By Josef Gregory Mahoney
In 1991, during the first Gulf War, French critical theorist Jean Baudrillard published a series of controversial essays later collected and published in English as The Gulf War Did Not Take Place (1995). While many found the essays frustrating, his arguments were threefold.
First, this was not really a war—this was a massacre masquerading as war. Second, the U.S. so effectively controlled the images and narratives of the war in real time that viewers were hostage to Washingtons propaganda, which diverged signifi cantly from reality. Third, the American version of the war nonetheless became “history,” as a counterfactual account of American righteousness, superiority and victory.
Americas “victory” in the Gulf War is important because it took place as the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union was ending, and it appeared to reinforce the American narrative that was already emerging and that gathered steam as the Soviet Union dissolved. First, that both wars, Cold and Gulf, represented“good” vs. “evil,” and that the U.S., the champion of the “good,” had defeated both the “evil”Soviet Union and Iraq. Second, that the U.S. was now the leader of a “new world order” at the“end of history,” and that those who challenged this authority would be policed accordingly.
Wars are complicated macro-historical events that directly impact millions of individual lives. In many respects they are always impossible to understand in either the broadest or narrowest senses. Of course, contrary to Baudrillards thesis, one can assert that the Gulf War did take place and that his arguments rest largely on semantics.
One should also acknowledge that a Cold War did take place, that it was frequently hot, that despite an incomplete and unreliable history, it culminated in some respects with the collapse of the Soviet Union—whether or not the U.S. was primarily responsible for this “defeat”—and that the U.S. then embraced its role as the sole global superpower.
But a key lesson from history is that the way war is remembered often directly relates to whether wars are repeated, and in retrospect, should lead us to question whether they ever stopped or took place at all. For example, the U.S. rarely acknowledges or even remembers the Soviet Unions outsized contributions against the Nazis in World War II, or the same from China against the Japanese.
Instead, Americas national World War II Monument in Washington, D.C. claims to have saved the world from evil, a narrative that is both repeated and negated, just a few hundred meters away by memorials for Americas wars on the Korean Peninsula and in Viet Nam, and one wonders where theyll put memorials for the so-called “War on Terror.”
The same is true of how the Cold War is remembered by Americans. Indeed, as the U.S. today pushes the world toward Cold War 2.0 and fosters support at home, one can see the extent to which Donald Trumps administration is gratuitously repackaging the American mythos of previous confl icts.
Unfortunately, with President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dusting off the now sacrosanct prose, postures and props of Ronald Reagans Hollywood ending, the prospect of a Cold War sequel seems to appeal to Americans who appear increasingly nostalgic for that moment, whether it was real or not, when everything seemed to be going their way.
One can almost forgive Americans for this, given how awfully things are going currently, with tens of millions having lost their jobs, the economy having contracted by a third during the most recent quarter, ongoing protests and social instability related to police brutality and racial injustice, more than 170,000 dead from the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), an education “system”that is in various states of collapse, a postal system that is collapsing with implications for democracy, and so on.
One can even sympathize with Americas elderly generation, many unable to face the difficult truths of their pasts, or the middle aged, many of whom were devastated by the American-instigated global financial crisis of 2008, by opioid addictions, and increasing suicide rates. In fact, all of these have stark parallels with Chinas decline following the opium wars in the 19th century.
But one might also ask whether or not the first Cold War really ended ever, whether the U.S. remained in a Cold War mindset as it moved onward through time, to the gulf wars, to the even more questionable “War on Terror,” the torture and black prison sites, the assassinations and regime changes, and its ongoing “pivot toward Asia” and increasingly dark fixation on China as an enemy.
Yang also called on readers to remember correctly the progressive, positive history of China-U.S. relations over the past several decades, to assert that China will continue to protect that memory and promote constructive engagements with the U.S. and with others in the world.
Simultaneously, there have been multiple reports of Chinas military being ordered to prepare vigorously for self-defense but to avoid firing the first shots, as the U.S. increasingly threatens what China views as destabilizing and increasingly risky encounters vis-à-vis the South China Sea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Taken together, these developments indicate that China has provided an official, public assessment that acknowledges American Cold War intentions but disagrees with them, and prepares for the worst but hopes to avoid it.
And it is in this context that one should consider that China understands, perhaps better than most, why the Soviet Union collapsed, and managed to transcend the first Cold War and its precarious aftermath, even up to the present, crafting a historically unprecedented national rejuvenation along the way, even surviving and thriving in the aftermath of COVID-19 while the U.S. flounders and self-destructs.
In other words, this is a Baudrillardian moment in China—one that understands that the Cold War as America remembers it did not take place, and that the Cold War America wants with China will not and should not take place. It probably also understands that despite Americas capacity for destruction, it has no hope of actually winning a war, whether hot or cold. Indeed, when was the last time the U.S. actually won a war, and for that matter, actually won as it likes to remember?