
2020-11-30 14:21:40吴子娟梁武科高晨辉陈帝伊
农业工程学报 2020年2期

吴子娟,梁武科,董 玮,高晨辉,陈帝伊


吴子娟1,梁武科1※,董 玮2,高晨辉1,陈帝伊2

(1. 西安理工大学水利水电学院,西安 710048;2. 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院,杨凌 712100)

水轮机转轮间隙内的泄漏涡、泄漏流等复杂的湍流易影响水轮机的性能与稳定性。为了分析下环间隙对混流式水轮机能量特性和内部流态的影响,该文基于N-S方程和SST湍流模型,考虑了0.6d(d为设计流量工况)、0.8d、d、1.2d共4种流量工况,对5种下环间隙下的混流式水轮机模型机进行三维全流道数值计算。通过对比不同下环间隙方案对混流式水轮机效率与容积损失的影响,结合不同水轮机内部流场特征,分析下环间隙与水轮机性能的关系。计算结果表明:下环间隙由0.4 mm增大到1.3 mm,机组泄漏量增大,水轮机效率整体呈下降趋势。其中,当机组在小流量0.6d工况运行时,间隙对水轮机能量特性影响最为明显,效率下降了4.1个百分点。当机组在小流量0.6d与0.8d工况运行时,下环间隙增大,间隙内部流场与尾水管内部流场呈现小幅度恶化;当机组在大流量1.2d工况运行时,下环间隙增大,转轮叶片吸力面压力分布以及尾水管内部流场均得到改善。该研究可为混流式水轮机结构设计提供有效参考。


0 引 言




1 模型参数与数值仿真

1.1 几何模型及计算工况

本文研究对象为国内某电站混流式水轮机模型,该电站原型水轮机真机运行水头范围为91~112 m,额定水头为96 m。模型水轮机的几何参数见表1。图1为该模型机全流道三维模型计算域。图2是下环间隙的剖面示意图,水轮机下环间隙记为。为了探究下环间隙对水轮机性能的影响,在该水轮机模型机原始下环间隙1 mm的基础上,增大下环间隙取得1.3 mm的下环间隙方案,减小下环间隙取得0.4、0.6、0.8 mm的下环间隙方案,其中0.4 mm为该模型机可达到的最小下环间隙。

表1 主要部件几何参数

图1 水轮机全流道三维模型

1.转轮叶片 2.活动导叶 3.底环 4.基础环 5.下固定密封环 6.尾水管

1.Runner blade 2.Guide vane 3.Bottom ring 4.Foundation ring 5.Lower stationary sealing ring 6.Draft tube


Note:is the seal clearance of runner, mm.

图2 下环间隙轴向剖面图

Fig.2 Axial profile of seal clearance



该模型机设计工况单位转速11=69 r/min,单位流量11=0.765 m³/s,该单位流量记为d。考虑到本文研究的水轮机在设计工况运行的时段通常只占总运行时间的30%左右,为综合分析水轮机在不同工况下运行的性能,本文计算工况为设计单位转速下,单位流量包括小流量0.6d、0.8d工况,设计流量d工况和大流量1.2d工况,工作水头=30 m。

1.2 控制方程与湍流模型



本文采用剪切应力输运(shear stress transport,SST)模型对方程进行封闭[24-26],其控制方程为:




1.3 网格划分与网格无关性验证


为了验证网格数的合理性,保证计算精度,本文选取水轮机效率随网格数变化的曲线作为无关性验证的判断依据。网格无关性验证[27]选择在d流量工况,下环间隙为1 mm的原始间隙下进行,通过对比不同网格数下的水轮机效率变化情况,d流量工况下的水轮机效率随网格数变化曲线如图4所示。由图4可见,当网格数由653万增加到740万,效率增量为0.009%,得到网格无关解,最终确定全流道数值计算的网格总数为653万。

