
2020-11-16 10:31
时代英语·高二 2020年8期



How far would you go to make a good impression at a new job? A college student in Alabama walked 22 kilometers in the1to get to his new job.

Walter Carrs2broke down the night before starting a new job at Bellhops, a moving company. Although he tried several times, Carr3to find a ride. Knowing he could not4to miss the job, he decided to walk and5how long it would take to walk to the job in Pelham—32 kilometers away. He left at midnight so that he could6it to the customers house on time.

Carr had reportedly walked about 22 kilometers7the local police started to help the young man. After hearing his8 , they took him to breakfast. Then, they give him a9to the home of the customer Jenny Lamey, whom he was10to help move that morning, before the rest of the11arrived.

“I asked Carr if he wanted to go12and rest until everyone else arrived,” said Lamey in a Facebook post. “He 13and said he could go ahead and get started.” So, the family and Carr began14up the home, chatting along the way.

He told Lamey that he and his mother15from New Orleans to Birmingham after losing their16in Hurricane Katrina, an extremely destructive and deadly one that17the Gulf Coast of the US in 2005.

“I just cant tell you how18I was by Carr and his journey. He is modest, kind, cheerful, hardworking and 19 .” Lamey shared the story of Carr on Facebook. It spread20 , moving many other all over the world.

1. A. forest B. dark C. distance D. hurricane

2. A. car B. health C. phone D. house

3. A. failed B. happened C. decided D. promised

4. A. expect B. offer C. afford D. manage

5. A. write down B. set aside C. think about D. figure out

6. A. give B. make C. guide D. connect

7. A. unless B. though C. before D. since

8. A. introduction B. opinion C. excuse D. story

9. A. ride B. signal C. map D. chance

10. A. allowed B. required C. forced D. advised

11. A. customers B. policemen C. helpers D. students

12. A. ahead B. outside C. upstairs D. away

13. A. waited B. explained C. stopped D. refused

14. A. fixing B. packing C. checking D. cleaning

15. A. moved B. flew C. drove D. traveled

16. A. way B. home C. mind D. furniture

17. A. approached B. rebuilt C. destroyed D. hit

18. A. amazed B. encouraged C. touched D. delighted

19. A. humorous B. patient C. generous D. strong-minded

20. A. rapidly B. gradually C. normally D. suddenly


“When I grow up, I want to be a mountain climber,” Jack, my four-year-old son, announces. My husband, Jack and I are now1Cradle Mountain. Here the sky is clear and the plants are green. We dont know how our kid will progress, but were2to give it a go.

Usually some parents, me included, would3that bushwalking would present a great opportunity for disaster. However, we couldnt be more4 . We are swallowed up (吞沒) by the5of the nature.

My husband and I6glances (眼色) as Jack runs ahead of us. He walks at a confident and steady (稳的)7 , staying three or four meters ahead of us. Who is this kid8us through the bush? This cant be the same boy who wont play outside9someone keeps him company.

“Hey, look at this!” Jack cries, pointing at a10in a tree. “Who lives here? It may be a snakes11 .” His dad and I12and look on, nodding and predicting who might call the tree home. Before reaching a13 , Jack is off again, keeping a distance between himself and us.

I think about how I have often felt14as a parent. Frequently I find myself15to cross the tricky (棘手的) pass of boyhood: “Why wont this child16 ? Why wont he do as he is told? Why is he so17 ?” Yet, here we find ourselves in the wilderness, and the boy is showing us the18 . The world is unfolding before him, and he is crossing it with19and natural curiosity, and as his parents, we are only20on his journey, following in his size 12 footsteps.

