
2020-12-09 01:46:31
心肺血管病杂志 2020年4期

《心肺血管病杂志》由吴英恺和翁心植院士于1982 年2 月创刊。 《心肺血管病杂志》是以心肺血管疾病的预防、医疗、科研和国际学术交流为主题的专业性学术月刊。 杂志主要刊登国内外心肺血管疾病相关临床研究、基础研究以及综合国内外最新进展。 1992 年被北京高校图书馆期刊工作研究会\北京大学图书馆评为中文核心期刊,2001 年入选中国核心期刊,同年入选中国期刊方阵,被评为双效期刊,并被《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》和中国生物医学文献数据库(SinoMed)收录。 2006 年被美国化学文摘(CA)收录,2010 年至2012 年被北京市新闻出版局和北京市人力资源和社会保障局授予先进集体荣誉称号。 杂志栏目包括:流行学与人群防治、吸烟与健康、临床论著(心肺血管内科,心胸血管外科、临床病理、超声及影像)、个案报道、基础研究、讲座、科普栏、综述。 多年来《心肺血管病杂志》遵循“服务于临床,服务于科研,服务于读者”的办刊宗旨,在36 年的发展中,大胆开拓,勇于创新,投稿量不断增加,影响因子也逐年上升,2018 年版中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)2017 年影响因子为0.981。

Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases was founded by Dr.Wu Yingkai and Dr.Weng Xinzhi in February 1982.Dr.Wu is the father of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery in China and Dr.Weng was an expert of pulmonary disease.This joumal is a professional academic bimonthly issue for the prevention,health care,scientific research and international acadermic exchange on cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.The journal focuses on basic research and clinical techniques and developments in cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.This publication includes epidemiology, smoking and health, clinical works, basic research, case reports, discussion of clinical pathology,lectures,science column,review,academic development and activities and other columns.This journal was included in American Chemical Abstracts(CA)in 2006,and was one of the”Chinese scientific and technical papers and citations”periodicals by the national ministry of science and technology.It was selected in Chinese journals formation in 2001,and wsa collected in “Chinese Core Journals(selection)database”and SinoMed database.

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