组3. 翠雀花组 Sect. Delphinastrum

2020-09-12 09:48
广西植物 2020年13期

Sect. Delphinastrum DC. Syst. 1: 351. 1818; et Prodr. 1: 53. 1824; W. T. Wang in Acta Bot. Sin. 10(1): 155. 1962; Tamura in Sei. Rep. Osaka Univ. 15: 33. 1966; et in Hiepko, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Zwei. Aufl., 17aIV: 299. 1995; W. T. Wang & M. J. Warnock in Fl. China 6: 246. 2001. Lectotype: Delphinium grandiflorum L. (Wang, 1962).

Sect. Schizopetala Huth in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 1: 333. 1893.

Sect.Diedropetala Huth in Bot. Jahrb. 20: 420. 1895. — Gen. Diedropetala (Huth) Galushko in Novost. Syst. Pl. Vasc. 15: 251. 1976.

Sect. Kalobopetala Huth in l. c. 458

Sect. Homochroe Bruhl in Ann. Bot. Gard. Calc. 5: 91. 1896.

Sect. Isocheilae Bruhl in l. c., p. p.




1. 花瓣和退化雄蕊淡黄色或淡黄白色;萼片蓝色或紫色。

2. 叶片3全裂;花单朵顶生;萼片比距长;花瓣淡黄白色;退化雄蕊瓣片淡黄白色,不分裂;心皮5

159. 湟中翠雀花Delphinium huangzhongense

2. 叶片3深裂;花组成总状花序;退化雄蕊瓣片2浅裂;心皮3或1。

3. 萼片与距近等长;花瓣和退化雄蕊淡黄色;心皮3。

4. 花较小,组成复总状花序;萼片长6~7 mm,顶端以直角向内弯曲;心皮无毛

160. 征镒翠雀花 D. zhengyianum

4. 花较大,组成简单总状花序;萼片长14 mm,不弯曲;子房被短柔毛

161. 文采新翠雀花 D. neowentsaii

3. 萼片比距短;花瓣和退化雄蕊黄白色;心皮1,无毛

189. 单蕊翠雀花 D. monogynum

1. 花瓣和退化雄蕊与萼片同色,即呈蓝色或紫色,稀白色。

5. 基生叶多不存在,或存在,则在花期枯萎。

6. 种子具3纵棱,沿棱具狭翅。

7. 心皮4~6

8. 叶片3全裂;心皮5

98. 密叶翠雀花 D. kingianum

9. 茎有毛;叶全裂片顶端急尖。

10. 茎密被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛。

11. 子房密被短柔毛

98a. 模式变种 var. kingianum

11. 子房只在腹缝线上有毛,其他部分无毛

98b. 光果密叶翠雀花 var. leiocarpum

10. 茎密被白色短柔毛,具少数黄色腺毛

98c. 少腺密叶翠雀花 var. eglandulosum

9. 茎无毛;叶全裂片顶端长渐尖

98d. 尖裂密叶翠雀花 var. acuminatissimum

8. 叶片3深裂;心皮4~6

99. 乡城翠雀花 D. humilius

7. 心皮3。

12. 叶片3全裂;萼片比距长

100. 尾裂翠雀花 D. caudatolobum

12. 叶片3深裂;萼片与距近等长,或比距短。

13. 总状花序轴和花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛

103. 拉萨翠雀花 D. gyalanum

13. 总状花序轴和花梗无黄色腺毛。

14. 总状花序轴和茎无毛。

15. 植株高达140 cm;萼片长14~15 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片2浅裂

106. 唇花翠雀花 D. cheilanthum

16. 花梗被白色反曲短柔毛

106a. 模式变种 var. cheilanthum

16. 花梗被黄色伸展短毛

106b. 展毛唇花翠雀花 var. pubescens

15. 植株高达20~30 cm;萼片长15~20 mm。

17. 叶侧生1回裂片2半裂;萼片长15~20 mm,距长18~24 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片近圆形, 2浅裂

104. 宽片翠雀花 D. latilimbum

17. 叶侧生1回裂片2深裂超过叶片中部;萼片长15~18 mm,距长20 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片宽椭圆形,顶端微凹

107. 毓泉翠雀花 D. yuchuanii

14. 花梗和茎有毛,稀茎近无毛 (D. hsinganense)。

18. 萼片两面均有毛,与距等长或稍长

101. 粗距翠雀花 D. pachycentrum

19. 萼片长圆形

101a. 模式变种var. pachycentrum

19. 萼片披针形

101b. 狭萼粗距翠雀花var. lancisepalum

18. 萼片内面无毛。

20. 花序复总状;小苞片贴伏于花上,狭披针形,长6~11 mm;萼片长13 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片倒卵状长圆形,有白色髯毛

102. 拟粗距翠雀花D. pachycentroides

20. 花序简单总状;小苞片与花离开,钻形,长3~5 mm;萼片长14~17 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片圆卵形,有黄色髯毛