1. A. touching B. measuring C. reaching D. climbing

2. A. invited B. prepared C. allowed D. encouraged

3. A. argue B. know C. worry D. admit

4. A. disappointed B. frightened C. moved D. surprised

5. A. wonder B. secret C. state D. science

6. A. take B. give C. exchange D. attract

7. A. beat B. speed C. flow D. focus

8. A. leading B. following C. chasing D. pointing

9. A. while B. since C. as D. unless

10. A. snake B. fruit C. hole D. leaf

11. A. body B. home C. food D. head

12. A. stand aside B. catch up C. run out D. get off

13. A. level B. decision C. solution D. conclusion

14. A. lost B. relaxed C. excited D. touched

15. A. afraid B. ready C. unable D. unwilling

16. A. listen B. see C. talk D. ask

17. A. shy B. rude C. foolish D. naughty

18. A. beauty B. way C. place D. future

19. A. pressure B. anxiety C. confidence D. satisfaction

20. A. passengers B. customers C. drivers D. strangers


Several years ago, my daughter Carissa was about to enter her first gymnastics competition. I wrote her a letter expressing my hopes and goals for her1experience. Heres a revised version:

My dearest Carissa,

I know youve worked hard to prepare yourself to2 , and I know how much you want to win. Thats a good3 . You will always get the best out of yourself when you struggle for a4 .

But winning is not the only goal or even the most5one. Whats most important is to have fun and learn something valuable. I want you to6the sport so much that you find7in the effort itself and in the8of your teammates and other competitors.

I want you to know you can do well—no matter who9home the medals—if you do your best. And you will be a winner10you keep getting better. I want you to11excellence with all your heart, not to12me or your mom or anyone else, but to13the joy of achievement.

If you tremble, keep going. If you14 , get up and continue. No matter what happens, keep your head15 . Dont give up or give in. If things dont go your way, dont cry, complain, or make16 .

Always17yourself in a way that brings honor to your team, your coaches, your family and, above all, yourself. I want you to be a18of good sportsmanship, treating the sport, its rules, your teammates, other competitors, and judges with19 .

But most of all, I want you to know how20of you I am.

1. A. scientific B. electronic C. athletic D. academic

2. A. defend B. adventure C. graduate D. compete

3. A. goal B. try C. choice D. judgment

4. A. present B. victory C. prize D. record

5. A. important B. difficult C. reliable D. hopeful

6. A. have B. know C. love D. do

7. A. power B. courage C. fault D. pleasure

8. A. comfort B. friendship C. leadership D. progress

9. A. takes B. sends C. gets D. returns

10. A. while B. unless C. if D. though

11. A. appreciate B. perform C. follow D. achieve

12. A. please B. worry C. doubt D. trick

13. A. bring B. experience C. express D. give

14. A. fall B. hesitate C. fail D. fear

15. A. still B. elegant C. high D. awake

16. A. mistakes B. promises C. differences D. excuses

17. A. behave B. enjoy C. teach D. believe

18. A. champion B. trainer C. master D. model

19. A. patience B. expectation C. respect D. mind

20. A. aware B. afraid C. fond D. proud


I lived closely related to the weather. It is surprising how you1it when you live in it. Not a cloud passed2 , not a wind blew untested. When the winds changed and the air3like snow, I would stay in my tree, because I had gotten lost in a4one afternoon. That day the storm was so5that I could not push against that.

However, that6me to stay home when the air said “snow”. Not that I was afraid of being7far from home in a storm, for I could find food and8and make a fire anywhere, but I had become as9to my tree house as a hatching (孵蛋的) bird to her nest. Caught out in the storms and weather, I had a strong10to return to my tree house, even as the deer to their bushes: We all had our little11in the wilderness. We all fought to12there.

When you dont have a newspaper or radio to give you the13forecast, watch the birds and animals. They can14when a storm is coming. When the nuthatch (五子雀) holed up, I holed up, lit my light, and sat by my fire15new tunes on my reed whistle. I was now really into the16of winter, and quite attracted by its17 . There is no such thing as a18winter night. Not only are many animals19around in the freezing cold, but the trees cry out and branches20and fall, and the wind gets caught in a valley and screams until it dies.

