(1. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083;2. 石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832003)
针对新疆地区骏枣与灰枣枣园的收获作业,该研究提出一种红枣收获机枣树行视觉导航路径检测算法。通过枣园图像固定区域中B分量垂直累计直方图的标准差与最小值的关系对枣园种类进行自动判断。针对灰枣枣园,首先采用色差法与OTSU法对图像进行灰度化与二值化处理,然后进行面积去噪与补洞处理,在处理区域内从上向下逐行扫描,将每行像素上像素值为0的像素点坐标平均值作为该行候补点的坐标,并将所有候补点坐标的平均值作为Hough变换的已知点坐标,最后基于过已知点的Hough变换拟合导航路径;针对骏枣枣园,在处理区域内通过垂直累计R分量的方法确定扫描区间,然后在扫描区间内从上到下逐行扫描,将每行像素上R分量值最小的像素点作为该行的候补点,并将所有候补点的坐标平均值作为Hough变换的已知点,最后使用过已知点的Hough变换拟合导航路径。试验结果表明:对于灰枣枣园与骏枣枣园,该算法的路径检测准确率平均值分别为94%和93%,处理1帧图像平均耗时分别为0.042和0.046 s,检测准确性与实时性满足红枣收获机作业要求,能够自动判别枣园种类进行作业,可为实现红枣收获机自动驾驶提供理论依据。
本研究在新疆阿拉尔十四兵团采集骏枣和灰枣枣园的收获作业视频,其中骏枣图像采集时间是2018年10月15日下午3:00-5:00,灰枣图像采集时间是2019年10月20日下午3:00-5:00。具体操作如下:如图1a所示,将采集摄像头安装在红枣收获机的驾驶室正前方,距离地面2.5 m,与地面水平夹角为=30°(保证能看全红枣树行幅宽);如图1b所示,开启作业模式,驾驶红枣收获机械进行红枣收获作业,车速约为2 km/h,同时采集作业视频,图像大小640×480(像素),帧率30帧/s,并存储为AVI格式。基于Microsoft Visual Studio 2010系统,在北京现代富博科技有限公司的通用图像处理系统ImageSys平台上进行算法开发。电脑的处理器为Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4590 CPU、主频为3.3 GHz、内存为8 G。
1.红枣收获机 2.相机 3.地面 4.已收获枣树行 5.收获枣树行 6.待收获枣树行
1.Jujube harvester 2.Camera 3.Ground 4.Jujube tree line which has been harvested 5.Jujube tree line in harvesting 6.Jujube tree line to be harvested.
Note:is vertical distance between the camera’s optical axis and the ground, m;is horizontal angle between the camera’s optical axis and the ground, (°); Arrow indicates the working direction.
图1 相机安装和红枣收获机作业示意图
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of camera installation and jujube harvester operation
图2 灰枣枣园处理窗口及拟合导航路径示意图
1.2.1 枣园作业模式的自动判别
1.2.2 灰枣枣园导航路径检测
1.2.3 骏枣枣园导航路径检测
图3 检测方法流程图
表1 枣园种类判别试验结果
图4为灰枣枣园和骏枣枣园图像与模式判别处理区域内B分量累计直方图。从图中可以看出,骏枣枣园的B分量累计直方图存在明显波谷且波动较大,而灰枣枣园作业图像中波谷不明显,所以将B分量最小值与标准差作为判别标准。其中灰枣枣园图像的=18 427,=1 890.777,/=9.75;骏枣枣园图像的=7 338,=1 979.634,/=3.71。根据视频图像统计结果,初步设定以/阈值为5进行枣园种类判别试验。从表1中可以看出,灰枣与骏枣枣园类别的判别准确率皆为100%。所以确定/<5.0为骏枣枣园,否则为灰枣枣园。
图4 枣园类别的判断区域及判断区域的B分量垂直累计直方图
图5 不同工况下灰枣枣园导航路径检测结果
表2 导航路径检测试验结果
从表2中可以看出:灰枣枣园的3个视频的准确率分别为92%、90%和98%,平均准确率为93%,平均处理速度为0.042 s/帧,该算法能够满足灰枣实际收获作业的需要,其检测的导航路径可以作为灰枣枣园收获作业视觉导航自动驾驶的导航路径。产生误检的主要原因是枝干稀疏与缺株的情况使得行间区域与树冠区域出现像素黏连,提取的候补点精度低,最终导致误检。
图6 不同工况下骏枣枣园导航路径检测结果
表3 候补点提取试验结果
图7 人像干扰、田端误检以及候补点特征分析的R分量折线图
从表4中可以看出:针对骏枣枣园,3个视频的准确率分别为93%、95%和90%,平均准确率为92%,平均处理速度为0.046 s/帧,该算法能够满足骏枣枣园实际收获作业的需要,其检测的导航路径可以作为收获作业的视觉导航自动驾驶的导航路径,田端检测准确。导航路径出现误检的主要原因是车身抖动和人像的干扰导致扫描区间瞬移与人像所在行像素的候补点提取精度低,最终拟合的导航路径精度不满足要求,地膜的干扰是造成田端误检的主要原因。
表4 导航路径检测试验结果
4)使用采集的多工况灰枣枣园与骏枣枣园图像进行试验,试验的结果表明,灰枣枣园的检测准确率平均值为93%,平均处理速度为0.042 s/帧,骏枣枣园的检测准确率平均值为92%,平均处理速度为0.046 s/帧。该算法能够适用于2种枣园收获作业,提取的导航路径精度与算法的实时性满足实际作业的要求,能够准确识别红枣种类和骏枣枣园的田端,为实现红枣收获视觉导航自动驾驶提供的理论依据。
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Path detection of visual navigation for jujube harvesters
Zhang Xiongchu1, Chen Bingqi1※, Li Jingbin2, Liangxi Huizi1,2, Yao Qingwang2, Mu Shuhao1, Yao Wenguang1
