Recently,the International Bridge Conference of 2020 (IBC) gave awards to six bridge projects from China—four of which were constructed by MBEC.
So far,MBEC has won 13 IBC awards,as briefly listed below:
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge—Outstanding Structure Award (OStrA) 2020The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is the cross-sea bridge that connects Hong Kong,Zhuhai,and Macao,stretching for 55 kilometers in total.It is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world,and one of the most complex and demanding projects throughout the history of China’s transportation construction.港珠澳大桥——2020年超级工程奖连接香港、珠海、澳门三地的跨海通道,全长约55公里,是世界上最长的跨海大桥,也是中国交通建设史上技术最复杂、标准最高的工程之一。
Zigui Yangtze River Highway Bridge—Gustav Lindenthal Medal Winner of 2020With a main span of 531.2 meters,the bridge has a total length of 883.2 meters,and is now the world’s largest span steel box truss thrust arch bridge.秭归长江公路大桥——2020年古斯塔夫斯·林德撒尔奖全长883.2米,主跨531.2米,是目前世界最大跨度钢箱桁架推力式拱桥。
Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge—George S.Richardson Medal Winner of 2020The Wuhan Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge has a main span of 1,700 meters that crosses the Yangtze River with only one step.It is the first double-deck highway bridge on the Yangtze River,and the longest double-deck suspension bridge span in the world.杨泗港长江大桥——2020年乔治·理查德森奖武汉杨泗港长江大桥主跨1700米,一步跨越长江,是长江上首座双层公路大桥,也是世界上跨度最大的双层公路悬索桥。
The Second Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge—George S.Richardson Medal Winner of 2018As the first cable-stayed box-girder bridge with a curved bottom in China,the Second Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge has been the first project that wins the Be Inspired Award.芜湖长江二桥——2018年乔治·理查德森奖中国首座采用弧底钢箱梁的超大跨径斜拉桥,是中国桥梁建设首次荣膺世界“BE 创新奖”的工程。
Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge—Arthur G.Hayden Medal 2018The Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is the only bridge in China that has won the titles of “the World’s Largest Span Glass Bridge” and “the World’s First Grand Canyon Glass Bridge with Spatial Cable Planes.”张家界玻璃桥——2018年亚瑟·海顿奖独创“世界最大跨度玻璃桥”“世界首座空间索面高山峡谷玻璃桥”等多项世界第一。
Ma’anshan Yangtze River Bridge—George S.Richardson Medal Winner of 2016With a 1,080-meter span,the Ma’anshan Yangtze River Bridge was the longest double span suspension bridge in the world when it was completed,and it is the first bridge ever that has a span of over 1000 meters among the class of highway bridges.马鞍山长江大桥——2016年乔治·理查德森奖大桥主跨跨度达1080米,在当时世界同类桥梁中位居第一,并首次实现了同类主桥跨径由百米向千米的突破。
Jiashao Bridge—Gustav Lindenthal Medal Winner of 2016The Jiashao Bridge is the second cross-sea bridge on Hangzhou Bay,and the longest and widest multi-tower cable-stayed bridge in the world so far.嘉绍大桥——2016年古斯塔夫·林德撒尔奖杭州湾上建成的第二座跨海大桥,也是目前世界上最长最宽的多塔斜拉桥。
Jiaozhou Bay Bridge—GeorgeS.Richardson Medal Winner of 2013When it was completed,the Jiaozhou Bay Bridge was the longest cross-sea bridge and second longest bridge in the word.胶州湾大桥——2013年乔治·理查德森奖大桥建成时是世界上最长的跨海大桥,也是世界第二长桥。
Nanjing Dashengguan Yangtze River Bridge—George S.Richardson Medal Winner of 2012This bridge is the world’s first six-lane high-speed railway bridge with a long span,and its continuous two arches are the largest span among similar types of high-speed railway bridges in the world.So far,its design load is the heaviest among all high-speed railway bridges in the world.南京大胜关长江大桥——2012年乔治·理查德森奖世界首座六线高速铁路大跨度桥梁,是世界同类级别高速铁路中跨度最大的双跨连拱桥,也是目前世界上设计荷载最大的高速铁路大桥。
Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze River Bridge—George S.Richardson Medal Winner of 2010As the first double-tower cable-stayed bridge with three-cable planes in the world,the Wuhan Tianxingzhou Yangtze River Bridge has a record-breaking span,speed,load,and width among the same-class highway bridges.武汉天兴洲长江大桥——2010年乔治·理查德森奖世界上第一座双塔三索面公路铁路两用斜拉桥,创下了当时同类型桥梁在跨度、速度、荷载、桥面宽度上四项世界第一。
Nanjing No.3 Yangtze River Bridge—Gustav Lindenthal Medal Winner of 2008The Nanjing No.3 Yangtze River Bridge is a double-tower cable-stayed bridge with two cable planes,and the white inverted Y-shaped steel-tower bridge has a span of 648 meters,which is equivalent to the height of a 70-story building.南京长江三桥——2007年古斯塔夫·林德撒尔奖双塔双索面斜拉桥,跨度为648米,拥有相当于70层高的白色人字型钢塔。
Restoration on Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge—Award of Merit—Heavy/Light Rail Bridge Project of 2020This is the milestone for bridge construction in China.Since October 28,2016,this highway bridge has been totally shut off for maintenance and restoration before reopening to traffic on December 29,2018.南京长江大桥改造工程——2020年铁路桥奖中国桥梁建设的重要里程碑。2016年10月28日起,该桥公路桥段进行全封闭维修改造,于2018年12月29日重新投入使用。
Sutong Yangtze River Highway Bridge—George S.Richardson Medal Winner of 2008When it was completed,this bridge ranked amongst the world’s top with the largest main span,longest stay cables,highest main tower,and the deepest pile foundation.苏通长江公路大桥——2008年乔治·理查德森奖该桥建成时创下了“主跨径最宽、斜拉索最长、主桥塔最高、群桩基础最深”四个世界第一。
About IBC
Sponsored by the Engineers’ Society of Western Pennsylvania,the International Bridge Conference (IBC) is an influential academic conference for the bridge construction industry across the world.Established in 1988,the IBC awards are selected once a year,which are regarded as the Nobel Prize of the bridge industry.There are 7 IBC awards in total,namely the George S.Richardson Medal (the earliest and greatest award offered by IBC) for the outstanding achievement in the design,construction and research in bridge engineering,Gustav Lindenthal Medal for the outstanding achievement in environment harmony or successful community involvement in bridge construction,Arthur G.Hayden Medal for the outstanding achievement in art and innovation in special bridge construction,Abba G.Lichtenstein Medal for the outstanding achievement in the restoration and rehabilitation of bridges of historic or engineering significance,Eugene C.Figg Jr.Medal for the investors or designers of the bridge,Award of Merit—Heavy/Light Rail Bridge Project for the outstanding achievement in rail bridge projects,and Outstanding Structure Award for the outstanding achievement in the design and construction of a super-large bridge project.