
2020-11-02 02:19梁音
考试与评价·七年级版 2020年6期



Lisa: Hi, what's going on?

Peter: Hey, I'm just thinking about our school trip last week.

Lisa: It was a nice trip. We enjoyed it a lot. I hope we can go on a similar (类似的) trip next year.

Peter: I also hope so. It was so great. We visited so many places. Which place did you like best?

Lisa: The Science Museum, I have to say. It was excellent. There was so much to learn about. What about you?

Peter: I liked the beach best.

Lisa: Yeah, the beach was really great. It was so relaxing to play on the beach.

Peter: If someone asks me which place I would like to visit again, I will say it's the beach.

Lisa: We can go there together. Now let's walk fast. We are getting late for school.

1. When did Lisa and Peter go on their school trip?


2. What did Lisa think of the Science Museum?


3. Which place did Peter like best?


4. Did Lisa like to play on the beach?


5. Where are Lisa and Peter going?



Last week my grandpa called me. He asked me to spend my vacation with him. He lives in a village. It's small but it's very cool there in summer. It's very hot in our city. So I often feel bored here. I was very happy. I said, “I'm going to visit you when our summer vacation begins.”

It was July 5th, last Tuesday. My parents took me to the supermarket and we bought some delicious food. They told me to take it to grandpa. The next morning my father took me to the train station. It was the first time for me to have a trip by myself. But I felt relaxed. I'm fourteen and I learned a lot in geography class. The train left at six thirty. I looked out of the windows in the train. I found the scenery (風景) was beautiful. I wasn't tired at all.

At four in the afternoon my train arrived at the station. I saw my grandpa standing outside. I got off the train and ran to him. He was happy when he saw me. I looked at him up and down. He was old but strong.

His village is about five kilometers from the station. But we walked there. I looked around. The mountains are high and green. I thought I could have a good time there.

1. The boy spent ________ on the trip by train.

A. seven hours and thirty minutes B. nine hours and thirty minutes

C. eight hours and thirty minutes D. ten hours and thirty minutes

2. The boy went to see his grandpa with ________.

A. some delicious food B. some books

C. a guitar D. his parents

3. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The old man's village is near the station.

B. The old man and his grandson went to the village in a car.

C. The mountains are high and there is no trees.

D. The boy was very happy when he saw his grandpa.