅱ的种量比值分别为14.4及5.29,表明转速为20~40 r/min时,提高转速可有效降低侧向倾斜对供种装置投种过程中种子运移的影响。

结合图6与表2可知,型孔1、型孔2、型孔3和型孔4的排种量差值随侧向倾斜角度的增加而逐渐增大;投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ的种量比值大于型孔内种量比值,表明由种子运移轨迹引起的投种过程种量变化量高于充种及携种过程;供种装置转速为20~40 r/min时,转速越高,侧向倾斜角度对供种装置排种过程中种子运移规律的影响越小,可通过增大供种装置转速提高供种装置的排种稳定性。

表2 供种装置转速与侧向倾斜对排种性能的影响

Note: FDRD: Rotating Speed of Seed Feeding Device, DP: Seed Dropping Port, SD: Seed quantity, TD: Type hole. The same as below.

3 侧向倾斜对供种装置排种性能影响试验

3.1 试验设备

为明确供种装置在地表不平导致侧向倾斜和摆动时的排种效果,并验证仿真试验的合理性,将供种装置安装于油菜宽幅精量免耕播种机,应用智能种植机械测试平台开展供种装置转速为20~40 r/min时侧向倾斜和摆动对供种装置排种性能影响的模拟试验,摆动周期为10 s,试验装置如图7所示。该平台可实现播种机沿作业方向前后、左右−5°~5°任意组合倾斜、摆动,并可提供播种机作业所需驱动力及风机压力。

1.油菜宽幅精量免耕播种机 2.测试平台 3.供种装置

3.2 试验方案


为减少种量变化对排种性能的影响,种箱中装入10 kg油菜种子。用尼龙网袋收集60 s内送料装置左右腔室中的种子,以供种装置60 s内的排种量为排种速率,计算各倾斜状态下供种装置投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ的排种速率、投种口总排种速率、总排种速率稳定性变异系数,试验油菜品种为华油杂62,千粒质量为4.67 g。

侧向倾斜试验:设定供种装置转速为20~40 r/min,每间隔10 r/min为一个水平,侧向倾斜角度为−5°~5°,每间隔1°为一个水平,试验重复5次。

侧向摆动试验:设定供种装置转速为20~40 r/min,每间隔10 r/min为一个水平,侧向摆动角度为−5°~0°、−4°~0°、−3°~0°、−2°~0°、−1°~0°、0°~1°、0°~2°、0°~3°、0°~4°、0°~5°,试验重复5次。

侧向往复摆动试验:设定供种装置转速为20~40 r/min,每间隔10 r/min为一个水平,侧向往复摆动角度为−5°~5°、−4°~4°、−3°~3°、−2°~2°、−1°~1°,试验重复5次。

3.3 试验结果分析


3.3.1 侧向倾斜时的排种性能分析

图8为侧向倾斜时的排种速率及其变异系数。由图8可知,随侧向倾斜角度的增大,投种口Ⅰ的排种速率逐渐增加,投种口Ⅱ的排种速率逐渐减小;投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种速率差值逐渐增大且差值相对无倾斜状态对称分布,表明侧向倾斜对各投种口的种子运移轨迹的影响规律一致;随侧向单侧倾斜角度绝对值的增加,总排种速率相对无倾斜状态时的增加量在0.76%~8.72%内逐渐增加;总排种速率稳定性变异系数与无倾斜时基本相同,表明侧向倾斜对排种速率稳定性影响较小。侧向倾斜时,投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种量比值与仿真试验中投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种量比值的平均误差为3.86%,表明仿真试验结果合理可信。侧向倾斜角度不变时,随供种装置转速在20~40 r/min内增加,投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ的排种速率比值的最大值在14.31~5.52内逐渐降低,侧向倾斜相对无倾斜状态时的总排种速率增加量的最大值在8.72%~5.22%逐渐减小,表明提高供种装置转速,可降低侧向倾斜对排种性能的影响,投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种量比值与仿真试验投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种量比值变化规律一致。


3.3.2 侧向摆动时的排种性能分析

图9为侧向摆动时的排种速率及其变异系数。由图9可知,随侧向摆动角度的增大,投种口Ⅰ的排种速率逐渐增加,投种口Ⅱ的排种速率逐渐减小。投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ的排种速率与侧向倾斜时的排种速率的变化规律相同,但排种速率的变化量低于侧向倾斜。随侧向摆动角度的增加,总排种速率相对无倾斜状态时的增加量在0.65%~4.23%内逐渐增加;投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ在侧向摆动时的排种速率变化量相对无倾斜状态时的增加量可达55.61%、减少量可达48.5%,表明侧向摆动对投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种速率具有明显影响。侧向摆动角度不变时,随供种装置转速在20~40 r/min内增加,投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ排种速率比值的最大值在3.03~2.24内逐渐减低,相对无倾斜状态时的总排种速率增加量的最大值在4.23%~2.56%内逐渐减小,表明提高供种装置转速,可降低侧向摆动对排种性能的影响。

