“文竹”与“竹”3相对,“文”即“柔和”,“文竹”取柔和之竹之意,俨然是拿竹子外形所作的比附。拉丁语将文竹称为Asparagus fern/setaceus,但还是中文的命名更富诗意,有文弱书生或古典美人般的联想。既作“文竹”,自然要和真正的竹子做一番比较。
文竹是心理显微镜,张弛的是想象力11。不像一盆普通的绿植,止于眼见之实,不缩不放,限制了想象的空间12。纵观文竹之优,我道是:小景天地阔,凝神观文竹13。 □
Penjing takes advantage of plants to design a landscape. Two clay figurines set under the little potted pine may present “I asked the boy beneath the pine tree” scene as written in the poem by Jia Dao except that the artifice and human skills are traceable with ease. However, a pot of unpruned wenzhu (asparagus fern/setaceus in Latin) is able to make a different view, which no other plants have the power to exhibit.
With a shared Chinese character zhu (bamboo) in their name though, wenzhu and zhu are simply compared in the way they look, and the former, implanted by the Chinese character wen with the indication of “gentleness”, thus means “bamboo of gentleness”. Comparably, its Chinese name, making it easily imaged as a gentle scholar or a woman of classic beauty, has the feel of being poetic. Since it is named as wenzhu, it is of logic to compare it with zhu.
One stands himself by the bamboo, watching its leaves shade him against the sun or bamboo shadows sway dancingly, breezes gentle and rustlings in his ears. Gazing at wenzhu, one may also lapse into the reverie that he is lost in when leaning on the bamboo. If the potted wenzhu happens to be thick, one is able to experience what the poet Wang Wei writes as “Alone in a remote bamboo forest, I play tunes on the strings and chant along” and would like to linger in his retreat among bamboos. Wenzhu is the miniature of zhu so that one will love both if he loves either of them and that its hard for zhu lovers to disconnect them.