图3 部分流体域网格

图4 网格无关性验证

1.4 数值计算结果的试验验证

对本文所研究的水电站水轮机进行真机效率试验,试验工况选取设计工况单位转速11=69 r/min,单位流量取0.512 m³/s至0.915 m³/s共8个工况。数值计算取下环间隙为1 mm的方案。效率试验结果与数值计算结果的对比如图5所示。从图中可看出,数值计算结果与试验结果相接近,由于真机水流中存在泥沙等固体颗粒,造成机组能量转换的损失,数值计算中未考虑泥沙含量这一因素,计算结果整体略高于试验值。单位流量为0.795 m³/s的工况出现最大误差,为2.06%,在可接受范围内。

图5 效率试验与数值计算结果对比

2 计算结果与分析

2.1 下环间隙对水轮机能量特性的影响

如图6所示,通过分析不同下环间隙对混流式水轮机效率的影响可以发现:当机组在非设计工况运行时,当间隙在0.4~1.3 mm范围内,下环间隙增大,水轮机效率呈下降趋势。下环间隙从0.4增大到1.3 mm,0.6d流量工况下的水轮机效率下降了4.08个百分点,下降幅度最大;0.8d与1.2d流量工况下,效率分别下降了2.15与1.38个百分点。


设计工况下,当下环间隙从0.4增大到1.3 mm,水轮机效率呈先下降,再上升,后下降的变化趋势。其中,间隙由0.4增大到0.6 mm时,效率下降了0.97个百分点;间隙由0.6增大到0.8 mm时,效率上升了0.15个百分点;间隙由0.8增大到1.3 mm时,效率下降了0.97个百分点。



将间隙泄漏量与总流量的比值,即泄漏比作为无量纲容积损失进行分析,图7为机组在0.6d、0.8d、d、1.2d4种工况运行时,水轮机下环间隙容积损失随下环间隙变化的规律。从图中可以看出,下环间隙增大,4种流量工况下的机组容积损失均呈上升趋势。随着活动导叶开度的增大,当下环间隙增大,下环间隙泄漏量增大的幅度逐渐减小。机组在小流量0.6d工况运行时,下环间隙的变化对下环间隙泄漏量影响最为明显,当间隙值由0.4增大到1.3 mm,泄漏比由0.18 %增大至0.54 %。

2.2 下环间隙对水轮机内部流态的影响

2.2.1 下环间隙内部流态分析


图7 不同下环间隙下的容积损失

2.2.2 下环间隙对转轮内部流态的影响


图8 设计工况下的下环间隙子午面速度场与流线形态

图9 转轮叶片吸力面压力分布

2.2.3 下环间隙对尾水管内部流态的影响

下环间隙出流具有一定的正向速度环量,不同间隙方案下流经间隙的水流流量不同,间隙出流对尾水管主流干扰的程度不同。图10为尾水管直锥段与弯肘段中心剖面压力云图与流线形态。从图中可以看出,不同间隙方案下,尾水管直锥段与弯肘段流场差异较为明显。0.8d流量工况下,随着下环间隙的增大,尾水管进口中心处的负压区范围逐渐扩大,水流流态呈小幅度恶化的趋势。小流量工况下,由于尾水管进口的水流周向湍流强度较强,表现为明显的旋转湍流形式,尾水管近壁区域具有较强的湍流特性[29-30],且尾水管直锥段中心轴处存在不稳定空腔涡带。此时具有正向环量的间隙出流与尾水管主流汇合时加剧了水流的流动分离,增加了尾水管主流的不稳定性,间隙增大,间隙出流对尾水管主流的干扰作用更强。大流量1.2d工况下,随着下环间隙的增大,尾水管直锥段与弯肘段的回流减少,流线更为顺畅,尾水管中心区域的空腔涡带强度减弱。这是由于大流量工况下,转轮出口水流具有与转轮旋转方向相反的分量,具有正向环量的间隙出流与具有反向圆周速度的尾水管主流汇合后,减弱了尾水管内水流的旋转湍流强度,减少流动分离损失,从而改善了尾水管的压力恢复,涡带强度降低。d流量工况下,下环间隙为0.6 mm时,尾水管直锥段与弯肘段处存在明显回流,其他4组间隙方案下,尾水管内部水流基本顺畅,处于理想状态。