1. A. watch B. measure C. hear D. recognize

2. A. uncovered B. unexpected C. unnoticed D. untouched

3. A. looked B. smelled C. sounded D. felt

4. A. rain B. storm C. snow D. wind

5. A. late B. large C. strong D. fast

6. A. advised B. taught C. drove D. required

7. A. found B. caught C. abandoned D. missed

8. A. families B. partners C. clothing D. shelter

9. A. familiar B. used C. attached D. close

10. A. love B. fight C. demand D. wish

11. A. place B. home C. tree D. nest

12. A. move B. return C. escape D. climb

13. A. news B. situation C. weather D. danger

14. A. remind B. explore C. ring D. tell

15. A. learning B. listening C. making D. singing

16. A. teeth B. face C. feet D. back

17. A. view B. activity C. games D. steps

18. A. cold B. shiny C. still D. sunny

19. A. running B. lying C. hiding D. sleeping

20. A. shake B. grow C. spread D. break


I still remember the winter holiday following my eighteenth birthday when I was in Queenstown, New Zealand. When we decided to1the beautiful scenery, our landlady2us, “Make sure you wear warm clothes today. The weather is3 . Head back when you see snowfall.”

Since the day was bright and there was no sign of snow, I started to4if she was being too cautious. When snow began to fall at 6:00 pm, I was not worried,5wed have no trouble in catching a taxi back. However, we waited for a while, and all the drivers shook their heads when told of our6 .

The first driver passed by and gave me a card with a number for me to call for help. I was filled with7 , but I had no choice but to8my three sisters to a nearby place. I took out the9to make the call. Then a taxi drew up and we10in. The driver did not appear very11 . Then the light streaming from his headlights12very clearly why no taxi wanted to take us to our hotel. The steep incline (斜坡) ahead was covered with13 . And I began to14the drivers apparently unfriendly silence—he was worried. The taxi15made its way up the hill. Suddenly, we came to a dead stop, and the driver16us. “Look! It is very dangerous to go forward. You have to get out and walk. If I drive any17 , the taxi will slide back,” he said. “I will give you a18so that you can see the road clearly,” he added.

We19it safely back to our hotel. Though it snowed for the rest of the days, we could see the silver lining in the cloud: the20man who helped us.

1. A. enjoy B. find C. picture D. describe

2. A. questioned B. reminded C. requested D. promised

3. A. windy B. cloudy C. cold D. bright

4. A. wonder B. ask C. consider D. guess

5. A. knowing B. thinking C. imagining D. deciding

6. A. instruction B. suggestion C. destination D. explanation

7. A. sadness B. doubt C. complaint D. excitement

8. A. bring B. carry C. drive D. lead

9. A. notice B. mark C. sign D. card

10. A. climbed B. joined C. sat D. came

11. A. positive B. strange C. friendly D. surprised

12. A. predicted B. expressed C. told D. showed

13. A. flood B. grass C. earth D. snow

14. A. learn B. understand C. accept D. hate

15. A. slowly B. clearly C. quietly D. immediately

16. A. talked about B. referred to C. turned to D. cared about

17. A. faster B. further C. closer D. harder

18. A. flashlight B. stick C. phone D. map

19. A. moved B. returned C. made D. held

20. A. clever B. patient C. generous D. honest


A father and his daughter have donated a $44-million cattle ranch (牧場) to a school for veterinary (兽医的) medicine. They want to1students a unique resource to learn about animal medicine. 90-year-old Jack Anderson and his daughter Wynne Chisholm have been2W. A. Ranches since 2005 when the senior3from his work in the gas and oil field. They are now4away the 19,000-acre ranch to the University of Calgarys Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM). Their only5for the donation are guaranteed employment for their five ranch workers and the6to visit the ranch from time to time.7that, the university will take on full8and ownership of the ranch and all of its property.

According to the news, the ranch is the single largest9of a ranch to a university in North American history.

“Our hope is that this gift will10the form of the teaching and learning at UCVM, and make the students able to11and share scientific, evidence-based12 . They will strengthen our industry,13animal care and welfare, and inform the public,” Chisholm added in a statement.

Dr Baljit Singh, dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, said, “The gift of a cattle ranch of this size and standard offers unexpected educational14within the creative teaching model practiced at the university.

“The ranch will provide a platform for15with other departments, industry and the public sector. It can also16interdisciplinary (跨学科的) learning and research, and help develop an international center in beef cattle health.”

“This gift will17the leadership of our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine even further. It actually18a unique opportunity for our students to get19in practical learning. This will also develop their professional skills, and make the20between human, animal and environmental health,” says university president Elizabeth Cannon.