105. 兴安翠雀花 D. hsinganense

6. 种子具密集横向排列的小鳞片或横波状条纹。

21. 叶片宽心形,不分裂或不明显3浅裂

158. 心叶翠雀花 D. calthifolium

21. 叶片五角形或肾形,3浅裂,3深裂或3全裂。

22. 叶片3浅裂或3深裂。

23. 叶片3浅裂,分裂不超过叶片中部。

24. 叶片3浅裂不达叶片中部,浅裂片互相不覆压;总状花序长10 cm;花梗被白色柔毛和黄色腺毛

135. 葡萄叶翠雀花 D. sinovitifolium

24. 叶片3浅裂达叶片中部,浅裂片互相覆压;伞房花序长6 cm;花梗无毛

134. 茂县翠雀花 D. maoxianense

23. 叶片3深裂超过中部,达近基部。

25. 花序伞房状。

26. 茎无毛。

27. 萼片背面顶端之下具角状突起

133. 叉角翠雀花 D. furcatocornutum

27. 萼片无角状突起。

28. 萼距螺旋状弯曲

137. 川黔翠雀花 D. bonvalotii

28. 萼距稍向下弯曲

130. 毛梗翠雀花 D. eriostylum

26. 茎有毛。

29. 茎被短柔毛;叶片宽达6 cm

131. 平武翠雀花 D. pingwuense

29. 茎被糙硬毛;叶片宽达12 cm。

30. 花梗有黄色腺毛

130. 毛梗翠雀花D. eriostylum

31. 花梗只被黄色腺毛;子房疏被柔毛

130a. 模式变种var. eriostylum

31. 花梗被黄色短腺毛和白色短柔毛;心皮无毛

130b. 糙叶毛梗翠雀花 var. hispidum

30. 花梗无黄色腺毛

132. 疏伞翠雀花D. laxicymosum

32. 花梗无毛;萼距长23~27 mm

132a. 模式变种var. laxicymosum

32. 花梗被短柔毛;萼距长20 mm

132b. 毛序疏伞翠雀花var. pilostachyum

25. 花序总状。

33. 萼距直,稍向下弯曲,或成直角向下弯曲。

34. 萼片比距长;花梗长5~9 cm

108. 长梗翠雀花D. longipedicellatum

34. 萼片与距近等长或较短。

35. 萼片与距近等长。

36. 萼距向斜上方伸展,长10~13 mm

110. 直距翠雀花D. orthocentrum

36. 萼距不向上方伸展。

37. 茎被短柔毛;萼距水平方向伸展,长12~16 mm。

38. 花梗有少数黄色腺毛;萼片长12~18 mm,距长10~16 mm;子房被短柔毛

111. 小瓣翠雀花D. micropetalum

38. 花梗无黄色腺毛;萼片长12 mm,距长9~12 mm;心皮无毛

109. 拟直距翠雀花D. orthocentroides

37. 茎被长硬毛;萼距稍向下弯曲,长20 mm

112. 毛茎翠雀花D. hirticaule

39. 花梗无毛

112a. 模式变种var. hirticaule

39. 花梗有黄色腺毛

112b. 腺毛毛茎翠雀花var. mollipes

35. 萼片比距短。

40. 小苞片与花邻接或近邻接,并贴伏于花上。

41. 小苞片狭条形

122. 陰地翠雀花D. umbrosum

42. 小苞片宽0.5~1.1 mm。

43. 茎高达110 cm,被短糙伏毛;小苞片宽0.5~0.6 mm

122a. 模式变种var. umbrosum

43. 茎高达70 cm,被开展硬毛;小苞片宽0.6~1.1 mm

122b. 展毛阴地翠雀花var. hispidum

42. 小苞片宽1.5~1.8 mm

122c. 宽苞阴地翠雀花 var. drepanocentrum

41. 小苞片条状披针形。

44. 茎被短糙伏毛;萼片外面被短柔毛

120. 滇川翠雀花 D. delavayi

45. 花梗被白色短糙伏毛和黄色短腺毛

120a. 模式变种var. delavayi

45. 花梗只被白色短糙伏毛

120b. 保山翠雀花var. baoshanense

44. 茎密被开展糙硬毛;萼片外面疏被糙硬毛

121. 须花翠雀花D. pogonanthum

46. 雄蕊无毛

121a. 模式变种var. pogonanthum

46. 雄蕊花丝每侧有1~2根毛

121b. 毛蕊须花翠雀花var. lasiandrum

40. 小苞片多少与花分离,不贴伏花上。

47. 叶中央裂片不明显3浅裂或不分裂。

48. 叶中央裂片菱形,边缘中部之上具牙齿,中部之下全缘。

49. 萼片长9 mm,距长17 mm;茎被糙伏毛或无毛

113. 淡紫翠雀花D. handelianum

49. 萼片长15~16 mm,距长20~21 mm;茎无毛

114. 河南翠雀花 D. honanense

50. 花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛

114a. 模式变种var. honanense

50. 花梗无黄色腺毛

114b. 毛梗河南翠雀花 var. piliferum

48. 叶中央裂片披针形,自基部之上至顶端有密集牙齿

115. 毛叶翠雀花D. hirtifolium

47. 叶中央裂片菱形,近中部明显3浅裂,稀3深裂。

51. 叶中央裂片宽菱形,3深裂近中脉

129. 假深蓝翠雀花D. pseudocyananthum

51. 叶中央裂片菱形,3浅裂。

52. 茎无毛。

53. 花梗无毛

136. 黑水翠雀花D. potaninii

54. 心皮无毛;蓇荚直,长圆形,长1.4~1.7 cm。

55. 小苞片宽0.2~0.3 mm

136a. 模式变种var. potaninii

55. 小苞片宽1~1.2 mm

136b. 宽苞黑水翠雀花var. latibracteolatum

54. 心皮有疏毛;蓇荚新月形,长0.5~1 cm

136c. 九峰山翠雀花var. jiufengshanense

53. 花梗有毛。

56. 花梗密被黄色短腺毛

57. 总状花序复杂;心皮无毛。

58. 草本高1.5~2 m;花梗被白色短糙伏毛和黄色短腺毛;萼片长11 mm,距长18 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片2裂超过其中部

125. 多花翠雀花D. polyanthum

58. 草本高約80 cm;花梗只被黄色短腺毛;萼片长7~10 mm,距长11~12 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片顶端微凹

126. 左贡翠雀花D. zuogongense

57. 总状花序简单;子房被柔毛

127. 川西翠雀花D. tongolense

59. 叶柄无毛

127a. 模式变种var. tongolense

59. 叶柄被长硬毛

127b. 毛柄川西翠雀花var. hirsutipes

56. 花梗只被白色短柔毛,无黄色腺毛;总状花序复杂;草本高约1 m

128. 高茎翠雀花D. altissimum

52. 茎有毛。

60. 茎和花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛

123. 米林翠雀花 D. sherriffii

60. 茎和花梗无黄色腺毛。

61. 茎被开展糙硬毛;退化雄蕊瓣片被黄色髯毛。

62. 总状花序简单;萼片外面被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛;退化雄蕊的爪细,比瓣狭约5倍

116. 峨眉翠雀花 D. omeiense

63. 萼片长12~16mm,距长20~26 mm

116a. 模式变种 var. omeiense

63. 萼片长4~8mm,距长7~18mm

116b. 小花峨眉翠雀花 var. micranthum

62. 总状花序复杂;萼片外面只疏被黄色腺毛,无白色毛,长10 mm,距长20 mm;退化雄蕊的爪条形,比瓣片稍狭

119. 宽爪翠雀花 D. platyonychium

61. 茎被柔毛。

64. 茎被开展柔毛;总状花序复杂;萼距长23 mm

124. 盐源翠雀花 D. yanyuanense

64. 茎被反曲短柔毛;总状花序简单;萼距长17~18 mm。

65. 叶片3深裂至距基部2~4 mm处; 上萼片狭卵形, 13 × 6 mm; 退化雄蕊瓣片被黄色髯毛

117. 柔毛翠雀花 D. pubescens

65. 叶片3深裂至距基部6~7 mm处; 上萼片宽卵形,10 × 7 mm; 退化雄蕊瓣片被白色髯毛

118. 周城翠雀花 D. zhouchengense

33. 萼距向下成U字形或螺旋状弯曲。

66. 茎无毛。

67. 花梗无毛

136. 黑水翠雀花 D. potaninii

67. 花梗有毛。

68. 花梗只被黄色短腺毛;叶片宽达16 cm,3深裂稍超过中部;小苞片条形

141. 汶川翠雀花 D. wenchuanense

68. 花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛;叶片宽达12 cm,3深裂至近基部;小苞片丝形。

69. 小苞片长4.5~7 mm;萼距长12~21 mm

140. 拟川西翠雀花 D. pseudotongolense

69. 小苞片长1.5~4 mm;萼距长18~24 mm

138. 拟螺距翠花 D. bulleyanum

70. 子房疏被柔毛

138a. 模式变种 var. bulleyanum

70. 心皮无毛

138b. 光果拟螺距翠雀花 var. leiogynum

66. 茎有毛。

71. 心皮无毛

139. 贡嘎翠雀花 D. gonggaense

71. 子房有毛。

72. 茎被开展硬毛;叶片宽达10(~14) cm;萼片长15~18 mm

142. 螺距翠雀花 D. spirocentrum

72. 茎被开展短柔毛;叶片宽达5.4 cm;萼片长12~13 mm

143. 狭菱形翠雀花 D. angustirhombicum

22. 叶片3全裂。

73. 叶全裂片细裂,末回裂片条状披针形

157. 塔城翠雀花 D. aemulans

73. 叶全裂片不细裂,末回裂片卵形或三角形。

74. 萼距长15 mm以下。

75. 茎、花梗和心皮均无毛

144. 疏花翠雀花 D. sparsiflorum

75. 茎和花梗有毛。

76. 草本高约100 cm;总状花序复杂;萼距长8~9 mm

145. 狭序翠雀花 D. angustipaniculatum

76. 草本高达60~80 cm;总状花序简单;萼距长12~15 mm。

77. 叶中央裂片菱形,在中部3浅裂,或近羽状分裂;子房被柔毛

146. 错那翠雀花 D. conaense

77. 叶中央裂片宽菱形,在中部之下3深裂;心皮无毛

147. 秀丽翠雀花 D. wangii

74. 萼距长20~28 mm。

78. 茎无毛。

79. 萼片无角状突起。

80. 花梗无毛。

81. 草本高达110 (~150) cm;叶片宽达20 cm;总状花序复杂;小苞片长2.5~3.5 mm;萼距直或向下弯曲

151. 秦岭翠雀花 D. giraldii

81. 草本高达70 cm;叶片宽达8 cm;总状花序简单;小苞片长4~5 mm;萼距螺旋状弯曲

152. 光茎翠雀花 D. glabricaule

80. 花梗有毛。

82. 花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛;总状花序简单

148. 木里翠雀花 D. muliense

83. 小苞片披针形或披针状条形,8~13 × 1.2~2 mm

148a. 模式变种 var. muliense

83. 小苞片近丝形,3.5~4 × 0.2 mm

148b. 小苞木里翠雀花 var. minutibracteolatum

82. 花梗只被白色短柔毛,无黄色腺毛;总状花序复杂

153. 松潘翠雀花 D. sutchuenense

79. 萼片外回顶端之下具角状突起。

84. 花梗被白色短柔毛; 萼片角状突起极小, 不明显, 距水平伸展或稍向下弯曲; 心皮3

153. 松潘翠雀花 D. sutchuenense

84. 花梗被黄色短腺毛;萼片角状突起明显,长2.5~3.5,距呈U字形或螺旋状弯曲;心皮3(~4)

