
2020-10-22 07:55:50
中国兽医杂志 2020年5期


(作者:李金鑫,于咏兰 等,正文见第11~15页)

图2 腹泻犬来源粪肠球菌ST分布Fig.2 Distribution of ST of E.faecalis isolated from diarrhea dogs

图3 健康犬来源粪肠球菌ST分布Fig.3 Distribution of ST of E.faecalis isolated from healthy dogs


(作者:王国卿 等,正文见第34~36,41页)

图1 子宫内膜Ⅰ型胶原、Ⅳ型胶原免疫组化染色结果(100×)Fig.1 Immunohistochemical staining results of collagen Ⅰ and collagen Ⅳ in endometrium (100×)A:Ⅰ型胶原对照组;B:Ⅰ型胶原试验组;C:Ⅳ型胶原对照组;D:Ⅳ型胶原试验组A:The control group of collagen Ⅰ;B:The experimental group of collagen Ⅰ;C:The control group of collagen Ⅳ;D:The experimental group of collagen Ⅳ


(作者:林佳旭,黄娟 等,正文见第20~24页)

图4 瞬时转染Vero-SLAM细胞48 h后间接免疫荧光试验 (100×)Fig.4 Indirect immunofluorescence assay 48 h post transient transfection of plasmids into Vero-SLAM cells (100×)A:pCI-neo瞬时转染Vero-SLAM细胞;B:pCI-neo-M瞬时转染Vero-SLAM细胞A:Vero-SLAM cells transfected with pCI-neo;B:Vero-SLAM cells transfected with pCI-neo-M

图5 G418工作浓度的确定 (筛选8 d,100×)Fig.5 Determination of the G418 work concentration (Screened for 8 d,100×)A:无G418的Vero-SLAM 细胞;B:含300 μg/mL G418的Vero-SLAM细胞;C:含700 μg/mL G418的Vero-SLAM细胞;D:含900 μg/mLG418的Vero-SLAM细胞;E:含1 100 μg/mL G418的Vero-SLAM细胞A:Vero-SLAM cell without G418;B:Vero-SLAM cell with 300 μg/mL G418;C:Vero-SLAM cell with 700 μg/mL G418;D:Vero-SLAM cell with 900 μg/mL G418;E:Vero-SLAM cell with 1 100 μg/mL G418

图7 间接免疫荧光试验鉴定M基因的稳定表达 (F10 代)Fig.7 Stable expression of M gene in Vero-SLAM-M cells identified by fluorescence microscope (F10)A:Vero-SLAM细胞;B:Vero-SLAM-M细胞A:Vero-SLAM cells;B:Vero-SLAM-M cells


(作者:王遵宝,贺笋 等,正文见第37~41页)

图2 试验猪攻毒前后体温测定结果Fig.2 Rectal temperature of test pig before and after artificial infection

图3 攻毒后各组存活率变化Fig.3 The survival rate of each group after challenge

图4 E2组攻毒猪组织、器官剖检结果Fig.4 Necropsy examination of tissues and organs of challenged pigs in E2 group

图5 对照组攻毒猪组织、器官剖检结果Fig.5 Necropsy examination of tissues and organs of challenged pigs in control group



图4 肿物突出膀胱腔内

图5 切除后肿物


(作者:陈培培,张灿 等,正文见第97~100页)

图1 分离菌株的显微形态(100×)Fig.1 Micromorphology of isolated strain(100×)

图4 动物回归试验Fig.4 Animal regression testA:空白组;B:腹腔注射组和灌胃组A:Blank group;B:Intraperitoneal injection group and Lavage group


(作者:王英华,闫若潜 等,正文见第123~124页)

图1 河南不同区域小反刍兽疫免疫抗体合格率


(作者:张桦,王利 等,正文见第108~110,114页)

图1 鲫鱼体表病变Fig.1 Changes in surface lesions of Carassius auratusA:鲫鱼胸鳍基部出血,充血,溃烂;B:鲫鱼腹鳍基部及周围出现红肿,充血,出血,溃烂;C:鲫鱼的肛门红肿,颜色深,有出血现象;D:鲫鱼的尾部有出血,烂尾,鱼鳞脱落现象A:The base of the pectoral fins of Carassius auratus was hemorrhagic,hyperemic and ulcerated;B:The base and periphery of the ventral fins of Carassius auratus were swollen,congested,bleeding and festering;C:The anus of Carassius auratus was accompanied by redness and swelling,dark color and bleeding;D:The tail of Carassius auratus had bleeding,rotten tail,and the scales had fallen off

图2 鲫鱼解剖症状病理变化Fig.2 Pathological changes in anatomy symptoms of Carassius auratusA:感染鲫鱼的腹部整体的解剖病理变化;B:感染鲫鱼肝胰脏肿大,充血;C:感染鲫鱼脾脏肿大;D:感染鲫鱼肾脏轮廓模糊,肿大,充血A:Anatomical and pathological changes in the abdomen of infected Carassius auratus;B:The liver-pancreas of infected Carassius auratus was swollen and congested;C:The spleen of infected Carassius auratus was swollen;D:The outline of the kidneys of infected Carassius auratus was blurred,and the kidneys were swollen with congestion


(作者:张桦,王利 等,正文见第108~110,114页)

图3 鲫鱼病理变化特征 (400×)Fig.3 Pathological characteristics of Carassius auratus (400×)A:肝细胞肿胀、变性、肝窦扩张、充血;B:脾脏组织中红细胞数量增多,含铁血黄素沉积;C:肾脏组织中炎性细胞浸润,肾小管上皮细胞肿胀;D:心肌纤维结构紊乱;E:肌细胞间隙增大,部分肌纤维有断裂现象A:Hepatocytes were swollen and degenerate,and the sinusoids were dilated and congested;B:The number of red blood cells in the spleen tissue was increased,and hemosiderin was deposited;C:The inflammatory cells in the renal tissue were infiltrated and the tubular epithelial cells were swollen;D:The myocardial fibrous structure was disordered;E:The muscle cell gap was enlarged,and some muscle fibers were broken


(作者:陈燕虹,陈伯钧 等,正文见第111~114页)

图1 各组大鼠胸主动脉病理变化(H.E.染色,100×)Fig.1 Pathological changes of thoracic aorta in rats(H.E.staining,100×)A:对照组;B:模型组A:Control group;B:Model group

西藏科技(2015年11期)2015-09-26 12:11:36
图版 Ⅰ Plate Ⅰ
地球学报(2015年5期)2015-06-06 10:45:11
图版II Plate II
地球学报(2015年5期)2015-06-06 10:45:11
西南军医(2015年4期)2015-01-23 01:19:10