苏楠 宋峰伟 王鹏
摘 要:新能源汽车中,特别是电动汽车,因其节能环保的优势,是社会和国家相关部门提倡的重点,在私人轿车中的比例也逐步增大。因此,当今对电动车的研究也更加深入,电动汽车的制动力分配作为电动汽车安全性的主要内容,也是文章重点研究的方向。文章主要介绍电动汽车制动力分配特点,兼顾制动力分配的制动系统能量回收以及制动力分配的相关理论曲线。并引入实际车型,通过其实际制动力分配曲线与理想制动力分配曲线的对比来验证其制动力分配的合理性,根据对比结论分析制动力分配的特点。并对制动力分配的优化方案进行介绍与展望。通过整个体系的阐述,强调制动力分配的重要性以及对电动汽车制动安全性、稳定性的意义,也是电动汽车今后发展的重要方向。为我们今后对电动汽车的研究奠定了一定的基礎。
中图分类号:U469.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7988(2020)17-08-03
Analysis and optimization of braking force distribution of electric vehicles
Su Nan, Song Fengwei, Wang Peng
( Shaanxi Fast Auto Drive Engineering Research Institute, Shaanxi Xi'an 710119 )
Abstract: This article expounds the electric car braking force distribution optimization, chapter five written in full. Was the center of the braking energy recovery and the optimization of braking force distribution of two parts, the two parts is also a corresponding content. The first chapter focuses on the overview of the electric car braking and research background; The second chapter mainly analyzes the braking energy recovery, recycling development present situation and the main methods of recycling and how to maximize the recovery of energy; The third chapter expounds the theory of braking force distribution, the theoretical basis of this is the fourth chapter; The fourth chapter mainly studies the optimal allocation of braking force, this is the ultimate goal of our research and results; The last chapter of this article has carried on the summary and prospect of the system. In this paper, based on the research of the electric car braking, based on the theory of braking force distribution optimization analysis to its, this paper expounds the current new technology of the car care point and deficiency, and on the analysis of the study and prospect.
Keywords: The electric car braking; Energy recovery; Braking force distribution; Distribution optimization
CLC NO.: U469.7 Document Code:A Article ID: 1671-7988(2020)17-08-03
1 制动力分配及其合理性分析