1. A. teach B. offer C. show D. pay

2. A. serving B. continuing C. observing D. managing

3. A. set off B. turned away C. found out D. woke up

4. A. clearing B. putting C. giving D. sending

5. A. occasions B. positions C. conditions D. situations

6. A. guidance B. importance C. enthusiasm D. ability

7. A. Far from B. Apart from C. Instead of D. Because of

8. A. responsibility B. advantage C. benefit D. direction

9. A. gift B. group C. challenge D. problem

10. A. share B. support C. change D. experience

11. A. match B. create C. master D. test

12. A. examinations B. adventures C. discoveries D. events

13. A. improve B. protect C. spread D. extend

14. A. measures B. opportunities C. purposes D. ceremonies

15. A. competing B. communicating C. working D. dealing

16. A. develop B. cause C. explain D. mention

17. A. recall B. display C. symbolize D. promote

18. A. covers B. requests C. provides D. takes

19. A. stuck B. caught C. interested D. involved

20. A. connections B. applications C. presentations D. expressions


Ive been really tied up recently helping my elderly parents out of a crisis and sorting out their house. But sometimes1chances present themselves to you, which is what2today.

I was heading out of town on my way to a well-earned picnic in the countryside,3to turn across a stream of traffic into a side road, when I4out of the corner of my eye a passer-by5crossing the road at an unexpected and rather6place. The figure of a young woman eventually7at my passenger window in the middle of a two-lane road, looking8and asking for a lift to a college in town, where she should have been9an exam which had started 10 minutes earlier, having been let down by the bus.

I10to let her in my car and she eventually arrived 20 minutes late. It would probably have been another 40 minutes on top of that if shed had to11the next bus, so hopefully this will have helped her12the exam. The event was slightly13when she later called me and wanted to14me some money, which of course I surely15 .

This has led me to think about general16regarding being under obligation (責任) to someone, or owing them something which must be17 . Maybe another time I may have the presence of mind to18more positively to such a19 . The best thing was that even when I was behaving normally and casually in my daily time, the fate arranged that I could still have a20to trust and do someone a favor.

1. A. unusual B. uncertain C. similar D. equal

2. A. disappeared B. happened C. changed D. continued

3. A. deciding B. expecting C. failing D. waiting

4. A. looked B. recognized C. discovered D. noticed

5. A. naturally B. easily C. obviously D. actually

6. A. busy B. important C. dangerous D. different

7. A. stared B. arrived C. shouted D. pointed

8. A. worried B. confused C. frightened D. embarrassed

9. A. organizing B. completing C. taking D. planning

10. A. prepared B. agreed C. chose D. managed

11. A. refer to B. make out C. rely on D. get off

12. A. pass B. begin C. see D. arrange

13. A. spread B. compared C. developed D. ruined

14. A. lend B. offer C. return D. leave

15. A. refused B. accepted C. forgot D. earned

16. A. attentions B. results C. attitudes D. reasons

17. A. mentioned B. achieved C. experienced D. repaid

18. A. react B. lead C. contribute D. stick

19. A. success B. situation C. conversation D. preference

20. A. way B. belief C. demand D. chance


A few days ago, I observed a teenager doing yard work that his dad had told him to do. Instead of doing the task1 , he wandered around there for hours, complaining to himself and doing a bad job.

The person he2the most was himself. His dad was trying to teach him3and how to do a good job. As a result of his4attitude, he spent the whole afternoon finishing a task that should have taken one or two hours. And the yard still wasnt5enough when he got through.

He6his day because of his attitude. And his dad was7with him, and the boys bad mood ended up8the whole family that day.

A sweet lady was working in a fast-food9 . The minute I walked in, she welcomed me10 . She smiled as she took my order, and then as we11for the food, she talked with me. As I walked off with my tray (托盤), she said with a big12 , “I hope you have a blessed day!” I think the food tasted better because of her13 . There was a delay, during which I sat there hearing her singing as she14her tasks behind the counter.

She wasnt making a large salary, and she didnt have a powerful15 , either. In addition, she stood on her feet for a long shift each day, often dealing with16customers. But she chose to be joyful.

I want to17from her. I want to do my best, even when theres no18or glory. Other people are watching me even though I might not19it at the time. I want to bring joy to all those around me. A(n)20can make a great difference.

