
2020-09-10 07:22:44胡婷
今日重庆 2020年5期



Zhou Li

1976 年6 月出生,重庆市京剧团副团长, 国家一级演员,京剧尚派艺术第三代传承人,重庆市剧协副主席,中宣部首届中国京剧流派传承班学员;重庆市青年五四奖章、重庆市三八红旗手;重庆市专家学术技术带头人、重庆市“百千万人才工程” 领军人才;中国戏剧“红梅奖”演唱大赛金奖、法国巴黎第六届中国传统戏曲节“塞纳大奖”、中国戏剧第二十六届梅花奖获得者;被文化部授予全国先进工作者。

Born in June 1976, deputy head of Chongqing Beijing Opera Troupe, national first-class actor, third- generation inheritor of the Shang School of Beijing Opera, vice-chairman of Chongqing Dramatist Association, and student of the first Chinese Beijing Opera genre inheritance class of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China; winner of the "May 4th Youth Medal" and "March 8th Red-banner Holder" of Chongqing; Chongqing's academic/technology research leader and "Ten Million Talent Project" leader; the gold medal winner of the Red Plum Blossom Vocal Competition, the "Sena Award" winner of the 6th Chinese Traditional Drama Festival in Paris, France, and the winner of the 26th China Theatre Plum Blossom Award; awarded the National Advanced Worker by the Ministry of Culture.



Different from the complicated and stunning appearance on the stage, Zhou Li, tall and thin, often wears a gray down jacket and a ponytail, without any makeup. She always draws herself up, showing the gestures and expressions in Beijing opera, and sometimes sings a few words with her fingers forming the shape of an orchid.

The procedural moves of Beijing opera have been down to her bone after 34 years of learning. Zhou Li said, "Learning Beijing opera is a long-term process. It takes a lot of time for learners to realize its subtlety."

舞台上的“8 分”状态

The “8-Point” State on the Stage


周利清楚地记得,这场剧叫《扈家庄》,她扮演扈三娘, 演出地点在原重庆实验剧场。

开演前,周利头戴蝴蝶盔,雉翎狐尾,身穿改良靠, 足登彩鞋在后台候场。

但她内心却是焦虑的,“由于京劇化妆要勒头,我还没适应,不仅头疼,还要带很沉的盔帽。而且第一次公开演出,台下观众就有近 800 人,非常紧张。”

在后台,周利开始给自己打气,鼓励自己, 让自己平复心情。


上台后,扈三娘的气质瞬间凸显,一颦一笑一抬头,起威拉式,周利完全沉浸在戏剧中。她背对观众,盔头一甩,然后慢慢回过头来, 唱出第一句台词——“披挂整齐凤翅飞。耀旌旗灿烂,也那云霞碧。凭着俺这神威,迫忙里炮似雷轰,猛冲入罗网重围,也顾不得临阵前万将雄威……”




Zhou Li started learning Beijing opera at the age of ten, and have performed for so

many times that she even couldn't remember the real number. Before each performance, she will encourage herself, just like when she performed on the stage for the first time at the age of 13.

Zhou Li remembers clearly that the play was "Hujiazhuang (Hu's. Mansion)", in the former Chongqing Experimental Theater, and she played Hu Sanniang.

Before the performance, Zhou Li was waiting backstage wearing butterfly helmets, pheasant feathers and fox tails, Gai Liang Kao (one kind of costume) and colorful shoes.

However, she was very anxious at that time. "I haven't adapted to the makeup and heavy helmet of Beijing opera, they just give me a headache. And the audience was nearly 800, which makes me more nervous."

Zhou Li then began to calm herself down at the backstage.

"As soon as I hear the sounds of blowing trumpets, I suddenly feel inspired and forgot my headache and nervousness," Zhou Li recalled the scene at that time.

