Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Air Quality in Shijiazhuang City Based on Grey Correlation

2020-08-17 13:42ZhuhongYUANZhenzhenZHANGLiuYANGJingLIDegangJI
农业生物技术(英文版) 2020年3期

Zhuhong YUAN Zhenzhen ZHANG Liu YANG Jing LI Degang JI

Abstract [Objectives]This study was conducted to evaluate the air quality of Shijiazhuang City, in order to facilitate the government to correctly formulate measures to prevent and control air pollution and protect Shijiazhuang餾 ambient air quality.

[Methods] With the air quality data of Shijiazhuang City from February to March in 2019 as the research object, the gray correlation analysis method was used to determine weight A of each pollutant factor first, and then a single factor evaluation matrix R was constructed. The weight A and the single factor evaluation matrix R were synthesized using the M (·, +) fuzzy composite operator, obtaining a fuzzy matrix B between the factor set and the evaluation level.

[Results] The eigenvalue of air quality was calculated according to matrix B: H =2.259 5.

[Conclusions] The air quality in Shijiazhuang City from February to March was between grade 2 and grade 3, closer to grade 2, indicating that the air quality was good.

Key words Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation; Grey correlation; Air quality; Shijiazhuang

Received: February 26, 2020Accepted: April 21, 2020

Supported by Research Project of Science and Technology Youth Fund of Universities in Hebei Province (QN2016243); Research and Development Fund Project of Agricultural University of Hebei (JY2018046).

Zhuhong YUAN (1998-), female, P. R. China, devoted to research about applied mathematics. E-mail:171362958@qq.com.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: jdg109@sina.com.

With the rapid development of the social economy, the air pollution situation is becoming more and more serious, which not only affects people餾 normal life order, but also seriously harms people餾 health. Energy saving and emission reduction have become the theme of today餾 social development, and solving environmental pollution problems is urgent. Constructing mathematical models to evaluate and analyze air quality can provide a scientific basis for efficiently controlling air pollution and improving the living environment of residents.

Data Standardization

First, the air quality data of Shijiazhuang City from February to March in 2019 was collected as the research object, and a pollutant set, {PM2.5 , PM10 , SO2, NO2, CO, O3}, was established as the factor set. Then, data transformation and processing was carried out on the collected original data to eliminate the influence of dimension. In this paper, the Min-max standardization method was used to linearly transform the original data[1], making the result fall on the interval[0, 1]. The original data yi was transformed as below:

z = yi -max{ yi }max{ yi }-max{ yi }

Determining Weights Based on Grey Correlation Analysis

Calculation methods

First, we determined a reference sequence T 0=[ T 0(1),  T 0(2) , …, T 0(m)] and a comparison sequence T1, T2, …, Tk. T0(1) is the value at time 1, and T0(m) is the value at time m. Then, the grey correlation coefficient between the reference sequence and comparison sequence was calculated according to following formula:

ζi(k) =min s min t | T0(t)-Ts(t) |+ ρ max s max t | T0(t)-Ts(t) || T0(k)-Ti(k) |+ ρ max s max t | T0(t)-Ts(t) |

Wherein a smaller resolution coefficient suggests a smaller resolution, and is often taken to be 0.5. Finally, the correlation between each comparison sequence and reference sequence was calculated according to ri=1n∑n k=1ζi(k) . If the correlation between the comparison sequence and the reference sequence is large, it can be considered that their relative changes are basically consistent[3].

Calculation results

The weight coefficient was determined by the gray correlation analysis method, and the results were normalized[4], as shown in Table 1 below.

Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis

Establishing factor set and evaluation set

According to the national published standards for ambient air quality, the main factors affecting air quality are PM2.5 , PM10 , SO2, NO2, CO and O3. Therefore, we gave a set of factors as below:

U={u1, u2, …u6} ={PM2.5 , PM10 , SO2, CO, NO2, O3},

The ambient air quality was evaluated as excellent, good, light pollution, moderate pollution, heavy pollution and severe pollution. Therefore, the evaluation set was:

V={v1, v2, …,v6} ={excellent, good, light pollution, moderate pollution, heavy pollution, severe pollution}.

Constructing a single factor evaluation matrix

Suppose the total number of monitoring and sampling of factor i is n , and the times of excellent, good, light pollution, moderate pollution, heavy pollution and severe pollution are n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 and n 6, respectively, then the single factor evaluation result is:

r1=(ri1 , ri2 , ri3 , ri4 , ri5 , ri6 )=n1n, n2n, n3n, n4n, n5n, n6n.

According to the pollutant concentration limit in Table 2, we acquired the number of days that each indicator belongs to excellent, good, light pollution, moderate pollution, heavy pollution, severe pollution, and then calculated the proportion of days for each indicator in each evaluation,therey constructing a single factor evaluation matrix[5]. The results are shown in Table 3.

We calculated the weight A and the single-factor evaluation matrix R above, and then, using B~=A○R , we acquired the evaluation result as:

B~ =[0.199 0, 0.199 0, 0.169 5, 0.169 5, 0.199 0]

We could not judge the final result, so it was not appropriate to use the fuzzy operator. The weighted average model was used below.

Weighed average model— M (·, +)

The operation formula of the weighted average model was as follows:


Where ai represents the element in the weight and rij  represents the element in the single-factor evaluation matrix. We acquired the evaluation result by the matrix composite operation as:

B=[0.457 6, 0.294 2, 0.109 0, 0.039 5, 0.034 2, 0.065 6]

It could be known that excellent accounted for 81.06% of all grades[6], more than 50%, so the comprehensive evaluation of Shijiazhuang餾 air quality from February to March was good, of grade 2.

In addition, we also started from another perspective, we introduced an eigenvalue H . If H is closer to K ( K is a positive integer), the air quality can be judged to be of grade K , and the smaller the H value, the better the air quality.


We calculated the eigenvalue of the air quality grade of Shijiazhuang City: H =2.259 4, which was close to 2, from which we judged the air quality of Shijiazhuang City from February to March as grade 2, good.

In summary, Shijiazhuang餾 air quality from February to March was judged as grade 2, good.


At present, the problem of atmospheric environmental pollution is becoming more and more prominent, and the haze weather seriously affects people餾 social life and physical health. The evaluation of ambient air quality can objectively reflect the environmental situation and provide a theoretical basis for the development of air governance programs. The air quality data of Shijiazhuang City from February to March in 2019 was analyzed and judged to be of grade 2, good. For Shijiazhuang City with severe haze in previous years, the atmospheric environmental governance has achieved significant results, and the government should continue to strengthen supervision of air quality.


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Editor: Yingzhi GUANGProofreader: Xinxiu ZHU