5 Things You Didn’t Know About Bacon 关于培根 你所不知道的五件事

2020-09-12 14:23byKathrynWhitbourne陈佳
中学生英语·中考指导版 2020年7期

by Kathryn Whitbourne 陈佳



1 Bacon enhances1 everything.


We know that bacon (or bacon flavoring) has been added to tons of products. But why? Apart from simply being a newfound fad2, the truth is bacon is loaded3 with two ingredients4 that enhance the flavor of almost all foods: salt and fat. “Salt brings out flavor and fat carries flavor to our taste buds5,” Sara Perry wrote in her book Everything Tastes Better with Bacon. “But not only that—bacon has bite. Its chewy6 and crunchy7.” In other words, its hitting all our flavor receptors at once.


2 Its more than 4,000 years old.


Bacon is basically cured8 pork, and in the days before refrigeration9, the only way to pre-serve10 meat was to cure it. The Chinese had techniques for curing pork 4,000 years ago and until the 16th century, all pork was referred to as “bacon”. However, “real” bacon comes from the side or belly of the pig. Canadian bacon is closer to ham and comes from the loin11 of the pig.


3 Its not so bad for you.


Were not going to say bacon is a healthy choice, but its not the worst thing you can eat, either. Bacon is a processed meat, which means its been treated with nitrites12 for preservation13. Eating lots of processed meats has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, as well as heart failure and other diseases. However, two strips of bacon—along with a fried egg once a week is probably OK. Speaking of which...


4 Marrying bacon with eggs was a PR14 stunt15.


Edward Bernays was the person responsible for pairing bacon with eggs on American breakfast tables. Hed been hired by a producer of bacon in the 1920s, to increase demand for the porky product. At the time, Americans ate a light breakfast—maybe coffee and a roll. Bernays asked a physician16 whether a heavy breakfast was better than a light one since “the body loses energy in the night and needs it in the day”. Unsurprisingly, the company physician agreed.

“We asked him if hed be willing—at no cost—to write to 5,000 physicians and ask them whether their judgments were the same as his. He said hed be glad to do it,” reminisced17 Bernays in an interview decades later. “Obviously, all of them concurred18.” This news was reported in newspapers throughout the country, many of which added that bacon and eggs should be part of the “healthier” breakfast. Sales of bacon went up and bacon became embedded19 with eggs.



5 The phrase  “bring home the bacon” doesnt have to do with bacon.


Back in the 12th century, the Prior20 of Little Dunmow in Essex, England offered a “flitch” (or side) of bacon to any couples who could prove that after a year and a day of marriage they have “not wish themselves unmarried again”. Though some people think this is the origin of the expression, “bringing home the bacon”, it appears to have a more recent history.

“Bacon” has been a slang21 term for “body” (and by extension22 “livelihood”) since the 17th century, but the entire phrase seems to have first appeared in a 1906 news article about a boxing match between Joe Gans and Oliver Nelson. A newspaper  reported, “Before the fight Gans received a telegram from his mother: ‘Joe, the eyes of the world are on you. Everybody says you ought to win. Peter Jackson will tell me the news and you bring home the bacon.” Gans indeed won the fight. Whether he took home some actual bacon is unrecorded.




◎Definition of “bring home the bacon”:

If you bring home the bacon, you achieve what you needed to achieve.

1. enhance [■] vt. 提高;加强;增加   2. fad [■] n. 时尚;一时流行的狂热

3. load [■] vt. 使担负;装填   4. ingredient [■] n. 原料;要素

5. taste bud  味蕾

6. chewy [■] adj. 有嚼劲的   7. crunchy [■] adj. 易碎的;发嘎吱嘎吱声的

8. cure [■] v. (用腌、晒、熏等方法)加工处理,保存

9. refrigeration [■] n. 冷藏 10. preserve [■] vt. 保存;腌

11. loin [■] n. 腰;腰部;腰肉 12. nitrite [■] n. 亚硝酸盐

13. preservation [■] n. 保存,保留14. PR [■] abbr. 公共关系(public relations)

15. stunt [■] n. 噱头,手腕 16. physician [■] n. 医师,内科医师

17. reminisce [■] v. 追忆说 18. concur [■] vi. 同意;一致

19. embed [■] vt. 使嵌入 20. prior [■] n. (小隐修院) 院长,会长,副院长

21. slang [■] n. 俚语;行话 22. extension [■] n. 拓展;延伸
