[摘要] 目的 探讨对于踝关节骨折患者采取X线检查诊断的临床疗效。方法 便利选取在该院收治的100例疑似踝关节骨折作为该次的研究对象,经确诊80例踝关节骨折患者,2018年6月—2019年6月是收治时间,均实施X线诊断方法,以三维CT为最终诊断标准,并对比检查结果,以此判定X线的诊断效果。结果 结果表明,100例疑似踝关节骨折患者,经三维CT确诊的有80例,X线检查的敏感度为97.50%,特异度为90.00%,漏诊率为2.50%,误诊率为10.00%。且准确率是6.0%(96/100),其中经X线出现漏诊2例(2.50%),分别是内踝1例、外踝骨折1例。结论 对于踝关节骨折患者采取X线诊断具有较好的效果,可为临床中制定医疗方案提供有力的证据,其具有较高的准确率,但需注意的是在实施X线诊断时需排除药膏、敷料等异物,还需仔细观察X线片,结合自身的临床经验考虑多方面的影响,以此决定判断,才可提高诊断的准确率。
[关键词] 踝关节骨折;X线检查;诊断准确率;漏诊率
[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2020)07(a)-0008-03
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical efficacy of X-ray diagnosis for patients with ankle fractures. Methods 100 suspected ankle fractures admitted to the hospital were selected as the research object. 80 patients with ankle fractures were convenient diagnosed. The time from June 2018 to June 2019 was the time of admission. X-ray diagnosis methods were implemented. Three-dimensional CT is used as the final diagnostic criterion, and the examination results are compared to determine the diagnostic effect of X-ray. Results The results showed that of the 100 suspected ankle fractures, 80 were diagnosed by three-dimensional CT. The sensitivity of X-ray examination was 97.50%, the specificity was 90.00%, the missed diagnosis rate was 2.50%, and the misdiagnosis rate was 10.00%. The accuracy rate was 6.0% (60/100), of which 2 cases(2.50%) were missed by X-ray, 1 case of medial malleolus and 1 case of lateral malleolus fracture. Conclusion The use of X-ray diagnosis for patients with ankle fracture has better results, which can provide strong evidence for the formulation of medical treatment plans in the clinic and has a high accuracy rate. However, it should be noted that foreign bodies such as ointments and dressings need to be excluded in the implementation of X-ray diagnosis, and it is also necessary to carefully observe X-ray films and consider the effects of various aspects in combination with one's own clinical experience before making a decision to improve the accuracy rate of the diagnosis.
[Key words] Ankle fracture; X-ray examination; Diagnosis accuracy rate; Missed diagnosis rate