Stepping on the stage, Zhou Li was completely immersed in the drama, taking

herself as Hu Sanniang, behaving exactly the way Hu Sanniang does. She turned her back to the audience, swung her helmet, then slowly turned around and sang the first line-"Fully armed, I fly on the Phoenix wings. The flags are shining brightly, and the clouds are blue. With my magic power, I get through the close siege with the thundering persisted, regardless of the horrifying generals and soldiers of the enemy troops..."

Unexpectedly, the performance was a great success, and she was highly recognized by all the teachers at that time. "We got this girl!", they thought. She still remembers that the stills of her performance were published in a small corner on the newspaper, with the headline "Lotus Just Buds".

Zhou Li has developed it a habit to calm herself down before performing until now.

From the first performance, she figured out the best state of performing on stage: "we should spend 100% of our strengths in practicing, but only 80% in live performance. Only in this way, can we better control the role we play in a relaxed state."


The Hardest Choice to Stick with


周利则认为,台上表演状态的收放自如, 是对自己的自信。“专业上的各方面都做好, 自然会有精彩的表演。”周利说。

小时候,作为京剧票友的爷爷奶奶,经常带周利去看京剧。因为喜欢上了京剧舞台上扮相漂亮的演员,1987 年,周利报考重庆市艺术学校,如愿学习京剧。原以为学京剧很轻松, 可进校没多久,周利便尝到了苦头。

由于戏曲表演中“唱念做打”“ 四功五

”的特殊性,戏曲界历来都沿用过去“科班” 里的老方法训练学生,一进班就是圧腿下腰, 练声叫嗓。

“一年中的大多数时候都在练习中度过, 每一个动作,每一个发声都要练习几百上千次, 不断完善一个个小细节。摔跤、崴脚、大筋扯断都是常事。”周利说,她一年级时练晨功, 压腿用力过猛致大腿韧带拉伤,休息了1 个月; 三年级时,从两米多的高台上摔下来,右手手肘处股撕裂,休息了 3 个月。


在京剧班,周利与现知名演员蒋勤勤是同班同学。1993 年,学了 7 年京剧顺利毕业后, 蒋勤勤等一些同学选择去了北京电影学院学习, 周利则进了重庆市京剧团。

从跑龙套到担任主演,这期间周利也曾有过转行的念头。“看到同班同学有的成为明星, 有的在各自领域做得风生水起,说不羡慕那是假的。”周利说,那段时间也有人建议她去唱歌, 但想到辛辛苦苦学了这么多年的京剧,真要转行就太对不起自己了。


1999 年,周利随尚派名家孙明珠先生学习, 成为尚派第三任传承人。2004 年,周利考进第四届中国京剧优秀青年演员研究生班。期间, 在《昭君出塞》《乾坤福寿镜》《穆柯寨》《花木兰》《梁红玉》《双阳公主》《打青龙》《绿衣女侠》剧目中,成功塑造了众多不同艺术风格和不同人物特点的舞台艺术形象。

Many people believe that Zhou Li is a born performer.

Zhou Li, however, holds that the ease on the stage comes from confidence in oneself. "If you make sure that all links are well organized, the performance must be wonderful," said Zhou Li.

When she was a child, her grandparents, who were Beijing opera amateurs, often tookZhou Li to watch Beijing opera, because they really liked the beautiful actors on the stage. In 1987, Zhou Li applied for the Chongqing Art School and got accepted, thus began studying Beijing opera as she wished. Having expected it very easy to learn Beijing opera, Zhou Li suffered a lot shortly after entering the school.

Accor ding t o t he four ar eas of performance, namely “Chang, Nian, Zuo, Da” (singing, dialogue, acting and acrobatics) and "four skills and five means" in opera performance, the opera circle has been training students by adopting the traditional methods. Once admitted, the students would be asked to do leg pressing and back bending practice, as well as voice training.

"Most of the year is spent by practicing. Every movement and every sound would be practiced hundreds and thousands of times, to make the details perfect. Wrestling, sprained feet and broken tendons are common." Zhou Li said that she had to rest for one month because of thigh ligament strain caused by overexert in doing morning exercise at her first grade. And at the third grade, she fell from a high platform of more than two meters, torn her right elbow and rested for three months.