1. A. gradually B. happily C. skillfully D. silently

2. A. thanked B. liked C. needed D. hurt

3. A. carefulness B. politeness C. responsibility D. honesty

4. A. poor B. common C. strange D. special

5. A. good B. big C. clean D. safe

6. A. lost B. ruined C. ended D. changed

7. A. upset B. patient C. strict D. friendly

8. A. breaking B. educating C. controlling D. affecting

9. A. factory B. restaurant C. supermarket D. shop

10. A. warmly B. curiously C. seriously D. respectfully

11. A. looked B. asked C. waited D. prepared

12. A. effort B. smile C. cheer D. decision

13. A. experience B. trust C. courage D. kindness

14. A. performed B. started C. discovered D. planned

15. A. force B. resource C. position D. reason

16. A. ordinary B. painful C. busy D. difficult

17. A. escape B. learn C. hear D. differ

18. A. applause B. joy C. problem D. doubt

19. A. accept B. understand C. realize D. remember

20. A. lifestyle B. attempt C. habit D. attitude


In April, my high school carried out a service project, which was visiting a nursing home. At first, the project wasnt very1to me. I knew I was going to do something good for the community but I didnt think it was going to2me personally.

As we arrived, we were3by the environment of the nursing home. It had dozens of flowers in the lawn and little birds chirping (啁啾) away. It seemed so pleasant but4at the same time. Old people here are reaching the end and what they5most each day is probably winning a board game like chess. We were6to make the building a better place, but I found out thats not really what they7 . Once the residents saw us, their faces glowed (發光) with8 . They were so delighted to see youth walk into their9life. We started off by playing games with them and talking to them10 . It was interesting to know their11from the stories they shared. Their childhoods were so much different than ours today. They had actual12with the people around them and they didnt13their phones all day.

While we were playing games, some students started playing the piano. We were happy to see all these little things affecting their moods14 . Just the simple act of15with them was enough to change their whole day.

At the end of our visit, I realized that getting off technology and socializing can be so16 . I found that it is nice ignoring (忽视) people who17pointless pictures on social media and18to have perfect lives. Another thing is, the older generations are less19 . It is necessary for us to20for them and listen to them as much as we can.

1. A. easy B. realistic C. reasonable D. attractive

2. A. support B. interest C. influence D. excite

3. A. touched B. surprised C. frightened D. confused

4. A. troubling B. amusing C. inspiring D. upsetting

5. A. enjoy B. consider C. believe D. admire

6. A. required B. reminded C. allowed D. determined

7. A. missed B. feared C. needed D. created

8. A. hope B. joy C. pride D. wonder

9. A. busy B. hard C. lonely D. short

10. A. normally B. gradually C. exactly D. patiently

11. A. expectations B. experiences C. challenges D. achievements

12. A. plans B. matches C. arguments D. conversations

13. A. stare at B. pay for C. turn on D. keep off

14. A. partly B. suddenly C. greatly D. endlessly

15. A. living B. agreeing C. working D. communicating

16. A. powerful B. meaningful C. stressful D. successful

17. A. share B. find C. check D. change

18. A. forget B. happen C. pretend D. choose

19. A. valued B. employed C. prepared D. encouraged

20. A. send B. care C. thank D. wait


I was watching a TV series one night when I took in one scene. A man was seeking his community votes (選票), and people1wanted to know why they should give him their2 . He took them to his house and on every3in his house was the word “Faith” pasted (张贴). People raised lots of4to find out why the word was pasted on his mirrors. He said, “My dad often5me to believe that as long as you have6 , you should have faith. Every time you look into the mirror, youre looking at yourself and see ‘Faith.”

The7I learned from this is simple—faith is a living thing and in the same way were all8given 24 hours a day and were all given the same measure of faith. Faith keeps us going when things get9 ! Why is some peoples faith stronger than that of others? Exercise! If we choose to exercise our faith, it will10 ; but if we choose not to, it remains weak. Some people might11that they dont have faith, but we all practice faith every day even if we dont12the truth that it was faith. Daily13 , such as studying, investing or reaching for a dream, take faith.

Faith14hearing and doing. I made a decision yesterday—to15reading the newspaper full of too much sad and16news. Why? Because I17there was a drop of my mental state (心境) after reading the newspapers.