154. 弯距翠雀花 D. campylocentrum

78. 茎有毛。

85. 花梗无毛。

86. 叶片下面无毛;萼片无毛,距长28 mm

156. 大藏翠雀花 D. dazangense

86. 葉片下面有毛;萼片有毛,距长20 mm。

87. 茎下部被黄色硬毛;萼片内面无毛

149. 壤塘翠雀花 D. rangtangense

87. 茎下部被白色硬毛;萼片内面有疏毛

150b. 光序拟弯距翠雀花 D. pseudocampylocentrum var. glabripes

85. 花梗有毛。

88. 草本高50 cm;花梗疏被黄色短腺毛;小苞片与花分开;萼距长17~22 mm;子房有疏毛

150a. 拟弯距翠雀花 D. pseudocampylocentrum var. pseudocampylocentrum

88. 草本高50~90 (~100) cm;花梗密被白色短柔毛;小苞片与花邻接;萼距长22~25 mm;心皮无毛

155. 三小叶翠雀花 D. trifoliolatum

5. 基生叶发育,稀不存在,或存在时在花期枯萎。

89. 叶片3浅裂或3深裂。

90. 种子近四面体形,沿纵棱具翅。

91. 萼片外面顶端之下具角状突起。

92. 叶片3裂稍超过中部,末回裂片卵形或宽三角,稀狭披针或披针状条形。

93. 叶一回中央裂片3次分裂

166. 大理翠雀花 D. taliense

94. 叶末回裂片卵形或三角形。

95. 萼距基部粗2~3 mm。

96. 萼片外面被短柔毛。

97. 茎无毛。

98. 心皮无毛

166a. 模式变种var. taliense

98. 子房有毛

166b. 毛蕊大理翠雀花 var. glabrum

97. 茎下部密被短柔毛

166c. 毛茎大理翠雀花 var. pubicaule

96. 萼片外面被长硬毛

166d. 硬毛大理翠雀花 var. hirsutum

95. 萼距基部粗4~5 mm

166e. 粗距大理翠雀花 var. platycentrum

94. 叶末回裂片狭披针或披针状条形;萼距比萼片长2倍

166f. 长距大理翠雀花 var. dolichocentrum

93. 叶的1回中央裂片1~2次分裂

167. 角萼翠雀花 D. ceratophorum

99. 萼片角状突起长1~2 mm。

100. 叶片宽达10 cm,末回裂片卵形或宽三角形。

101. 萼片外面疏被短糙伏毛(毛长约0.4 mm),角状突起长1.5~2 mm

167a. 模式变种 var. ceratophoram

101. 萼片外面被长硬毛(毛长约2 mm),角状突起长1~1.5 mm

167c. 毛角萼翠雀花 var. hirsutum

100. 叶片宽8~19 cm,末回裂片条状披针形;萼片角状突起长1.5~2 mm

167d. 粗壮角萼翠雀花 var. robustum

99. 萼片角状突起长在1 mm以下

167b. 短角萼翠雀花 var. brevicorniculatum

92. 叶片3深裂至近叶片基部处。

102. 花梗上部被黄色短腺毛和白色硬毛;萼片长10~12 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片被白色髯毛

169. 短萼翠雀花 D. brevisepalum

102. 花梗无毛;萼片长14~22 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片被黄色髯毛。

103. 茎无毛;萼片长18~22 mm,角状突起长1 mm,距长24 mm

168. 拟角萼翠雀花 D. ceratophoroides

103. 茎下部被糙伏毛; 萼片长14~16 mm, 角状突起长1~1.5 mm, 距长27~28 mm

170. 拟长距翠雀花 D. dolichocentroides

91. 萼片无角状突起。

104. 叶片3裂达或稍超过中部。

105. 花梗无毛

162. 钩距翠雀花 D. hamatum

105. 花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛。

106. 茎近顶部被黄色短腺毛;萼片长9 mm,距长14~17 mm;心皮无毛

163. 宽菱形翠雀花 D. latirhombicum

106. 茎无毛;萼片长15~19 mm,距长20~22 mm;子房被柔毛

165. 宁朗山翠雀花 D. ninglangshanicum

104. 叶片3深裂至近基部处。

107. 萼片长13~19 mm。

108. 花梗无黄色腺毛。

109. 花梗上部具2小苞片。

110. 总状花序长2~6.5(~16)cm;子房密被柔毛。

111. 总状花序长16 cm;花梗长3.5~10 cm

174. 岩瓦翠雀花 D. yanwaense

111. 总状花序长2~6.5 cm;花梗长1.4~3.2 cm。

112. 萼距长25~27 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片2半裂,被白色髯毛

172. 维西翠雀花 D. weixiense

112. 萼距長18 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片顶端微凹,被黄色髯毛

186. 洱源翠雀花 D. lankongense

110. 总状花序长10~26 mm;子房只腹缝线有毛,其他部分无毛

187. 密距翠雀花 D. pycnocentrum

109. 花梗在顶端具2条形小苞片

164. 拟阴地翠雀花 D. umbrosoides

108. 花梗被黄色短腺毛和白色短柔毛;萼距长16~18 mm。

113. 茎无毛;雄蕊花丝有毛。

113′. 总状花序长22 cm;退化雄蕊瓣片倒心形,宽7 mm;花药无毛

182. 倒心片翠雀花 D. obcordatilimbum

113′. 总状花序长12~15 cm;退化雄蕊瓣片长圆形,宽3 mm;花藥背面有毛

179. 毛药翠雀花D. lasiantherum

113. 茎有毛; 花丝无毛。

113″. 茎被短柔毛,有1叶,基生叶约7;退化雄蕊瓣片2裂稍超过中部,被白色髯毛;子房被短柔毛

171. 缺刻翠雀花D. incisolobulatum

113″. 茎被糙伏毛,有数叶,基生叶在花期枯萎;退化雄蕊瓣片不分裂或2微裂,被黄色髯毛;心皮无毛

173. 甘孜翠雀花D. kantzeense

107. 萼片长20~30 mm。

114. 叶柄鞘发育良好,宽8~15 mm

180. 鞘柄翠雀花 D. coleopodum

114. 叶柄鞘很狭窄或不存在。

115. 花梗无毛。

116. 茎被短柔毛;萼片长9~14 mm,距长17~24 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片2半裂

178. 云南翠雀花 D. yunnanense

116. 茎无毛;萼片长18 mm,距长26~30 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片不分裂

185. 凉山翠雀花 D. liangshanense

115. 花梗有毛。

117. 花梗有黄色腺毛。

118. 茎被硬毛;叶片两面疏被糙伏毛;萼距长17~20 mm

175. 永宁翠雀花 D. yongningense

118. 茎被短柔毛;叶片无毛;萼距长22 mm

176. 纸叶翠雀花 D. pergameneum

117. 花梗无黄色腺毛。

119. 草本高3~8 cm;花梗被白色短柔毛;萼片长15~16 mm,距长25 mm

181. 先骕翠雀花 D. hui

120. 叶片的中裂片具3齿;茎顶端具1~2花

181a. 模式变种var. hui

120. 叶片的中裂片具3~5齿;茎顶端具1~5(~10)花

181b. 多裂叶翠雀花var. lobulibundum

119. 草本高11~18 cm;花梗被黄色短柔毛;萼距长28~29 mm。

121. 茎下部疏被开展短柔毛;小苞片长5 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片顶端圆形,不分裂,全缘

183. 宁蒗翠雀花 D. pseudohamatum

121. 茎被反曲短柔毛;小苞片长(5~)7.5~9 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片顶端微凹或2微裂

