黄丹雏 何明明 黄梓莘
摘 要:在严寒地区修建混凝土拱坝,超低极端气温、超大年内温差和冬季突发寒潮等环境温度荷载是造成混凝土结构拉裂破坏的重要因素,因此开展长期保温防裂措施的研究意义重大。采用等效原理,提出了保温层-混凝土复合材料的热传导等效模拟概念,建立了有限元数值仿真中不同厚度混凝土与表面保温层等效单元;利用严寒地区长期实测资料和同类工程经验,选定结构数值仿真的气温、水温和材料热力学参数,开展温降工况下不同保温层厚度的坝体温度场及应力场数值计算与分析。结果表明:严寒地区坝体在无保温层时的坝体表面混凝土温度变化规律与气温基本相同,采取保温措施后保温层对坝体表面的保温效果较为明显,保温效果随保温层厚度的增加而增强;无保温层时上下游坝面出现大面积的拉应力区,增加保温层后坝体的拉应力区有所减小且应力随保温层厚度的增加而逐渐减小。
中图分类号:TV642 文献标志码:A
Abstract: To build concrete arch dam in severely cold regions, the influences of environmental temperature loads, such as extreme cold temperature, huge year temperature difference and sudden cold wave in winter, are considered as key factors for tensile failure of concrete structures. Thus, it is of great significance to carry out long-term thermal insulation and crack prevention research.In this paper, the equivalent unit of different thicknesses concrete and surface insulation layer in finite element numerical simulation was established by using the equivalent principle. The calculation method of unit equivalent heat release coefficient was proposed. The temperature, water temperature and material thermodynamic parameters of the structural numerical simulation were selected by using the long-term measured data and similar engineering experience in the severely cold area. The numerical calculation of the temperature field and stress field of the dam body with different thickness insulation layer under temperature drop conditions was carried out. The analysis results show that the change of concrete temperature on the surface of the dam body without insulation layer in the cold area is basically the same as the temperature. After the insulation measures are taken, the effect of the insulation board on the surface temperature of the dam is obvious, and the effect depends on the thickness of the insulation board. When there is no insulation layer, a large area of tensile stress area appears on the upstream and downstream dam surface. After the insulation layer is increased, the tensile stress area of the dam body is reduced and the stress value decreases with the increase of the thickness of the insulation layer. The research results provide reference for the insulation of similar projects.
Key words: severely cold; concrete arch dam; equivalent exothermic coefficient; thermal insulation layer; temperature stress
拱壩是一种复杂的超静定结构,其受力状态与气温和水温关系密切。严寒地区混凝土坝运行的气候条件差,一年中极端最低和最高气温极差可能超过50 ℃,其保温防裂措施非常重要[1-5]。如新疆石门子水库坝区多年平均气温4.1 ℃,极端最高气温33.2 ℃,极端最低气温-31.5 ℃,在坝体表面喷涂3~5 cm 厚的聚氨酯保温层后,当外界气温在-20 ℃左右时坝体混凝土表面温度为6~8 ℃,保温效果良好[6-7]。温度荷载对拱坝应力和内力的影响往往会超过水荷载,特别是对于薄拱坝的影响,如山西恒山拱坝和内蒙古响水拱坝温度荷载对拱坝应力和拱端推力的影响都超过总荷载的80%[8]。有关研究[9-11]表明,高寒地区大体积混凝土裂缝主要是由温度应力引起的,而保温是防止产生表面裂缝的最有效措施。
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【责任编辑 张智民】