图9 不同播种机转速下侧向摆动对排种速率及其变异系数的影响

3.3.3 侧向往复摆动时的排种性能分析

图10为侧向往复摆动时的排种速率及其变异系数。由图10可知,随侧向往复摆动角度的增加,转速为20 r/min时,投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ的排种速率均在37.36~41.12 g/min内逐渐增大,转速为30 r/min时,投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ的排种速率均在68.6~73.8 g/min内逐渐增大,转速为40 r/min时,投种口Ⅰ、投种口Ⅱ的排种速率均在98.01~106.86 g/min内逐渐增大,总排种速率相对无倾斜状态时的增加量在1.12%~9.02%内逐渐增大,且供种装置转速的增加对总排种速率变异系数相对无倾斜状态时的增加量影响较小,总排种速率变异系数小于0.66%,表明侧向往复摆动对排种速率稳定性影响较小,这是由于侧向往复摆动周期中倾斜一侧由种子迁移引起的种量增加量与另一侧种子迁移引起的种量减少量基本相同。侧向往复摆动角度不变时,相对无倾斜状态时的总排种速率增加量的最大值随供种装置转速增加而在9.02%~6.53%内逐渐减小,表明提高供种装置转速,可降低侧向往复摆动对排种性能的影响。

图10 不同播种机转速下侧向往复摆动对排种速率及其变异系数的影响


4 结 论




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Experiments and analysis on seeding performance of seed feeding device of rapeseed centralized metering device under lateral tilt

Wang Lei, Liao Yitao, Zhang Qingsong, Liu Hai, Wang Baoshan, Liao Qingxi※

(1. College of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Equipment in Mid-lower Yangtze River, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430070, China)

In order to solve the problems that the surface unevenness leads to the tilt of the seed feeding device of centralized metering device in rapeseed mechanized seeding, which causes insufficient seeding stability, the seed feeding device of centralized metering device was taken as the research object, the working process of the seed feeding device was analysied and the mechanical models between rapeseed and the type hole of the seed feeding device were built at different lateral tilt angle during the seed filling, seed carrying and seed dropping process. The effects of lateral tilt angle perpendicular to work direction and rotating speed of seed feeding device on seeds quantity in type hole and seeds migration trajectory during seeding process were analyzed by EDEM simulation. The simulation results showed that with the increase of the tilt angle within 0°-5°, the average increase of seed quantity in type hole of the tilt side relative to the no tilt increased within 0-36.55%, and the average decrease of seed quantity in type hole on the other side relative to the no tilt decreased within 0-26.68% during seed filling and seed carrying process. The ratio ranged from 1.02 to 2.70 between the highest seed quantity of type hole 1 and the lowest seed quantity of type hole 4. During the process of seed dropping, when the rotating speed of seed feeding device was fixed, with the increase of lateral tilt angle ranged from 0° to 5°, relative to the no tilt state, the average seed quantity increase of seed dropping port I was 0-86.82% and the average seed quantity decrease of seed dropping port II was 0-75.65%, respectively As the rotating speed of the seed feeding device was 20 r/min and 40 r/min, the ratio of seed quantity of seed dropping port I to that of seed dropping port II was 14.4 and 5.29, respectively. The intelligent test platform of planting machines was used to test the effects of different lateral tilt and swing on seeding performance of the seed feeding device. The experimental results indicated that the average error of seed quantity between the bench test and simulation test was 3.86%, which showed that the simulation results were reasonable and credible. With the increase of the absolute value of the lateral tilt angle, the increase of the total seeding rate was 0.76%-8.72% compared with the total seeding rate without tilt. With the increase of the absolute value of the lateral swing angle, the change of the seeding rate of the seed dropping port I and II was 0-55.61% compared with the no tilt state, and the increase of the total seeding rate was 0.65%-4.23%. With the increase of lateral reciprocating swing, the increase of total seeding rate was 1.12%-9.02% compared with that of no tilt state. The test results showed that lateral tilt, lateral swing and lateral reciprocating swing had significant influence on seeding stability. The effects of lateral tilt and swing on seeding performance could be reduced by increasing the rotating speed of the seed feeding device. The results can provide reference for promoting the structure improvement and performance improvement of the seed feeding device.

agricultural machinery; crops; test; rapeseed; centralized metering device; seed feeding device; lateral tilt seeding

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Wang Lei, Liao Yitao, Zhang Qingsong, et al. Experiments and analysis on seeding performance of seed feeding device of rapeseed centralized metering device under lateral tilt[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(19): 1-10. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.19.001 http://www.tcsae.org










时代汽车(2021年23期)2021-12-23 15:54:22
Design and evaluation of PID electronic control system for seed meters for maize precision planting