
2020-09-23 08:06万鲤菠
现代电子技术 2020年18期


摘  要: 为了提高产品外包装造型的设计效果,提出基于视觉传达技术的产品外包装造型仿真设计方法。采用图像处理方法进行产品外包装造型视觉图像采样,提取产品外包装造型视觉图像的边缘轮廓特征量,采用角点标注的方法进行产品外包装造型视觉信息分析,计算产品外包装造型视觉高分辨特征分布值,采用机器视觉方法进行产品外包装造型视觉三维特征重构,结合小波多尺度分解方法进行产品外包装造型视觉信息的轮廓检测和特征点标定,建立产品外包装造型视觉图像的角点检测模型,根据边缘轮廓检测和角点检测结果,实现产品外包装造型视觉优化设计,提高产品外包装造型的视觉传达能力。仿真结果表明,采用该方法进行产品外包装造型视觉设计的输出性能较好,峰值信噪比较高,提高了产品外包装造型的视觉表达能力。

关键词: 产品外包装造型; 仿真设计; 视觉传达技术; 视觉图像采样; 三维特征重构; 角点检测建模

中图分类号: TN911.73?34; TP391                 文献标识码: A                    文章编号: 1004?373X(2020)18?0168?04

Abstract: A simulation design method of product external packaging modeling based on visual communication technology is proposed to improve the design effect of product external packaging modeling. The visual image sampling of product external packaging modeling is carried out by means of the image processing method, and the edge contour feature quantity of the product external packaging modeling visual image is extracted. The visual information of product external packaging modeling is analyzed by means of the corner marking method, the high resolution feature distribution value of product external packaging modeling vision is calculated, and the 3D feature reconstruction of product external packaging modeling vision is carried out by means of the machine vision method. The contour detection and feature point calibration of product external packaging modeling visual information are carried out by combining with the wavelet multi?scale decomposition method, and the corner detection model of product external packaging modeling visual image is established. According to the results of edge contour detection and corner detection, the visual optimization design of product external packaging modeling is realized, and the visual communication ability of product external packaging modeling is improved. The simulation results show that this method has good output performance and high peak signal?to?noise ratio for the product external packaging modeling visual design, which improves the visual expression ability of product external packaging modeling.

Keywords: product external packaging modeling; simulation design; visual communication technology; visual image sampling; 3D feature reconstruction; corner detection modeling

0  引  言


1  产品外包装造型视觉图像分析






2  产品外包装造型设计优化

2.1  产品外包装造型视觉高分辨特征分析




2.2  产品外包装造型视觉传达优化




3  仿真实验分析

对产品外包装造型视觉仿真采用Matlab设计,在VC++中使用Matlab的m文件进行交叉编译,对产品外包装造型视觉图像采集的像素值为600[×]800,产品外包装造型图像的训练样本集为600,图像灰度平均值[Δ=2.5] piex。得到产品外包装造型的原始设计效果如图3所示。



4  结  语



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