
2020-10-29 05:42曲梁
考试与评价·八年级版 2020年5期


一、have been to / have gone to / have been in的用法比较

1. have been to意思是“到过,去过”,表示曾经到过某处,但现在人不在那儿。

I have been to Guilin. I went there last year. 我去过桂林,我去年去的。

2. have gone to意思是“去了”,表示已经去了某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿了。

She has gone to Nanjing. 她已經去南京了。

3. have been in意思是“呆在某处一段时间了”。

You have never been there, have you? 你以前从未去过那儿,是吗?



I have had this watch for 20 years. (这个句型叫代替法:用一个延续性动词的现在完成时代替终止性动词,然后用“for+一段时间”句型结构)

I bought this watch 20 years ago. (这个句型叫ago法:是用“终止性动词的一般过去式+一段时间+ago”)

It is 20 years since I bought this watch. (这个句型叫强调法:It is+一段时间+since+从句)

Twenty years has passed since I bought this watch. (这个句型叫 passed法:一段时间+ has passed+since+从句)


1. 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响。

I saw this film yesterday. (强调动作发生的时间是yesterday)

I have seen this film. (强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了)

2. 一般过去时和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:...ago, in 2018, in the past, yesterday,then, that day, one day, once (从前), last week / month / year / night / Monday 等。

3. 现在完成时常和recently (近来), ever, never, twice, so far (到目前为止), since, for, in the past / last few years, already (肯定句), yet (否定、疑问句), just (刚刚), before (以前)等连用。



1. —Do you know him well?

—Sure. We ___ friends since ten years ago.

A. were     B. have been

C. have become   D. have made

2. He has ___ been to Shanghai, has he?

A. already B. never C. ever    D. still

3. Hurry up! The play ___ for ten minutes.

A. has begun     B. had begun

C. has been on     D. began

4. It ___ ten years since he left the army.

A. is     B. has     C. will    D. was

5. Miss Brown isn't in the office. She ___ to the library.

A. has gone     B. went

C. will go     D. has been

6. We ___ Xiao Qu since she was a little girl.

A. know       B. had known

C. have known   D. knew

7. Harry Potter is a very nice film. I ___ twice.

A. will see     B have seen

C. saw     D. see

8. —These farmers have been to the United States.

—Really? When ___ there?

A. will they go   B. did they go

C. do they go     D. have they gone

9. Kate ___ already ___ in this school for two years.

A. was; studying   B. will; study

C. has; studied     D. are; studying

10. His father ___ the Party since 1998.

A. joined     B. has joined

C. was in     D. has been in

11. It ___ ten years since he left the army.

A. is     B. has

C. will     D. was

12. My parents ___ Dandong for ten years.

A. have been in   B. have been to

C. have gone to   D. have been

13. The students have cleaned the classroom,___?

A. so they       B. don't they

C. have they     D. haven't they

14. ___ has Mr. Green been a member of Greener China since he ___ to China?

A. How soon; comes

B. How often; got

C. How long; came

D. How far; arrived

15. —Look! Someone ___ the classroom.

—Well, it wasn't me. I didn't do it.

A. is cleaning     B. was cleaning

C. has cleaned   D. will clean


1. 戴安娜已经离开家乡十年了,她希望尽快回来。

Diana ___ ___ ___ ___ her hometown for ten years and she hopes to come back ___ ___ ___ possible.

2. 自从来到无锡,我们学校的外教已经习惯了这里的生活。

The foreign teacher in our school ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ here since he came to Wuxi.

3. 自我开始学英语以来,我结识了很多外国朋友。

I have made many foreign friends ___ I ___ learning English.

4. 他們已经采取行动挽救野生动物了吗?

Have they ___ ___ to save wild animals yet?

5. 《复仇者联盟4》已经上映两个月了。

Avengers: Endgame ___ ___ ___ for two months.


1. 这位法国医生已经在中国工作十多年了。


2. 我们曾经去过上海。


3. 我还没学会怎样使用这部手机。


4. 你从北京回来多久了?


5. 这部手机他已经买两年了。


许筱颜 陈明华 戴安娜