184. 玉龙山翠雀花 D. yulongshanicum

90. 种子具密集横向排列的小鳞片; 叶片3裂稍超过中部; 萼片长13~15 mm, 距长20~22 mm

188. 会泽翠雀花 D. hueizeense

89. 叶片3全裂。

122. 种子近四面体形,沿纵棱具狭翅。

123. 花序总状。

124. 上萼片船形。

125. 叶片基部深心形,末回裂片三角形或狭披针形;萼距比萼片短,筒状钻形,长11~18 mm

190. 丽江翠雀花 D. likiangense

125. 叶片基部近截形,末回裂片条形;萼距比萼片长,近筒形,长21~27(~30)mm

191. 川甘翠雀花 D. souliei

124. 上萼片多少展开,不呈船形。

126. 叶的末回裂片卵形,三角形或狭披针形。

127. 萼片比距长或与距近等长。

128. 茎和花梗被短柔毛;萼片比距长,长17~23 mm,距长12~16 mm

192. 墨脱翠雀花 D. medogense

128. 茎和花梗无毛;萼片和距均长10~12 m

193. 德浚翠雀花 D. yuanum

127. 萼片比距短。

129. 茎密被开展短柔毛

210. 威海翠雀花 D. weihaiense

129. 茎被贴伏短柔毛或硬毛,或无毛。

130. 花梗被黄色短腺毛和白色短柔毛

204b. 锐裂翠雀花 D. thibeticum var. laceratilobum

130. 花梗无黄色腺毛。

131. 花梗无毛;叶均基生

199. 短葶翠雀花 D. breviscaposum

131. 花梗有毛。

132. 茎和心皮无毛;萼距长15 mm

194. 丝苞翠雀花 D. filibracteolatum

132. 茎和心皮有毛。

133. 退化雄蕊瓣片不分裂。

134. 萼距长24~28 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片顶端啮蚀状

201. 囊谦翠雀花 D. nangchienense

134. 萼距长16~24 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片顶端微凹。

135. 小苞片狭长圆形,长11~18 mm;萼距长达19 mm

195. 威宁翠雀花 D. weiningense

135. 小苞片狭条形或钻形,长2.5~6 mm;萼距长达24 mm

200. 金沙翠雀花 D. majus

133. 退化雄蕊瓣片2裂。

136. 叶均基生, 中央全裂片近楔形, 1回分裂, 近頂端2浅裂或具3牙齿

198. 察隅翠雀花 D. chayuense

136. 叶基生并茎生,中央全裂片2回分裂。

137. 茎被反曲短柔毛;叶中央全裂片楔状菱形;小苞片长圆形,长9~12 mm;萼片长15~18 mm,距长14~20 mm

196. 太白翠雀花 D. taipaicum

137. 茎被开展硬毛; 叶中央全裂片菱形; 小苞片条形, 长7~8 mm; 萼片长10~14 mm, 距长20~24 mm

197. 拟澜沧翠雀花 D. pseudothibeticum

126. 叶的全裂片细裂,末回裂片披针状条形、条形或狭条形。

138. 心皮5。

139. 花序轴和花梗被反曲短柔毛, 无黄色腺毛; 萼片长9 mm, 距长12 mm; 退化雄蕊瓣片顶端微凹; 心皮无毛

202. 五果翠雀花 D. sinopentagynum

139. 花序轴和花梗有黄色腺毛; 萼片长15 mm, 距长20~24 mm; 退化雄蕊瓣片2微裂; 子房被柔毛

203. 条裂翠雀花 D. pseudomosoynense

140. 花序轴和花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛;上萼片外面顶端之下有1小角状突起,距长20 mm;花瓣顶端被缘毛

203a. 模式变种 var. pseudomosoynense

140. 花序轴和花梗只被黄色短腺毛, 无白色短柔毛; 上萼片无角状突起, 距长21~24 mm; 花瓣无毛

203b. 疏毛条裂翠雀花 var. subglabrum

138. 心皮3。

141. 退化雄蕊瓣片长圆形成倒卵状长圆形。

142. 花序轴和花梗无毛。

143. 叶末回裂片宽6 mm; 总状花序长25~45 cm; 萼距长13~15 mm; 退化雄蕊瓣片长4.6 mm, 2半裂

177. 拟云南翠雀花 D. pseudoyunnanense

143. 叶末回裂片宽1.6~3 mm;总状花序长10~20 cm;萼距长25~28 mm;退化雄蕊长8 mm,2微裂

205. 光轴翠雀花 D. leiostachyum

142. 花序轴和花梗有毛。

144. 花序轴和花梗只被白色短柔毛;小苞片与花分开

208. 孟获营翠雀花 D. mosoynense

144. 花序轴和花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛;小苞片与花邻接

204a. 澜沧翠雀花 D. thibeticum var. thibeticum

141. 退化雄蕊瓣片宽倒卵形或近圆形。

145. 茎和花梗被短柔毛和短腺毛。

146. 茎和花梗密被开展白色短柔毛和白色短腺毛

211. 烟台翠雀花 D. chefoense

146. 茎和花梗密被贴伏白色短腺毛和黄色开展短腺毛。

147. 子房被短柔毛

209d. 腺毛翠雀花 D. grandiflorum var. glandulosum

147. 心皮无毛

209e. 光果翠雀花 D. grandiflorum var. leiocarpum

145. 茎和花梗只被柔毛,无腺毛。

148. 花序轴和花梗近无毛或有极稀疏毛。

149. 茎无毛或下部有稀疏硬毛;萼片与距近等长

207. 秋翠雀花D. autumnale

149. 茎被极稀疏开展短柔毛

206. 光序翠雀花 D. kamaonense

150. 萼距比萼片稍短,长12~16 mm

206a. 模式变种var. kamaonense

150. 萼距比萼片长,长18~25 mm

206b. 展毛光序翠雀花 var. glabrescens

148. 花序轴和花梗密被柔毛

209. 翠雀 D. grandiflorum

151. 茎和花梗只密被贴伏短柔毛。

152. 子房密被短柔毛

209a. 模式变种var. grandiflorum

152. 心皮无毛

209c. 安泽翠雀花 var. deinocarpum

151. 茎和花梗密被贴伏短柔毛,此外还有开展长柔毛

209b. 疏毛翠雀花 var. pilosum

123. 花序伞房状,或花单朵顶生。

153. 心皮5。

154. 萼片比距短,下萼片不呈船形,不具角状突起;退化雄蕊瓣片被黄色髯毛。

155. 萼距近筒形。

156. 茎只被白色短柔毛,无黄色腺毛

212. 宽距翠雀花 D. beesianum

157. 叶的中央全裂片和侧全裂片的2回裂片均有小裂片。

158. 叶的末回裂片宽2~3.5 mm

212a. 模式变种var. beesianum

158. 叶的末回裂片宽3~7 mm

212b. 粗裂宽距翠雀花var. latisectum

157. 叶的中央全裂片和侧全裂片的2回裂片均无小裂片

212c. 辐裂宽距翠雀花var. radiatifolium

156. 茎被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛

213d. 粗距蓝翠雀花D. caeruleum var. crassicalcaratum

155. 萼距钻形。

159. 叶的末回裂片宽1.5~2.5(~4) mm;萼距基部粗3 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片宽倒卵形或近圆形,顶端全缘或微凹

