Kendalsc16 景一
Dear Younger Me,
I know you probably wont understand the advice Im about to give you, but thats okay. As situations arise, I hope that you will be able to apply the guidance that Im giving to you so that you might get the best possible outcome. I might not have a lifetime of experience just yet, but I know a whole lot more now than you do at the moment. I just want to give you some help for your journey, because I know that it will be long and often difficult. You might feel alone at times, but remember that your own greatest companion1 is yourself, and that you alone know yourself best. If youre ever stuck, dont be afraid to ask for help. Youll always have someone you can trust.
On a September afternoon, your swing2 will soar3 through the fading sunlight while you enjoy your freedom after elementary school. Youll pump your little legs, enjoying the rush of wind through your short, curly brown locks4. The warm autumn sun will shine through the tree above your head, making your hair glow5 like gold. Your best friend will be swinging right alongside of you. You will both giggle happily and close your eyes, seeing the red of the sunlight from behind your eyelids. You will laugh out loud as you reach as high as the swing will allow. You wont have any worries yet, youll just be relieved to be outside and have no homework that night. Youll imagine that youre a bird, flying high above the Amazon, or maybe that youre on a boat in the middle of a very dangerous storm. Your stomach will drop as the swing whips you back and your imagination takes you someplace magical. Suddenly, you will feel a quick sharp throb6 in your thigh7, interrupting your joyfulness. Youll let out another shriek8, but this time in pain, as you look down at the red welt9 forming. A bee flew up your shorts and stung you. At the time, youll cry and run inside, thinking your world is ending. You will think that this is the worst pain you could ever experience. However, years in the future, youll remember that memory and laugh at yourself. You will know by then that the pain you experienced that day certainly wasnt the worst, and that it doesnt always have to be physical.
There will be a summer, maybe around the age of 12 or 13, where youll feel hopeless. Youll lie on your bed for a whole day, staring up at your white ceiling as tears fill your eyes. Your ceiling fan will spin lazy circles above your head, whisking10 around a small breeze in the otherwise stifling11 heat. Your phone will sit abandoned12 on your bed table, a silent brick. Tears of despair will drip out of your eyes and soak13 into your pillow. Youll feel alone. Youll feel as if your friends are all gone. Those girls that you had been friends with since elementary have drifted away. It takes time to understand at first, but we all grow up eventually.
On a freezing cold December day, when youre 15, youll sit on an ice cold bleacher beside the Tennessee pool. You will feel very disappointed. That race was supposed to be it. You were ready to go out there and crush it, but you didnt. As the crowd roars above you, your tear-filled eyes will glance up at the scoreboard. New pool record. That shouldve been you. Your cheeks will burn with embarrassment and youll quickly wipe your tears away. What went wrong? Will I never be good enough? Its fine. Im fine. You will try to piece your mind back together for your next race. You can do it this time. Youll force a smile at a passing teammate as you rise to get ready, unsure of when your next success will arrive.
These events might be significant to you at the moment, but they will quickly blend with your other memories over time. All the situations that you will find yourself in will make you who you are to become, no matter whether the situation changed you at the time. It will all add as the years go past. You will still be Kendal, but youll be a little bit wiser and a little bit more understanding. I hope that you overcome your challenges with grace and perseverance14, which is something that I still need to work on today. Dont worry about everything all the time because it will drain15 you. I want you to not worry about others opinions of you and dont ever let someone tell you what you can or cannot be. Build your confidence as the years go by. Do not stand by idly16 as the world turns around you. Grab onto your dreams and hold on. Im just a checkpoint for what you will become in the future. I know you will think that the “real world” is still a long ways away, but its not. Youre living in it now, just as I am. Take it in stride17, and learn with humility18, for we still have a long way to go.
Much Love,
Future You
1. companion [ ] n. 同伴;朋友
2. swing [ ] n. 秋千
3. soar [ ] vi. 急升;高飞;升空
4. lock [ ] n. 一缕头发
5. glow [ ] v. 发出微光;泛出红光
6. throb [ ] n. 跳动;抽搐,阵痛
7. thigh [ ] n. 大腿
8. shriek [ ] n. 尖声;尖锐的响声
9. welt [ ] n. 红肿
10. whisk [ ] v. 拂;搅动;挥动
11. stifling [ ] adj. 令人窒息的;沉闷的
12. abandoned [ ] adj. 被抛弃的
13. soak [ ] vi. 浸泡;渗透
14. perseverance [ ] n. 坚持不懈;耐心;毅力
15. drain [ ] v. (感情)变淡;使精疲力竭
16. idly [ ] adv. 无动于衷地;无所事事地
17. stride [ ] n. 大步;进展 take in stride 从容处理;淡然处之
18. humility [ ] n. 谦卑,谦逊