Faith, when its put to18 , becomes a beautiful thing. It lifts your mental state to a higher place that19you to raise yourself up and declare, “Yes, we can.” So make the decision today to strengthen your faith by20it.

1. A. bravely B. briefly C. mostly D. finally

2. A. support B. instruction C. pity D. information

3. A. wall B. mirror C. picture D. book

4. A. voices B. questions C. rules D. standards

5. A. teaches B. permits C. forces D. promises

6. A. friendship B. breath C. wealth D. success

7. A. lesson B. view C. choice D. example

8. A. extremely B. freely C. equally D. frequently

9. A. strange B. different C. funny D. tough

10. A. stay B. return C. slow D. grow

11. A. argue B. realize C. understand D. predict

12. A. tell B. appreciate C. admire D. accept

13. A. services B. steps C. tasks D. experiments

14. A. dreams of B. comes from C. feels like D. keeps on

15. A. consider B. enjoy C. stop D. risk

16. A. various B. honest C. latest D. bad

17. A. heard B. noticed C. declared D. explained

18. A. check B. list C. work D. sleep

19. A. warns B. causes C. orders D. forbids

20. A. exercising B. forming C. getting D. testing


When I think back to my childhood, I like to recall the superheroes that filled my Saturday morning cartoon marathons. Wearing my warm pajamas, eyes fixed on the1 , I remember how I2those larger than life superheroes fighting against enemies and challenging the3 . They opened up a world of4 .

As a child, I think we all admire the idea that there are people in this world who can5the impossible things—do things that6people cannot. Fictional superheroes are usually7as the people having extraordinary or superhuman power and are devoted to8the public. But there are real-life heroes9there. They dont have fascinating power that we can only10of. I am talking about unsung heroes (無名英雄) in our11 . The people we often forget, the cashiers at our12grocery stores, mechanics who fix our cars, people who cook the food in our local restaurants, daycare workers, those working on the frontline of non-profit organizations, secretaries, and the13goes on.

I try to express my14every day to the people who make our lives15 , even when we dont realize it. Just everyone in your community is16an unsung hero to someone in their lives.

Life is a17at times and each of us has a story to tell. Someone else is thankful for less than what you have. An unsung hero of mine who18my day was a lady in the line behind me at the grocery store who said, “It doesnt19whether the glass is full or empty. Just be thankful that you have a glass.” Having a20attitude means showing gratitude (感激) towards the people in your life.

1. A. sign B. scene C. book D. screen

2. A. admired B. missed C. hated D. expected

3. A. laws B. difficulties C. future D. reality

4. A. wonders B. freedom C. possibilities D. business

5. A. achieve B. beat C. overcome D. enjoy

6. A. wealthy B. unusual C. ordinary D. educated

7. A. represented B. described C. designed D. served

8. A. entertaining B. astonishing C. teaching D. protecting

9. A. staying B. fighting C. standing D. existing

10. A. complain B. dream C. think D. hear

11. A. country B. city C. community D. state

12. A. local B. rural C. urban D. favorite

13. A. frontline B. example C. number D. list

14. A. thanks B. feelings C. delight D. praise

15. A. faster B. cheaper C. easier D. busier

16. A. exactly B. probably C. naturally D. slightly

17. A. stage B. struggle C. discussion D. conversation

18. A. made B. led C. changed D. enriched

19. A. help B. work C. count D. matter

20. A. clever B. satisfactory C. positive D. careful


When my mom came home from the hospital with twins, I was excited at the very beginning. I couldnt1to play with them and be the best big sister ever.

Everyone was coming over to our house to hold the babies and2presents to the babies and talk nonstop how3the babies were. Then theyd pull out their cameras, and just4I was about to say “cheese”, theyd run over to my perfectly perfect little brothers and take5of them. At that time I was thinking, “Why cant I be little again so I can be the one getting all the6 ?”

When my aunt Camille got7 , my mom spent forever finding the perfect clothes for them. On the day of the8 , my twin brothers had the cutest and prettiest clothes. And then there was me, just sitting and watching in my9dress.

After the wedding (婚禮), all I10was how sweet and lovely the twins were.