213. 蓝翠雀花 D. caeruleum

160. 茎和叶柄被贴伏短柔毛。

161. 叶片宽达5 cm

213a. 模式变种 var. caeruleum

161. 叶片宽达12 cm

213c. 大叶蓝翠雀花 var. majus

160. 茎和叶柄被开展短柔毛

213b. 钝裂蓝翠雀花 var. obtusilobum

159. 叶的末回裂片宽0.5~1.5 mm; 萼距基部粗2 mm; 退化雄蕊片斜卵形, 2半裂

215. 细距翠雀花 D. lagarocentrum

154. 萼片与距近等长; 下萼片近顶端呈船形, 有时具小角状突起; 退化雄蕊瓣片被白色髯毛

214. 永登翠雀花 D. yongdengense

153. 心皮3。

162. 花梗被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛。

163. 花梗全部被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛;退化雄蕊瓣片宽倒卵形。

164. 草本高30~80 cm; 茎被贴伏短柔毛; 伞房花序有3~12花; 萼距长20~25 mm

217. 康定翠雀花 D. tatsienense

165. 叶末回裂片宽1.5~2.5(~4) mm;萼片内面无毛

217a. 模式变种 var. tatsienense

165. 叶末回裂片宽0.5~1.5 mm;萼片内面有短毛

217b. 班玛翠雀花 var. chinghaiense

164. 草本高10~16.5 cm; 茎被开展短柔毛; 伞房花序有(1~)2(~3)花; 萼距长33~38 mm

218. 矮翠雀花 D. pumilum

163. 花梗只在顶端被白色短柔毛和黄色短腺毛, 其他部分无毛; 退化雄蕊瓣片宽长圆形, 长13 mm

219. 硕片翠雀花 D. grandilimbum

162. 花梗无黄色腺毛。

166. 退化雄蕊的爪狭楔形,比瓣片短,比瓣片窄2倍

220. 波密翠雀花 D. pomeense

166. 退化雄蕊的爪细,与萼片近等长,比瓣片窄5~6倍。

167. 叶基生并茎生。

168. 叶片分裂程度小, 末回裂片三角形或狭卵形; 种子椭圆体形, 其纵棱不明显, 无翅

216. 谷地翠雀花 D. davidii

168. 叶片强度分裂,全裂片细裂,末回裂片披针状条形、条形或狭条形。

169. 草本高90~100 cm;叶末回裂片狭条形,宽1.5~1.8 mm;伞房花序有2~5花

221. 拟蓝翠雀花 D. pseudocaeruleum

169. 草本高达22~40 cm。

170. 茎和花梗被开展短柔毛; 叶的末回裂片宽3.5 mm; 萼距长25 mm; 伞房花序有2 花

222. 軟毛翠雀花 D. mollipilum

170. 茎和花梗被贴伏短柔毛。

171. 草本高30~40 cm;花组成具2~3花的伞房花序。

172. 叶片宽达9.5 cm, 侧全裂片3回细裂, 末回条形裂片宽2.5~4 mm; 退化雄蕊瓣片顶端微凹

209f. 房山翠雀花 D. grandiflorum var. fangshanense

172. 叶片宽达5 cm,侧全裂片1回深裂,末回条形裂片宽1~2 mm;退化雄蕊瓣片顶端2微裂

225. 狭裂翠雀花 D. lagarolobum

171. 草本高12~22 cm;花单朵顶生;退化雄蕊瓣片2半裂

226. 李恒翠雀花 D. lihengianum

167. 叶全部基生。

173. 花葶被短柔毛, 顶端有1(~2)花; 萼片长16 mm, 距长22~24 mm; 退化雄蕊瓣片2浅裂, 被白色髯毛

223. 花葶翠雀花 D. sinoscaposum

173. 花葶被硬毛, 顶端有1花; 萼片长23~24 mm, 距长27 mm; 退化雄蕊瓣片2深裂稍超过中部, 被黄色髯毛

224. 岩生翠雀花 D. saxatile

122. 种子具横向的条纹或小鳞片;萼距长达25 mm。

174. 种子近四面体形, 具横向的条纹; 叶片3深裂至近基部处; 总状或近伞房状花序, 具少数花, 轴和花梗无毛

227. 长距翠雀花 D. tenii

174. 種子倒卵球形, 具横向排列的小鳞片。

175. 草本高约100 cm; 茎无毛;萼距长15~22 mm; 花序近伞房状, 有2~3花, 花梗无毛; 心皮无毛

228. 水城翠雀花 D. shuichengense

175. 草本高约60 cm; 茎被贴伏短柔毛; 花序伞房状, 有2花, 花梗被贴伏短柔毛; 子房密被短柔毛

229. 多枝翠雀花 D. maximowiczii

Key to species and varieties

1. Petals and staminodes yellowish or yellowish-white; sepals blue or purple.

2. Leaf blades 3-sect; flowers solitary and terminal; sepals longer than spur; petals yellowish-white; staminode limbs yellowish-white, undivided; carpels 5

159. Delphinium huangzhongense

2. Leaf blades 3-parted; flowers in racemes; staminode limbs 2-lobed; carpels 3 or 1.

3. Sepals nearly as long as spur; petals and staminodes yellowish; carpels 3.

4. Flowers smaller, in compound racemes; sepals 6-7 mm long, with apexes by right angle incurved; carpels glabrous

160. D. zhengyianum

4. Flowers larger, in simple racemes; sepals 14 mm long, not incurved; ovaries puberulous

161. D. neowentsaii

3. Sepals shorter than spur; petals and staminodes yellowish-white; carpel l, glabrous

189. D. monogynum

1. Petals and staminodes concolour with sepals, i. e. blue and purple, rarely white.

5. Basal leaves absent, or present, then withered by anthesis.

6. Seed with 3 longitudinal edges and along edges narrow-winged.

7. Carpels 4-6.

8. Leaf blades 3-sect; carpels 5

98. D. kingianum

9. Stems hairy; leaf segments at apex acute.

10. Stens densely white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous.

11. Ovaries densely puberulous

98a. var. kingianum

11. Ovaries only on ventral sutures hairy, elsewhere glabrous

98b. var. leiocarpum

10. Stems densely white-puberulous and mixed with a few yellow glandular hairs

98c. var. eglandulosum

9. Stems glabrous; leaf segments at apex long acuminate

98d. var. acuminatissimum

8. Leaf blades 3-parted; carpels 4-6

99. D. humilius

7. Carpels 3.

12. Leaf blades 3-sect; sepals longer than spur

100. D. caudatolobum

12. Leaf blades 3-parted; sepals nearly as long as spur or shorter than it.

13. Raceme rachis and pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous

103. D. gyalanum

13. Raceme rachis and pedicels laching yellow glandular hairs.

14. Stems and pedicels glabrous.

15. Herbs up to 140 cm tall; sepals 14-15 mm long; staminode limbs 2-lobed

106. D. cheilanthum

16. Pedicels retrorsely white-puberulous

106a. var. cheilanthum

16. Pedicels spreadingly yellow-puberulous

106b. var. pubescens

15. Herbs up to 20-30 cm tall; sepals 15-20 mm long.

17. Leaf primary lateral lobes 2-cleft; sepals 15-20 mm long, spur 18-24 mm long; staminode limbs suborbicular, 2-lobed

104. D. latilimbum

17. Leaf primary lateral lobes 2-parted exceeding the middle of lobe; sepals 15-18 mm long, spur 20 mm long; staminode limbs broad-elliptic, at apex emarginate

107. D. yuchuanii

14. Stems and pedicels hairy, rarely stems subglabrous (D. hsinganense).

18. Sepals on both surfaces hairy, nearly as long as spur or slightly longer than it

101. D. pachycentrum

19. Sepals oblong

101a. var. pachycentrum

19. Sepals lanceolate

101b. var. lancisepalum

18. Sepals inside glabrous.

20. Compound racemes; bracteoles appressed on flower, narrow-lanceolate, 6-11 mm long; sepals 13 mm long; staminode limbs obovate-oblong, white-barbate

102. D. pachycentroides

20. Simple racemes; bracteoles remote from flower, subulate, 3-5 mm long; sepals 14-17 mm long; staminode limbs orbicular-ovate, yellow-barbate

105. D. hsinganense

6. Seeds densely transversely squamulose or striate.

21. Leaf blades broad-cordate, undivided or inconspicuously 3-lobulate

158. D. calthifolium

21. Leaf blades pentagonal or reniform, 3-lobed, 3-parted or 3-sect.

22. Leaf blades 3-lobed or 3-parted.

23. Leaf blades 3-lobed not exceeding the middle of blade.

24. Leaf blades 3-lobed not to the middle of blade, lobes not imbricate among themselves; inflorescences racemose, 10 cm long; pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous

135. D. sinovitifolium

24. Leaf blades 3-cleft to the middle of blade, with lobes imbricate among themselves; inflorescences corymbose, 6 cm long; pedicels glabrous

134. D. maoxianense

23. Leaf blades 3-parted exceeding the middle of blades.

25. Inflorescences corymbose.

26. Stems glabrous.

27. Sepals abaxially below apex corniculate

133. D. furcatocornutum

27. Sepals not corniculate.

28. Sepal spur spirally curved

137. D. bonvalotii

28. Sepal spur slightly recurved

130. D. eriostylum

26. Stems hairy.

29. Stems puberulous; leaf blades up to 6 cm broad

131. D. pingwuense

29. Stems hispid; leaf blades up to 12 cm broad.

30. Pedicels with yellow glandular hairs

130. D. eriostylum

31. Pedicels only yellow-glandular-puberulous; ovaries sparsely pubescent

130a. var. eriostylum

31. Pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous; carpels glabrous

130b. var. hispidum

30. Pedicels lacking yellow-glandular hairs

132. D. laxicymosum

32. Pedicels glabrous; sepal spur 23-27 mm long

132a. var. laxicymosum

32. Pedicels puberulous; sepal spur 20 mm long

132b. var. pilostachyum

25. Inflorescences racemose.

33. Sepal spur straight, slightly or by right angle recurved.

34. Sepals longer than spur; pedicels 5-9 cm long

108. D. longipedicellatum

34. Sepals nearly as long as or shorter than spur.

35. Sepals nearly as long as spur.

36. Sepal spur upwards spreading, 10-13 mm long

110. D. orthocentrum

36. Sepal spur not upwards spreading.

37. Stems puberulous; sepal spur horizontally spreading, 12-16 mm long.

38. Pedicels with few yellow glandular hairs; sepals 12-18 mm long, spur 10-16 mm long; ovaries puberulous

111. D. micropetalum

38. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs; sepals 12 mm long,spur 9-12 mm long; carpels glabrous

