本次竞选结果还包括:UFI欧洲分会主席为汉诺威展览公司董事局主席顾桥;拉丁美洲分会主席为塔苏斯集团墨西哥分公司董事总经理José Navarro Meneses;中东和非洲分会主席为黎巴嫩IFP展览公司董事长Albert Aoun。
UFI announces results of Chapter Leadership Elections
On 18 June, UFI announced results of Chapter Leadership Elections. This years chapter leadership elections saw a record number of excellent candidates from all around the world. Congratulations to all the colleagues who have been re-elected or newly elected.
The future Regional Chapter Chairs are: For Asia-Pacific: David Zhong (VNU Exhibitions Asia, China); For Europe: Andreas Gruchow (Deutsche Messe AG, Germany); For Latin America: JoséNavarro Meneses (Tarsus Mexico); For Middle East/Africa: Albert Aoun (IFP, Lebanon).
在大多数欧洲国家,从3月份至9月份的展览活动都被迫取消。前两季度,因此产生的经济损失高达1249亿欧元。“我们行业是最早被关闭的之一,同时也很可能是最晚恢复的。另外,很多企业不愿意确定参展计划,不确定性也在影响秋季展会的举办。”Maurits von der Sluis补充道。
Largest European exhibition centres expected to re-open in September
The largest European exhibition centres heavily impacted by the crisis are mobilising for a reopening on 1 September 2020 at the latest.
The EMECA association, which represents the European major exhibitions centres, alerts on the urgency of their reopening and calls for strong financial support from European and national public authorities to ensure the survival and the economic recovery of an entire industry.
这份文件涵盖会展运营过程的16个主要方面,包括客户之旅、环境清洁、餐饮服务、技术设备、员工意识、公众意识等。该框架融合了会议中心母公司ASM Global即将发布的《场馆盾牌》计划,采用了当地卫生部门和行业专家的权威意见,有着严苛的操作标准。
会议中心首席执行官Geoff Donaghy表示,该框架旨在确保会议中心客户、访客、服务商及场馆员工的身體健康,并提振人们对会展行业的信心。
ICC Sydney launches operating framework
International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) has launched the ICC Sydney EventSafe Operating Framework, a set of operating principles that will enable the venue to safely reopen and run events in an environment transformed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The comprehensive set of protocols spans 16 key areas of event management, including the customer journey, environmental hygiene, food service, technology and equipment, employees and public awareness, and cover meetings, conferences, exhibitions, live events and internal operations.