
2020-08-14 13:11蒋建平
疯狂英语·新策略 2020年8期


体裁:记叙文 篇幅:约280词 建议用时:17分钟

文本来源:2020年云南省大理高三检测 新颖度:★★★★ 素养视角:善良的价值

During my senior year of college,I was doing a part-time job at a local coffee shop.Onerainy day,one of my regularcame in lookingand defeated.I asked him if I could help,but he just said he felt likein a corner and staying there for a few years.I knew how he felt.Before he left,Ihim his iced coffee with a bag of his favorite doughnut(甜甜圈)he hadn't ordered. “It's on me,” I told him. “Have a nice day.” He, thanked me and went out into the rain.

The next day was also a horrible one.It was still raining.Few customers came to the coffee shop.I tried to smile as the customers wereabout the weather,but it wasto smile.With the small amount of pennies,I grew depressed.,in the evening,the customer from the day before.He handed me a bunch of flowersordering anything,saying,“Not too many people take the time toothers.Thanks for being so kind andyesterday.I wasmoved by you.Have a great day!”I was speechless and very.I hadn't thought I had done anything.My day took a turn for the better.From then on,I would smile to all my customers and ask,“How can I help you?”

1.A beautiful B.happy C.miserable D.frightening

2.A.friends B.customers C.neighbors D.brothers

3.A.depressed B.excited C.exhausted D.shocked

4.A.sleeping B.sitting C.standing D.hiding

5.A.handed B.bought C.offered D.sold

6.A.shouted B.smiled C.cried D.whispered

7.A.roughly B.hurriedly C.hardly D.heavily

8.A.predicting B.complaining C.arguing D.consulting

9.A.dull B.vital C.difficult D.easy

10.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Meanwhile D.However

11.A.brought up B.turned up C.took up D.pulled up

12.A.instead of B.in case of C.in spite of D.regardless of

13.A.bring about B.talk about C.care about D.hear about

14.A.thoughtful B.hopeful C.useful D.thankful

15.A.slightly B.warmly C.sadly D.sincerely

16.A.confused B.annoyed C.touched D.discouraged

17.A.incapable B.incredible C.insensible D.invisible

18.A.excitedly B.anxiously C.angrily D.politely

19.A.sadness B.kindness C.happiness D.loneliness

20.A.power B.force C.strength D.ability


体裁:记叙文 篇幅:约110词 建议用时:8分钟

文本来源:改编 新颖度:★★★★ 素养视角:父亲的教导

The best advice I received in my childhood was from my dad.He always gives me some advice,but I seldom took them seriously.One day he was encouraged me to participate in a speech competition.So I signed up and after the competition,I did my best to be full prepared.But the moment I stood on the stage,I was such nervous that my mind completely went blank.The experience of lose a competition was really painful.Then,my dad said,“My son,life is like battlefield.You have to lose many time to win the final victory.”Thanks for his advice,I never give up when I do anything.


体裁:应用文 命题形式:书信 建议用时:20分钟

文本来源:改编 新颖度:★★★★ 素养视角:书信写作与半开放性作文








Dear Worried,

I'm sorry to know that you're having such a bad time at the moment.

I hope you'll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal.


Li Hua

Britain's“Shark House”
体裁混合研究刍议: 冲突与融合*
Learning English By Reading Books
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