109. D. orthocentroides

37. Stems hispid; sepal spur slightly recurved, 20 mm long

112. D. hirticaule

39. Pedicels glabrous

112a. var. hirticaule

39. Pedicels with yellow glandular hairs

112b. var. mollipes

35. Sepals shorter than spur.

40. Bracteoles contiguous or nearly contiguous to the flower and appressed to it.

41. Bracteoles narrow-linear

122. D. umbrosum

42. Bractaoles 0.5-1.1 mm broad.

43. Stems up to 110 cm tall, strigillose; bracteoles 0.5-0.6 mm broad

122a. var. umbrosum

43. Stems up to 70 cm tall, hispid; bracteoles 0.6-1.1 mm broad

122b. var. hispidum

42. Bracteoles 1.5-1.8 mm broad

122c. var. drepanocentrum

41. Bracteoles linear-lanceolate.

44. Stems strigillose; sepals outside puberulous

120. D. delavayi             45. Pedicels white-strigillose and yellow-glandular-puberulous

120a. var. delavayi

45. Pedicels only white-strigllose

120b. var. baoshanense

44. Stems hispid; sepals outside sparsely hispid

121. D. pogonanthum

46. Stamens glabrous

121a. var. pogonanthum

46. Stamen filaments at each side on margin with 1-2 hairs

121b. var. lasiandrum

40. Bracteoles remote from flower and not appressed to it.

47. Leaf central bobe inconspicuously 3-lobed or undivided.

48. Leaf central lobe rhombic, on margin above the middle densely dentate and below the middle entire.

49. Sepals 9 mm long, spur 17 mm long; stems strigose or glabrous

113. D. handelianum

49. Sepals 15-16 mm long, spur 20-21 mm long; stems glabrous

114. D. honanense

50. Pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous

114a. var. honanense

50. Pedicels only white-puberulous

114b. var. piliferum

48. Leaf central lobe lanceolate, on margin from above base to apex densely dentate

115. D. hirtifolium

47. Leaf central lobe rhombic, near the middle conspicuously 3-lobed, rarely 3-parted.

51. Leaf central lobe wide rhombic, near midrib 3-parted

129. D. pseudocyananthum

51. Leaf central lobe rhombic, 3-lobed.

52. Stems glabrous.

53. Pedicels glabrous

136. D. potaninii

54. Carpels glabrous; follicles straight, oblong, 1.4-1.7 cm long.

55. Bracteoles 0.2-0.3 mm broad

136a. var. potaninii

55. Bracteoles 1-1.2 mm broad

136b. var. latibracteolatum

54. Carpels with sparse hairs; follicles lunated, 0.5-1 cm long

136c. var. jiufengshanense

53. Pedicels hairy.

56. Pedicels densely yellow-glandular-puberulous.

57. Racemes compound; carpels glabrous.

58. Herbs 1.5-2 m tall; pedicels white-strigillose and yellow-glandular-puberulous; sepals 11 mm long, spur 18 mm long; staminode limbs 2-parted exceeding the middle of limb

125. D. polyanthum

58. Herbs ca. 80 cm tall; pedicels only yellow-glandular-puberulous; sepals 7-10 mm long, spur 11-13 mm long; staminode limbs at apex emarginate

126. D. zuogongense

57. Racemes simple; ovaries pubescent

127. D. tongolense

59. Petioles glabrous

127a. var. tongolense

59. Petioles hirsute

127b. var. hirsutipes

56. Pedicels only white-puberulous, lacking yellow glandular hairs; racemes compound; herbs ca. 1 m tall

128. D. altissimum

52. Stems hairy.

60. Stems and pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous

123. D. sherriffii

60. Stems and pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs.

61. Stems hispid; staminode limbs yellow-barbate.

62. Racemes simple; sepals outside white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous; staminode claws slender, ca. 5 times narrower than limbs

116. D. omeiense

63. Sepals 12-16 mm long, spur 20-26 mm long

116a. var. omeiense

63. Sepals 4-8 mm long, spur 7-18 mm long

116b. var. micranthum

62. Racemes compound; sepals outside only with yellow glandular hairs, 10 mm long, spur 20 mm long; staminode claws linear, slightly narrower than limbs

119. D. platyonychium

61. Stems pubescent.

64. Stems spreading-pubescent; racemes compound; sepal spur 23 mm long

124. D. yanyuanense

64. Stems retrorsely puberulous; racemes simple; sepal spur 17-18 mm long.

65. Leaf blades 3-parted to 2-4 mm above base; upper sepal narrow-ovate, 13 × 6 mm; staminode limbs yellow-barbate

117. D. pubescens

65. Leaf blades 3-parted to 6-7 mm above base; upper sepal broud-ovate, 10 × 7 mm; staminode limbs white-barbate

118. D. zhouchengense

33. Sepal spur by U-form or spirally recurved.

66. Stems glabrous.

67. Pedicels glabrous

136. D. potaninii

67. Pedicels hairy.

68. Pedicels only yellow-glandular-puberulous; leaf blades up to 16 cm broad, 3-parted slightly exceeding the middle of blade; bracteoles linear

141. D. wenchuanense

68. Pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous; leaf blades up to 12 cm broad, 3-parted to near the base of blade; bracteoles filiform.

69. Bracteoles 4.5-7 mm long; sepal spur 12-21 mm long

140. D. pseudotongolense

69. Bracteoles 1.5-4 mm long; sepal spur 18-24 mm long

138. D. bulleyanum

70. Ovaries spasely pubescent

138a. var. bulleyanum

70. Carpels glabrous

138b. var. leiogynum

66. Stems hairy.

71. Carpels glabrous

139. D. gonggaense

71. Ovaries hairy.

72. Stems hispid; leaf blades up to 10(-14) cm broad; sepals 15-18 mm long

142. D. spirocentrum

72. Stems spreading-puberulous; leaf blade up to 5.4 cm broad; sepals 12-13 mm long

143. D. angustirhombicum

22. Leaf blades 3-sect.

73. Leaf segments dissected, with ultimate lobes linear-lanceolate

157. D. aemulans

73. Leaf segments not dissected, with ultimate lobes ovate or triangular.

74. Sepal spur less than 15 mm long.

75. Stems,pedicels and carpels glabrous

144. D. sparsiflorum

75. Stems and pedicels hairy.

76. Herbs ca. 100 cm tall; racemes compound; sepal spur 8-9 mm long

145. D. angustipaniculatum

76. Herbs 60-80 cm tall; racemes simple; sepal spur 12-15 mm long.

77. Leaf central lobe rhombic, at the middle 3-lobed or subpinnately divided; ovaries pubescent

146. D. conaense

77. Leaf central broad-rhombic, below the middle 3-parted; carpels glabrous

147. D. wangii

74. Sepal spur 20-28 mm long.

78. Stems glabrous.

79. Sepals not corniculate.

80. Pedicels glabrous.

81. Herbs up to 110 (-150) cm tall; leaf blades up to 20 cm broad; racemes compound; bracteoles 2.5-3.5 mm long; sepal spur straight or recurved

151. D. giraldii          81. Herbs up to 70 cm tall; leaf blades up to 8 cm broad; racemes simple; bracteoles 4-5 mm long; sepal spur spirally recurved

152. D. glabricaule

80. Pedicels hairy.

82. Pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous; racemes simple

148. D. muliense

83. Bracteoles lanceolate or lanceolate-linear, 8-13 × 1.2-2 mm

148a. var. muliense

83. Bracteoles subfiliform, 3.5-4 × 0.2 mm

148b. var. minutibracteolatum

82. Pedicels only white-puberulous; racemes compound

153. D. sutchuenense

79. Sepals outside below apex corniculate.

84. Pedicels white-puberulous; sepal horn-like projections minute, inconspicuous; spur horizontally spreading or slightly recurved

153. D. sutchuenense

84. Pedicels yellow-glandular-puberulous; sepals with conspicuous horn-like projections 2.5-3.5 mm long, spur by U-form or spirally recurved

154. D. campylocentrum

78. Stems hairy.

85. Pedicels glabrous.

86. Leaf blades abaxially glabrous; sepals glabrous, spur 28 mm long

156. D. dazangense

86. Leaf blades abaxially hairy; sepals hairy, spur 20 mm long.

87. Stems below yellow-hispid; sepals inside glabrous

149. D. rangtangense

87. Stems below white-hispid; sepals inside with sparse hairs

150b. D. pseudocampylocentrum var. glabripes

85. Pedicels hairy.

88. Herbs ca. 50 cm tall; pedicels sparsely yellow-glandular-puberulous; bracteoles remote from flower; sepal spur 17-22 mm long; staminode limbs yellow-barbate; ovaries with sparse hairs

150a. D. pseudocampylocentrum var. pseudocampylocentrum

88. Herbs 50-90 (-100) cm tall; pedicels densely white-puberulous; bracteoles contiguous to flower; sepal spur 22-25 mm long; staminode limbs not barbate; carpels glabrous

155. D. trifoliolatum

5. Basal leaves well developed, rarely absent or present but withered by anthesis.

89. Leaf blades 3-lobed or 3-parted.

90. Seeds subtetrahedral, along edges narrow-winged.

91. Sepals outside below apex corniculate.

92. Leaf blades 3-parted slightly exceeding the middle of blade,with ultimate lobes ovate or broad-triangular, rarely narrow-lanceolate or lanceolate-linear.