I definitely11that they were wonderful, but I couldnt help feeling12and invisible (看不见的).

There was a big13after the wedding. Aunt Camille and her nice new14had the first dance, and then everyone started15like crazy including me. I16my uncomfortable dress shoes, and I danced and danced and danced! It17one of the most fun times Ive had in my entire life.

The very18part was when my aunt and I took my twin brothers by the hands and taught them some dance19 . Teaching them was such a cool thing. I20then what a huge waste of time feeling jealous is when you can kick off your shoes and enjoy life!

1. A. go B. wait C. stand D. afford

2. A. make B. create C. give D. show

3. A. lovable B. smart C. active D. strong

4. A. since B. after C. before D. as

5. A. care B. photos C. advantage D. measures

6. A. support B. attention C. impressions D. opportunities

7. A. married B. praised C. hurt D. lost

8. A. performance B. celebration C. ceremony D. concert

9. A. ugly B. attractive C. new D. regular

10. A. thought B. heard C. remembered D. said

11. A. agreed B. astonished C. forgot D. expected

12. A. satisfied B. foolish C. unimportant D. excited

13. A. cake B. party    C. surprise D. gift

14. A. friend B. husband C. baby D. partner

15. A. singing B. drinking C. dancing D. chatting

16. A. took off B. put away C. looked for D. tried on

17. A. started B. became C. wasted D. ruined

18. A. nervous B. curious C. best D. quietest

19. A. moves B. songs C. lessons D. subjects

20. A. imagined B. mentioned C. announced D. realized


The park bench was deserted as I sat down beneath an old tree. I was feeling1for the world was trying to drag me down. And if that werent enough to ruin my day, a young boy out of breath2me, all tired from play. He stood right before me and said with great3 , “Look what I found!”

In his hand was a flower, and what a4sight, with its petals (花瓣) all worn.5him to take his dead flower and go off to play, I forced a6smile and then turned away. But instead of7 , he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with overacted surprise, “It sure smells pretty and its8 , too. Thats why I picked it; here, its for you.”

The flower before me was dying or dead. But I knew I must9it, or he might never leave. So I10for the flower, and replied, “Just what I need.” But11placing the flower in my hand, he held it mid-air without reason or plan. It was then that I12for the very first time that the boy could not13 .

At that moment I heard my voice14 ; tears shone in the sun as I15him for picking a very best one. “Youre welcome,” he smiled, and then ran off to play, unaware of the16hed had on my day.

I sat there and wondered how he17to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old tree. Perhaps hed been blessed with true18from his heart. Through the eyes of a blind child, I19could see the problem was not with the world; it was me. And for all of those times I myself had been blind, I20to see the beauty in life and appreciate every second thats mine.

1. A. shocked B. unsatisfied C. embarrassed D. disappointed

2. A. visited B. approached C. passed D. called

3. A. appreciation B. seriousness C. excitement D. nervousness

4. A. natural B. dangerous C. pitiful D. familiar

5. A. Wanting B. Encouraging C. Allowing D. Ordering

6. A. weak B. cheerful C. calm D. real

7. A. speaking B. waiting C. leaving D. walking

8. A. useful B. beautiful C. meaningful D. powerful

9. A. blow B. drop C. take D. put

10. A. reached B. paid C. cared D. applied

11. A. because of B. except for C. as for D. instead of

12. A. reacted B. remembered C. admitted D. noticed

13. A. write B. see C. read D. hear

14. A. shaking B. sinking C. changing D. repeating

15. A. admired B. loved C. thanked D. praised

16. A. influence B. explanation C. expression D. stress

17. A. attempted B. arranged C. learned D. managed

18. A. courage B. sight C. belief D. intelligence

19. A. actually B. luckily C. simply D. finally

20. A. pretended B. decided C. expected D. struggled


Jose Adolfo Quisocala Condori, a Peruvian (秘魯的) boy, started a childrens savings bank when he was only 7 years old. Today, his bank has been1to serve over 2,000 clients (客户).

