
2020-10-29 05:45孙玉忠
考试与评价·高一版 2020年5期



1. (2019·全国卷I改错) All the football players on the playground cheered loudly, say that I had a talent for football.

【解析】 say→saying,考查非谓语动词。句意:操场上所有的足球运動员大声欢呼,说我有足球天赋。句中谓语动词为cheered,say在这里作伴随状语,与主语players是主动关系,故将say改为saying。

2. (2019·全国卷III语法填空) On the last day of our week-long stay, we were invited to attend a private concert on a beautiful farm on the North Shore under the stars, _70_ (listen) to musicians and meeting interesting locals.

【解析】 listening,考查非谓语动词。本句谓语动词为“were invited”,所以空格处动词listen应用非谓语动词形式。“听音乐”这个动作是由we发出的,所以选用V-ing形式。也可由and前后连接两个并列的结构这一规律解题,and后meeting interesting locals为现在分词形式,故空格处填listening。

3. (2019·北京卷语法填空) Nervously _2_ (face) challenges, I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words “Be yourself”.

【解析】 facing,考查非谓语动词。句意:紧张地面对挑战,我知道我将轻声对自己说两个简单的字“Be yourself”。分析句式可知,此处是作句子的状语,要用非谓语动词,其逻辑主语是I,与逻辑主语之间是主动关系,用V-ing形式作状语,故填facing。





Hearing the news, he felt very excited. 听到这个消息,他异常激动。

His friend died, getting him a lot of money. 他的朋友死了,给了他很多钱。

Hearing the footstep below, he rose and went to the top of the stairs. 听见下面的脚步声,他站起身来走到楼梯口去。


1. 英语中也有一些分词,其逻辑主语不是句子的主语,它们已变成固定词组,表示说话人对所说的话的一种态度。如:

Generally speaking, his answer is wrong. 一般说来,他的回答是错误的。

Judging from / by his accent, he is from America. 从他的口音判断,他来自美国。

2. 有时候分词的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,此时就构成了分词的独立结构。分词的逻辑主语不是句子的主语,应视句意在分词前加上其本身的逻辑主语。如:

It being fine, he decided to go fishing. 天气很好,他决定去钓鱼。



考点1: V-ing形式的一般式(doing)表示的动作与句子的谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生;其被动语态(being done)多表示一个被动的动作过程,这时句子的主语是分词动作的承受者,二者是被动关系。如:

The secretary worked late into night, preparing a long speech for the president. 秘书一直工作到深夜,给总统准备一篇很长的演讲稿。

Being cooled in the air, the hot metal will harden. 在空气中冷却后,铁水会变硬。

考点2:分词表示的动作一般和谓语表示的动作或状态是同时发生的。如果分词的动作先发生,则要用分词的完成式。其被动语态(having been done)意义相当于过去分词,具有完成和被动的意义。如:

Having answered the letter, she went on to listen to the radio. 回信后,她接着听收音机。

Having been told many times, he still couldn't understand it. 被告诉了多次,他仍然无法理解它。


考点1:作原因状语。可以与as, since, because等引导的原因状语从句互换。如:

Being ill, he didn't go to school yesterday. 由于生病,他昨天没有去上学。

= As he was ill, he didn't go to school yesterday.

Having waited in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home. 排队排了半个小时,汤姆突然意识到把钱包忘在家里了。

Being a student, I must study hard. 作为一名学生,我必须努力学习。

Having been warned about the bandits, he left his valuables at home. 当警告有强盗出没时,他就把贵重物品留在家里。

Having been written in haste, the book has many mistakes. 这书因写得仓促,所以错误不少。

Being protected by a wall, he felt quite safe. 有墙作保护,他感到很安全。


They sat in the garden talking about the days they spent together. 他们坐在花园里,谈论着他们一起度过的时光。

= They sat in the garden and talked about the days they spent together.

She stood by the window, watching people passing by her window. 她站在窗前,望着来来往往的人们。

“Can't you read?” Mary said angrily pointing to the notice. “你自己不能读吗?”玛丽生气地指着告示说。

I walked along the street, listening to the music. 我沿着街道走着,听着音乐。


While reading / he was reading the book, he nodded from time to time. 当他看书的时候,他不时地点着头。

When opening / he was opening the door, he found a cat in the room. 打开门,他发现屋里有一只猫。

考点4:作结果状语。可以与so... that...引导的结果状语从句相互转换,有时也可以转换为非限制性定语从句。如:

The boy ran even faster, reaching the school out of breath. 那个男孩跑得更快了,到达学校时累得上气不接下气。

In January, 2004, the United States successfully launched “Spirit”, a Mars Exploration Rover, making it a new milestone in the history of mankind. 2004年的一月,美国成功地发射了“勇气”号火星探测器,创造了人类历史上新的里程碑。



They eat using the fingers of their right hands. 他们用右手的手指吃饭。(分词using短语表方式)

=They eat by using the fingers of their right hands.


Having been there more than once, the old professor did not show us around the lab. 由于以前不止一次去过那儿,老教授没有领着我们去参观实验室。

She set out soon after dark and arrived home an hour later. 天黑后不久,她出去了,一个小时后又回来了。


I. 改正下列句子中的错误。

1. Looking out of the window, several children were playing about in the garden.

2. Hearing the news, tears came to her eyes.

3. Having checked your composition carefully, some spelling mistakes can be avoided.

4. The old man, working abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.

II. 说出下列V-ing形式作状语的具体类型。

1. Having finished his homework, he went to school.

2. Not knowing what to do, they turned to the teacher for help.

3. Studying hard, you will be sure to be successful.

4. He sat there, losing himself in deep thought.

5. His father died, leaving him a lot of money.

III. 单句语法填空。

1. The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ____ (range) from butterflies to elephants.

2. ____ (overcome) the difficulties, he finished his task.

3. ____ (study) his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations.

4. ____ (clean) thoroughly, the garden looked more beautiful than ever before.

5. ____ (find) the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level.

IV. 结合V-ing形式作状语的用法,将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 她站在那儿等公共汽车。


2. 游客們围绕在火堆旁边,与当地人一起跳舞。


3. 她沿着河堤边走边唱着流行歌曲。