93. Leaf central lobe thrice divided

166. D. taliense

94. Leaf ultimate lobes ovate or triangular.

95. Sepal spur at base 2-3 mm across.

96. Sepals outside puberulous.

97. Stem glabrous.

98. Carpels glabrous

166a. var. taliense

98. Ovaries puberulous

166b. var. glabrum

97. Stems below densely puberulous

166c.var. pubicaule

96. Sepals outside hirsute

166d. var. hirsutum

95. Sepal spur at base 4-5 mm across

166e. var. platycentrum

94. Leaf ultimate lobes narrow-lanceolate or lanceolate-linear; sepal spur 2 times longer than sepals

166f. var. dolichocentrum

93. Leaf central lobe once or twice divided

167. D. ceratophorum

99. Sepals with horn-like projections 1-2 mm long.

100. Leaf blades up to 10 cm broad, ultimate lobes ovate or triangular.

101. Sepal outside sparsely strigillose (hairs ca. 0.4 mm long), with horn-like projections 1.5-2 mm long

167a. var. ceratophorum

101. Sepals outside hirsute (hairs ca. 2 mm long), with horn-like projections 1-1.5 mm long

167c. var. hirsutum

100. Leaf blades 8-19 cm broad, ultimate lobes linear-lanceolate; sepal horn-like projections 1.5-2 mm long

167d. var. robustum

99. Sepal horn-like projections less than 1 mm long

167b. var. brevicorniculatum

92. Leaf blades 3-parted to near the base of blade.

102. Pedicels above yellow-glandular-puberulous and white-hispid; sepals 10-12 mm long; staminode limbs white-barbate

169. D. brevisepalum

102. Pedicels glabrous; sepals 14-22 mm long; staminode limbs yellow-barbate.

103. Stems glabrous; sepals 18-22 mm long, horn-like projections 1 mm long, spur 24 mm long

168. D. ceratophoroides

103. Stems below strigose; sepals 14-16 mm long, horn-like projections 1-1.5 mm long, spur 27-28 mm long

170. D. dolichocentroides

91. Sepals not corniculate.

104. Leaf blades 3-cleft or 3-parted slightly exceeding the middle of blade.

105. Pedicels glabrous

162. D. hamatum

105. Pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous.

106. Stems near apex yellow-glandular-puberulous; sepals 9 mm long, spur 14-17 mm long; carpels glabrous

163. D. latirhombicum

106. Stems glabrous; sepals 15-19 mm long; ovaries pubescent

165. D. ninglangshanicum

104. Leaf blades 3-parted to near the base of blade.

107. Sepals 13-19 mm long.

108. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs.

109. Pedicels above 2-bracteolate.

110. Racemes 2-6.5(-16) cm long; ovaries densely pubescent.

111. Racemes 16 cm long; pedicels 3.5-10 cm long

174. D. yanwaense

111. Racemes 2-6.5 cm long; pedicels 1.4-3.2 cm long.

112. Sepal spur 25-27 mm long; staminode limbs 2-cleft, white-barbate

172. D. weixiense

112. Sepal spur 18 mm long; staminode limbs at apex emarginate, yellow-barbate

186. D. lankongense

110. Racemes 10-26 cm long; ovaries only on ventral sutures hairy, elsewher glabrous

187. D. pycnocentrum

109. Pedicels on apex 2-bracteolate (bracteoles linear)

164. D. umbrosoides

108. Pedicels yellow-glandular-puberulous and white-puberulous; sepal spur 16-18 mm long.

113. Stem glabrous; stamen filaments hairy.

113′. Racemes 22 cm long; staminode limbs obcordate, 7 mm broad; anthers glabrous

182. D. obcordatilimbum

113′. Racemes 12-15 cm long; staminode limbs oblong, 3 mm broad; anthers abaxially hair

179. D. lasiantherum

113. Stems hary; filaments glabrous.

113″. Stems puberulous, 1-leaved; basal leaves ca. 7; staminode limbs 2-parted slightly exceedling the middle of limb, white-barbate; ovaries puberulous

171. D. incisolobulatum

113″. Stems strigose, several-leaved; basal leaves withered by anthesis; staminode limbs undivided or at apex 2-lobulate, yellow-barbate; carpels glabrous

173. D. kantzeense

107. Sepals 20-30 mm long.

114. Leaf sheaths well developed, 8-15 mm broad

180. D. coleopodum

114. Leaf sheaths narrow or absent.

115. Pedicels glabrous.

116. Stems puberulous; sepals 9-14 mm long, spur 17-24 mm long; staminode limbs 2-cleft

178. D. yunnanense

116. Stems glabrous; sepals 18 mm long, spur 26-30 mm long; staminode limbs undivided

185. D. liangshanense

115. Pedicels hairy.

117. Pedicels with yellow glamdular hairs.

118. Stems hispid; leaf blades on both surfaces sparsely strigose; sepal spur 17-26 mm long

175. D. yongningense

118. Stems puberulous; leaf blades glabrous; sepal spur 22 mm long

176. D. pergameneum

117. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs.

119. Herbs 3-8 cm tall; pedicels white-puberulous; sepals 15-16 mm long, spur 25 mm long

181. D. hui

120. Leaf blade with central lobe 3-dentate; stem apex 1-2-flowered

181a. var. hui

120. Leaf blade with central lobe 3-5-dentate; stem apex 1-5(-10)-flowered

181b. var. lobulibundum

119. Herbs 11-18 cm tall; pedicels yellow-puberulous; sepal spur 28-29 mm long.

121. Stems below sparsely spreading-puberulous; bracteoles 5 mm long; staminode limbs at apex rounded and entire

183. D. pseudohamatum

121. Stems retrorse-puberulous; bracteoles (5-)7.5-9 mm long; staminode limbs at apex emarginate or 2-lobulate

184. D. yulongshanicum

90. Seeds densely transversely squamulose; leaf blades 3-parted slightly exceeding the middle of blade; sepals 13-15 mm long, spur 20-22 mm long

188. D. hueizeense

89. Leaf blades 3-sect.

122. Seeds subtetrahedral, along longitudinal edges narrow-winged.

123. Inflorescences racemose.

124. Upper sepal eymbiform.

125. Leaf blades at base deep-cordate, ultimate lobes triangular or narrow-lanceolate; sepal spur shorter than sepals, tubular-subulate, 11-18 mm long

190. D. likiangense

125. Leaf blades at base subtruncate, ultimate lobes linear; sepal spur longer than sepals, subtubular, 21-27(-30) mm long

191. D. souliei

124. Upper sepal more or less flat, not cymbiform.

126. Leaf ultimate lobes ovate, triangular or narrow-lanceolate.

127. Sepals longer than spur or nearly as long as it.

128. Stems and pedicels puberulous; sepals longer than spur, 17-23 mm long; spur 12-16 mm long

192. D. medogense

128. Stems and pedicels glabrous; sepals and spur 10-12 mm long

193. D. yuanum

127. Sepals shorter than spur.

129. Stems densely spreading-puberulous

210. D. weihaiense

129. Stems appressed-puberulous, hispid or glabrous.

130. Pedicels yellow-glandular-puberulous and white-puberulous

204b. D. thibeticum var. laceratilobum

130. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs.