Six years ago, he2that many of his friends were spending their money on sweets and toys, instead of saving it for more3purchases. Despite his young age, he4that saving money and accessing the5system were two ways that adults solved many of their money problems, so he decided to make them6to kids as well. He then started thinking of ways that children could7money without the help of their parents, and recycling seemed like the8answer. But when he came up with his idea for a childrens bank to his teachers, he was told that a 7-year-old couldnt deal with such a9 . But, finally, he proved them all wrong.

“At the beginning, my teachers thought I was10 ,” Jose recalled. “Luckily, I had the11of the school headmaster, with whose help I12a bank where children could become clients by turning in at least 5 kilograms of recyclable waste and were13to save at least one other kilogram of waste every month. They would then set a savings14 , and could only get15from their accounts when they reached it.”

Between 2012 and 2013, his bank16one ton of waste and served 200 children at the school. It was a real17 , drawing a lot of attention, and he18co-worked with a large bank to make this kind of19accessible to more children.

For his achievements, he has received several honorary awards for helping kids with their20of money.

1. A. expanded B. founded C. advised D. started

2. A. admitted B. noticed C. explained D. supposed

3. A. suitable B. valuable C. meaningful D. powerful

4. A. predicted B. insisted C. decided D. understood

5. A. social B. educational C. emotional D. financial

6. A. available B. attractive C. special D. important

7. A. borrow B. make C. spend D. change

8. A. practical B. popular C. reasonable D. common

9. A. plan B. program C. problem D. project

10. A. strange B. proud C. rude D. crazy

11. A. strength B. guarantee C. support D. promise

12. A. set up B. called at C. referred to D. took over

13. A. required B. invited C. employed D. assisted

14. A. trade B. goal C. course D. limit

15. A. luck B. energy C. money D. experience

16. A. selected B. removed C. recycled D. collected

17. A. matter B. hit C. choice D. campaign

18. A. again B. just C. even D. still

19. A. ideas B. requests C. services D. rules

20. A. appointment B. management C. arrangement D. judgment


Skydiving isnt an activity for the faint of heart, but when you do it at 101 years old, youre pretty much superhuman. Verdun Hayes became the1person in the world to complete a 15,000-foot tandem jump (雙人跳伞),2the Guinness World Records he once set up.

Verdun Hayes wasnt3 . He finished the jump with eight family members and two close4at Dunkeswell Airport in England. As they5to make the jump, the entire family looked nervous, but6as well. Hayes grandson-in-law Ian Honnor, the organizer of the familys jump, said, “He was probably the calmest one on the7 . He had no fear and just loved it. He just wanted everyone to8it and be healthy.” Honnor, who helped9the outing, said this wasnt Hayes first jump! When he was more than ninety years old, his family kept telling him he wasnt10to do the jump. However, he didnt give up his11 . At the age of 100, he12realized his ambition and became the first man of such an advanced age to13a tandem skydive.

This time he decided to shoot for the world record. “Because its such a big14 , it was decided that as many people in the family as we could possibly get were going to go in15of him,” Honnor said. “He had four generations of his family in the16at the same time—they ranged from age 16 to 101.” The family held a big party to17his achievement.

Hayes even had some18for those people hoping to19the same thing at his age. “Just keep your mind20occupied (忙于) by positive thought and keep your body as fit as you possibly can,” said Hayes. “Those are the two great things.”

1. A. happiest B. bravest C. oldest D. riskiest

2. A. equaling B. creating C. keeping D. breaking

3. A. alone B. uncomfortable C. unusual D. confident

4. A. skydivers B. pilots C. friends D. doctors

5. A. agreed B. prepared C. expected D. promised

6. A. confused B. satisfied C. shocked D. excited

7. A. plane B. ground C. mountain D. tower

8. A. remember B. enjoy C. learn D. survive

9. A. discuss B. choose C. show D. plan

10. A. invited B. required C. allowed D. taught

11. A. dream B. career C. lifestyle D. fantasy

12. A. luckily B. finally C. naturally D. certainly

13. A. repeat B. attempt C. follow D. check

14. A. party B. project C. event D. task

15. A. defense B. honor C. praise D. support

16. A. air B. line C. way D. journey

17. A. memorize B. celebrate C. admire D. report

18. A. information B. warnings C. messages D. advice

19. A. develop B. improve C. achieve D. appreciate

20. A. fully B. carefully C. gradually D. hopefully