After studying Beijing opera for seven years, the most difficult thing for Zhou Li is to stick to it-physically and emotionally. And she also had to think about her future career.

Zhou Li and Jiang Qinqin, a well- known actress are classmates in the Beijing opera class. In 1993, after graduating from the Beijing opera class, Jiang Qinqin and other classmates chose to further their study in the Beijing Film Academy, while Zhou Li joined

the Chongqing Beijing Opera Troupe.

From a walk-on to a leading role, Zhou Li had thought about changing her career during this period. "It's apparently not the fact when I say I not envy my classmates who either became famous stars or do well in their fields," so said Zhou Li. Some persuaded her to be a singer, but she believed that she would feel sorry for herself for changing her career. After all, she had worked so hard to learn Beijing opera for so many years.

Therefore, she warned herself that she must stick to it at that time.

In 1999, Zhou Li studied with Mr. Sun Mingzhu, a famous Shang School artist, and became the third inheritor of the Shang School. In 2004, Zhou Li was admitted to the 4th Outstanding Young Beijing Opera Actors Graduate Class. During this period, she has presented many stage characters with different artistic styles and different characteristics in such plays as "Zhaojun Departs the Frontier", "Qiankun Live Mirror", Mukezhai, "Lady General Hua Mu-lan", "Liang Hongyu", "Princess Shuangyang", "Hit the Blue Dragon" and "The Woman in Green".

“走心”的“一次性”舞臺艺术The Touching "One-off" Stage Art


2019 年 11 月 29 日、30 日, 周利主演的京剧《秦良玉》,在国泰艺术中心大剧院公演。为了演好京剧《秦良玉》,周利和团队先





她曾主演现代京剧《张露萍》,该剧取自革命题材,讲述 19 岁女战士黎琳奉命到重庆、化名张露萍潜伏在国民党军统局的故事。

但是,周利从未演过潜伏题材,为此专门上网搜集资料,力求自己的表演最大限度走进角色丰富的内心,“我在看她的故事时就想, 如果我是她,面对委屈和误解时,我会怎样做, 是怎样强大的信仰支撑她前进?”

《张露萍》公演后大受好评,也为周利赢得了第 26 届中国戏剧梅花奖,成为重庆第八位梅花奖得主。

After studying Beijing opera for so many years, Zhou Li has gradually figured out the key in learning. "I used to imitating others, but now I have my own style."

On November 29 and 30, 2019, the Beijing opera "Qin Liangyu" starring Zhou Li was performed at the Chongqing Guotai Arts Center.

In order to perform it well, Zhou Li and her team went to Shizhu twice to collect folk songs and interview local experts. She also went to Wanshou Mountain, where Qin Liangyu lived before her death, her training ground and cemetery to experience her living environment.

Zhou Li kept polishing the details of the performance to present a better effect on the stage. "For example, how can I shake the mantle in a handsome yet powerful way? How should I have eye contact with her husband? How to move the audience withwhat I sing... "

Zhou Li said that opera art is an one- off art, and every performance on stage is different. To her, this is also the value of Beijing opera.

She once starred in the modern Beijing opera "Zhang Luping", which is taken from revolutionary themes and tells the story of 19-year-old female soldier Li Lin who was ordered to go to Chongqing with the pseudonym of Zhang Luping and lurk in the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of KMT.

However, Zhou Li has never played such kind of opera. So she collected a large amount of materials on the Internet and tried her best to see herself as the character and walks into her heart. "When I read her story, I was thinking that if I were her, what would I do in the face of injustice and misunderstanding, and wondering what kind of faith that had driven her forward?"

"Zhang Luping" was well received after being performed to the public. It also made Zhou Li the winner of the 26th China Theatre Plum Blossom Award, the 8 award winner in Chongqing.

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