131. Pedicels glabrous; leaves all basal

199. D. breviscaposum

131. Pedicels hairy.

132. Stems and carpels glabrous; sepal spur 15 mm long

194. D. filibracteolatum

132. Stems and carpels hairy.

133. Staminode limbs undivided.

134. Sepal spur 24-28 mm long; staminode limbs at apex erose

201. D. nangchienense

134. Sepal spur 16-24 mm long; staminode limbs at apex emarginate.

135. Bracteoles narrow-oblong, 11-18 mm long; sepal spur up to 19 mm long

195. D. weiningense

135. Bracteoles narrow-linear or subulate, 2.5-6 mm long; sepal spur up to 24 mm long

200. D. majus

133. Staminode limbs 2-lobed.

136. Leaves all basal, central segment subcuneate, once divided, near apex 3-lobed or 3-dentate

198. D. chayuense

136. Leaves basal and cauline, central segment thrice divided.

137. Stems retrorse-puberulous; leaf central segment cuneate-rhombic; bracteoles oblong, 9-12 mm long; sepals 15-18 mm long, spur 14-20 mm long

196. D. taipaicum

137. Stems spreading-hispid; leaf central segment rhombic; bracteoles linear, 7-8 mm long; sepals 10-14 mm long, spur 20-24 mm long

197. D. pseudothibeticum

126. Leaf segments dissected, with ultimate lobes lanceolate-linear, linear or narrow-linear.

138. Carpels 5.

139. Raceme rachis and pedicels retrorse-puberulous, lacking yellow glandular hairs; sepals 9 mm long, spur 12 mm long; staminode limbs at apex emarginate; carpels glabrous

202. D. sinopentagynum

139. Raceme rachis and pedicels with yellow glandular hairs; sepals 15 mm long, spur 20-24 mm long; staminode limbs at apex 2-lobulate; ovaries pubescent

203. D. pseudomosoynense

140. Raceme rachis and pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous; upper sepal outside below apex with a small horn-like projection, spur 20 mm long; petals at apex ciliate

203a. var. pseudomosoynense

140. Raceme rachis and pedicels only yellow-glandular -puberulous, lacking white hairs; upper sepal lacking horn-like projection, spur 21-24 mm long; petals glabrous

203b. var. subglabrum

138. Carpels 3.

141. Staminode limbs oblong or obovate-oblong.

142. Raceme rachis and pedicels glabrous.

143. Leaf ultimate lobes 6 mm broad; racemes 25-45 cm long; sepal spur 13-15 mm long; staminode limbs 4.6 mm long, 2-cleft

177. D. pseudoyunnanense

143. Leaf ultimate lobes 1.6-3 mm broad; racemes 10-20 cm long; sepal spur 25-28 mm long; staminode limbs 8 mm long, 2-lobulate

205. D. leiostachyum

142. Raceme rachis and pedicels hairy.

144. Raceme rachis and pedicels only white-puberulous; bracteoles remote from flower

208. D. mosoynense

144. Raceme rachis and pedicels white-puberalous and yellow-glandular-puberulous; bracteoles contiguous to flower

204a. D. thibeticum var. thibeticum

141. Staminode limbs broad-obovate or suborbicular.

145. Stems and pedicels puberulous and glandular-puberulous.

146. Stems and pedicels densely spreading-white-puberulous and white-glandular- pube-rulous

211. D. chefoense

146. Stems and pedicels densely appressed-white-puberulous and spreading-yellow-puberulous.

147. Ovaries puberulous

209d. D. grandiflorum var. glandulosum

147. Carpels glabrous

209e. D. grandiflorum var. leiocarpum

145. Stems and pedicels only puberulous, not glandular-puberulous.

148. Raceme rachis and pedicels subglabrous or with very sparse hairs.

149. Stems glabrous or below sparsely hispid; sepals nearly as long as spur

207. D. autumnale

149. Stems with very sparse spreading hairs

206. D. kamaonense

150. Sepal spur slightly shorter than sepals, 12-16 mm long

206a. var. kamaonense

150. Sepal spur longer than sepals, 18-25 mm long

206b. var. glabrescens

148. Raceme rachis and pedicels with dense hairs

209. D. grandiflorum

151. Stems and pedicels only densely puberulous.

152. Ovaries densely appressed-puberulous

209a. var. grandiflorum

152. Carpels glabrous

209c. var. deinocarpum

151. Stems and pedicels densely appressed-puberulous, and with some spreading longer hairs

209b. var. pilosum

123. Inflorescences corymbose, or flowers solitary and terminal.

153. Carpels 5.

154. Sepals shorter than spur, lower sepal not, not corniculate; staminode limbs yellow-barbate.

155. Sepal spur subtubular.

156. Stems only white-puberulous, lacking yellow glandular hairs

212. D. beesianum

157. Leaf central segment and secondary lobes of lateral segments all with lobules.

158. Leaf ultimate lobes 2-3.5 mm broad

212a. var. beesianum

158. Leaf ultimate lobes 3-7 mm broad

212b. var. latisectum

157. Leaf central segment and secondary lobes of lateral segments all lacking lobules

212c. var. radiatifolium

156. Stems white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous

213d. D. caeruleum var. crassicalcaratum

155. Sepal spur subulate.

159. Leaf ultimate lobes 1.5-2.5(-4) mm broad; sepal spur at base 3 mm across; staminode limbs broad-obovate or suborbicular, at apex entire or emarginate

213. D. caeruleum

160. Stems and petioles appressed-puberulous.

161. Leaf blades up to 5 cm broad

213a. var. caeruleum

161. Leaf blades up to 12 cm broad

213c. var. majus

160. Stems and petioles spreading-puberulous

213b. var. obtusilobum

159. Leaf ultimate lobes 0.5-1.5 mm broad; sepal spur at base 2 mm across; staminode limbs white-barbate

215. D. lagarocentrum

154. Sepals nearly as long as spur; lower sepals near apex cymbiform, sometimes minutely 1-corniculate; staminode limbs white-barbate

214. D. yongdengense

153. Carpels 3.

162. Pedicels white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous.

163. Pedicels totally white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous; staminode limbs broad-obovate.

164. Herbs 30-80 cm tall; stems appressed-puberulous; corymbs 3-12-flowered; sepal spur 20-25 mm long

217. D. tatsienense

165. Leaf ultimate lobes 1.5-2.5(-4) mm broad; sepals inside glabrous

217a. var. tatsienense

165. Leaf ultimate lobes 0.5-1.5 mm broad; sepals inside with short hairs

217b. var. chinghaiense

164. Herbs 10-16.5 cm tall; stems spreading-puberulous; corymbs (1-)2(-3)-flowered; sepal spur 33-38 mm long

218. D. pumilum

163. Pedicels only on apex white-puberulous and yellow-glandular-puberulous, elsewhere glabrous; staminode limbs broad-oblong, 13 mm long

219. D. grandilimbum

162. Pedicels lacking yellow glandular hairs.

166. Staminode claws narrow-cuneate, shorter than limbs and two times narrower than limbs

220. D. pomeense

166. Staminode claws slender, nearly as long as limbs and 5-6 times narrower than them.

167. Leaves basal and cauline.

168. Leaf blades weakly divided, with ultimate lobes triangular or narrow ovate; seeds ellipsoidal, with inconspicuous longitudinal edges and not winged

216. D. davidii

168. Leaf blades strongly divided, with segments dissected and ultimate lobes lanceolate- linear, linear or narrow-linear.

169. Herbs 90-100 cm tall; leaf ultimate lobes narrow-linear, 1.5-1.8 mm broad; corymbs 2-5-flowered

221. D. pseudocaeruleum

169. Herbs up to 22-40 cm tall.

170. Stems and pedicels spreading-puberulous; leaf ultimate lobes 3.5 mm broad; sepal spur 25 mm long; corymbs 2-flowered

222. D. mollipilum

170. Stems and pedicels appressed-puberulous.

171. Herbs 30-40 cm tall; flowers in 2-3-flowered corymbs.

172. Leaf blades up to 9.5 cm broad, lateral segments thrice dissected, with ultimate lobes 2.5-4 mm broad; staminode limbs at apex emarginate

209f. D. grandiflorum var. fangshanense

172. Leaf blades up to 5 cm broad, lateral segments once parted, with ultimate lobes 1-2 mm broad; staminode limbs at apex 2-lobulated

225. D. lagarolobum

171. Herbs 12-22 cm tall; flowers solitary and terminal; staminode limbs 2-cleft

226. D. lihengianum

167. Leaves all basal.

173. Scapes puberulous, on apex 1(-2)-flowered; sepals 16 mm long, spur 22-24 mm long; staminode limbs 2-lobed

223. D. sinoscaposum

173. Scapes hispid, on apex 1-flowered; sepals 23-24 mm long, spur 27 mm long; staminode limbs 2-parted slightly exceeding the middle of limb

224. D. saxatile

122. Seeds transversely striate or squamulose.

174. Seed subtetrahedral, transversely striate; leaf blades 3-parted to near base of blade; racemes subcorymbose, few-flowered

227. D. tenii

174. Seeds obovoid, transversely squamulose.

175. Herbs ca. 100 cm tall; stems glabrous; inflorescences subcorymbose, 2-3-flowered, pedicels glabrous; carpels glabrous

228. D. shuichengense

175. Herbs ca. 60 cm tall, appressed-puberulous; inflorescences corymbose 2-flowered, pedicels appressed-puberuous; ovaries puberulous

229. D. maxinowiczii

Yellow Hope