The jujube industry occupies an important position in the social economy of Xinjiang. It is important to realize the automatic driving of the jujube harvester. This study proposes a visual navigation path detection algorithm for the jujube harvester which working above the jujube trees based on image processing, aiming at the harvest operation of the Jun-jujube and Hui-jujube orchards in Xinjiang. First, the variety of the jujube orchard was distinguished. Set the middle 1/3 area in the-axis direction of the image as the processing area, according to the relationship between the standard deviationand the minimum valueof the B-component vertical cumulative histogram of the processing area of the image, the jujube orchard variety was automatically determined. If the value of/was less than 5, it was the Jun-jujube orchard, and the rest was the Hui-jujube orchard. Secondly, navigation path was extracted based on the results of jujube orchard classification. For the Hui-jujube orchard, the cromatic aberration method and the OTSU method weare first used to transform the image into gray and binary, and then to denoise and fill the pixel hole that the black pixels inside white pixels or the white pixels inside black pixels in the binary image. Then, the pixel rows were scanned from the top to the bottom in the processing area, and then the coordinates average value of the pixel points with pixel value of 0 were taken as the candidate points on each pixel row, and the average value of all candidate points’ coordinates was used as the known point coordinates of Hough transform. Finally, the navigation path was fitted based on the Hough transform through the known points. For the Jun-jujube orchard, set the middle 1/3 of the-axis direction of the image as the processing area. The scan interval was determined by vertically accumulating the R-component in the processing area. Then, in the processing area, the scanning interval was determined by accumulating R-component vertically, and then scanned line by line from top to bottom in the scanning area,,the pixel with the smallest R-component value in each row of pixels was taken as the candidate point of the line, and the average coordinate value of all candidate points was taken as the known point of Hough transform. Finally, the Hough transform of known points was used to fit the navigation path The test results showed that for the Hui-jujube orchard and the Jun-jujube orchard, the average path detection accuracy of the algorithm was 94% and 93%, and the average processing time of one frame image was 0.042 and 0.046 s respectively. The detection accuracy and real-time performance can meet the requirements of jujube harvester operation, and can automatically identify the types of jujube orchard for operation, which can provide theoretical basis for the realization of automatic driving of jujube harvester.
agricultural machinery; image processing; vision navigation; jujube orchard; Hough transform
张雄楚,陈兵旗,李景彬,等. 红枣收获机视觉导航路径检测[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(13):133-140.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.016 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhang Xiongchu, Chen Bingqi, Li Jingbin, et al. Path detection of visual navigation for jujube harvesters[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(13): 133-140. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.016 http://www.tcsae.org