图10 尾水管压力场及流线形态

3 结 论

本文以混流式水轮机为研究对象,探究了机组在0.6d、0.8d、d、1.2d共4种流量工况运行时,下环间隙在0.4~1.3 mm范围内,下环间隙对混流式水轮机能量特性与内部流态的影响,具体结论如下:

1)当机组在非设计流量工况运行时,下环间隙由0.4增大到1.3 mm,水轮机效率呈现逐渐下降的趋势。设计流量工况下,下环间隙增大,水轮机效率呈先下降,后上升,再下降的趋势。

2)当下环间隙在0.4~1.3 mm范围内,4种流量工况下的间隙泄漏量随下环间隙增大而增大,间隙内水流平均流速、漩涡强度均随着下环间隙的增大而增大,间隙内水流流态变差。




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Influence of seal clearance of runner on internal fluid field in Francis turbine

Wu Zijuan1, Liang Wuke1※, Dong Wei2, Gao Chenhui1, Chen Diyi2

(1.-,,710048,; 2.,,712100,)

The performance and stability of turbine are easily affected by the complex turbulence such as clearance vortex and leakage flow. For the purpose of analyzing the influence of seal clearance on the energy features and interior flow characteristics of Francis turbine, with referencing N-S equation and SST turbulence model, the three-dimensional steady flow in the full flow passage of the Francis turbine model under five schemes of clearance were calculated. Four flow rates were chosen as: 0.6d, 0.8d,dand 1.2d. Five schemes of clearance size were selected of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 and 1.3 mm. By comparing the effects of different clearance schemes on the efficiency and volume loss of Francis turbine, the relationship between clearance and turbine performance was analyzed based on the characteristics of internal fluid field, and the calculation results showed that by increasing the size of clearance, the turbine efficiency could be reduced, and the leakage of the turbine indicated an upward trend. When the turbine operated at a small flow rate of 0.6d, the clearance appeared the most obvious influence on the energy features of the turbine. With the increase of clearance, the leakage ratio increased from 0.18% to 0.54%, and the efficiency decreased by 4.1 percentage points. At the flow rate of 1.2d, the clearance presented the least influence on the energy features of the turbine. The leakage ratio increased from 0.07% to 0.27%, and the efficiency decreased by 1.38 percentage points when the clearance was increased. If the turbine was operated at small flow rates of 0.6dand 0.8d, the clearance increased, and the internal fluid fields inside both the clearance and the draft tube deteriorated slightly. The average velocity in the clearance increased gradually, and the eddy current intensity in the inlet and outlet pressure chambers of the clearance increased little by little, the volume of vortex rope in the center of draft tube inlet was increased simultaneously. If the unit was operated at a large flow rate of 1.2d, with the clearance increased from 0.4 mm to 1.3 mm, the characteristics of fluid field inside clearance and the pressure distribution on the suction surface of the runner blades, also the fluid field inside the draft tube were all improved. The area of negative pressure zone on suction surface of runner blades decreased, and the volume of the cavity vortex rope at the inlet center of the draft tube decreased, the streamline inside the draft tube also tended to be smooth. This study could provide an effective reference for the design of seal clearance of Francis turbine.

Francis turbine; models; seal clearance; performance; volume loss

吴子娟,梁武科,董 玮,高晨辉,陈帝伊. 转轮下环间隙对混流式水轮机内部流动特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(2):23-29. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.02.004 http://www.tcsae.org

Wu Zijuan, Liang Wuke, Dong Wei, Gao Chenhui, Chen Diyi. Influence of seal clearance of runner on internal fluid field in Francis turbine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(2): 23-29. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.02.004 http://www.tcsae.org










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